Happy Thankgiving: Write {or text} a Love Note

I’m thankful for a lot of things…

Right now, I’m dwelling on this:

We’ve graduated from all the “Hi” texts to full phrases. And if I don’t answer right away, I’m likely to have 3 or 4 voicemails waiting for me… 🙂

Who was the last person you sent a love note {text} to?


20 thoughts on “Happy Thankgiving: Write {or text} a Love Note”

  1. Such a precious little guy! He surely does love his auntie Lisa!! I sent a lovely thankful text to my close friends and family (and manfriend) Happy Thanksgiving friend, enjoy your day! 

  2. i hope you had a great thanksgiving thursday, lisa.
    the “i love you for efer” is the best.
    will you be shopping today? if so, have fun!

  3. <3 ing this!  I haven't had a cell phone in over 2 years, and neither has my then-fiance now-husband, but he was probably the last person I texted.  This made me smile.  Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!!  Thank you for your friendship and support — it means a lot!

  4. Awww, this is lovely, Lisa. So nice!

    I say “I love you” to my boyfriend by text. And also my son, who lives in L.A. (I’m in NJ.) My daughter is home from college now, so I say it to her in person. 🙂

  5. Gina (Candid RD)

    Awwww, looks like some of the text convos that Nick and I have.
    I hate to ask, because I’m really not sure, but who is Matthew?  Is that your husband?  Ahh, I should know this, I’m sorry!!

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