It’s No Shamrock Shake…..but it Will Stay on My Menu!

I’m participating in the Dauntless Diva’s 30-Day Green Smoothie Challenge. It’s not significantly different from what I’ve been doing, although it has altered my focus from primarily green juice to green smoothies. So far, I have mostly been consuming a very simple spinach-banana-water smoothie recipe. There isn’t a specific reason for this, except that it’s easy and tastes good…and I’m trying to reign in my extravagant Wegmans escapades.

Today, Petra told me about a great green smoothie she’s made–spinach, orange, banana, and hemp protein. This encouraged me to branch out a little from my boring spinach and banana.

Here’s what I put together:

pineapple (probably about 2 cups)
spinach (two huge handfuls)
frozen banana
coconut milk (about a cup or so)

Blend!  It made a lot—so you could cut it down if you don’t want leftovers.  I ended up with two full glasses of it, which I drank all of even though I intended to store half in the fridge for tomorrow!


 Not only was this smoothie beautiful, but it was delicious. I can honestly say I would prefer this drink over a Shamrock Shake—and if you know how I feel about Shamrock Shakes, this is a big deal! 


A side note: I don’t use coconut milk from cans—I use the So Delicious brand, and although it is somewhat processed I still think it’s better than dairy!  However, I tried to give it to Matthew and he thought it was disgusting. I love it on and in things, but not so much by itself.

126 thoughts on “It’s No Shamrock Shake…..but it Will Stay on My Menu!”

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