I had changed my focus in the past year (or two) away from blogging. I miss it, but with a baby/toddler, I had to prioritize my free time and this blog was making the least amount of income of all the “work” I was doing. I reflected on that a lot because this blog started when I was wellness coaching in a corporate setting—as a fun way to connect to my clients in between visits. It really was fun and wasn’t about money or having the right size images for fb or pinterest…
It became a bit less fun when I felt like I could make a living doing it. So… my choice for focusing took that into account too.
Anyway, I’m not planning to blog here again because it doesn’t totally fit the new direction I’m moving in. I do miss connecting with people through this blog though—I met some kickass bloggers and non-bloggers, and it made me feel really good every time someone sent me a message or commented about how the info I shared was helpful or interesting.
What am I doing now?
I have an essential oils and wellness biz—it turns out that I am able to offer all of my wellness programs and coaching for free when I pair it with essential oils. Basically, my members buy the starter kit of oils, and they get all of my wellness programs for free… and I can still pay my bills. It’s really a lot of fun because I get to help and reach more people. Message me, or read here, or join us on fb here if you want to chat more about this! The fb group is open to everyone–not just “buyers,” so feel free to join that just out of curiosity!
I am also working on a new blog (in the planning stages at the moment—I’ll update this post next week or so when it’s live). This one will fit where I am in life right now, as a mom, wife… and overseas military dependent (think: Army Wives… just kidding—we’re in the Navy! ha). There will be a business venture associated with this blog too, but the posts are all for fun.
I was really stretching myself to find a way to “do good” in the world. I do feel that sharing wellness and safe essential oils info contributes to the overall “good” of the world and for people, but I’m a Pearl/Emerald (I’ll explain later) and a Type 2 (I’ll explain later later!)… and I wanted to come up with a way to take this even further. Last week, I had a really great idea… so I’m going to incorporate that into my blog/biz/life too. It has to do with raising money and awareness for a cause I’m really passionate about, and I want to blend it with wellness for mamas and mamas-to-be. More info soon!
That’s it. Oh, and we’re moving to Japan (Yokosuka Navy Base… right outside Tokyo). I’ll be traveling for the next month while our household goods take a boat ride across the Pacific.
I will see you back here soon… with links for you to stay connected with me!