Personal Improvement Plan 2014

I haven’t done this in a while—make a plan to “fix” stuff and be focused on my health. It’s not that I didn’t have a plan when I was pregnant or at other times, but I didn’t write it down and follow it for the sake of my health alone. I’m doing it now because it’s way too easy for me to not do the things I want to get done during the day—the baby monopolizes my time (in a good way), but if I don’t have specific intentions, I don’t do anything for myself. Side note: I seriously need a haircut and pedicure… for some reason, I’m just not making things like that happen. I haven’t blow dried my hair since… May. Luckily it’s not humid here, but E is four months old now, and I gotta get a little bit of vanity back (just a little).

Here’s the deal, I’m focusing on immunity and general health, eating/drinking more nutrients, losing my last four pounds of baby weight — I’ve been at this weight for a couple months but I have to say, I think at least two pounds of this must be in my boobs. At any rate, I’m also not in that good of shape–my body aches so much sometimes. E is 20 pounds, and he loves it when I carry him around—I usually wear him, but it’s so hard on my knees and lower back. I can finally access my ab muscles again, but there’s still a space in between them (so strange!).

I have the time and resources (I live at the beach and near Whole Foods, and the best farmer’s market on the planet). I believe that (1) what I do will lead to the results I want, and (2) that it will be worth it to feel awesome.

I’ll write individual posts about what I’m doing for each category:

Boost Immunity

General Health

Improving Diet

Working Out/Physical Activity

What I’ve done so far: We have a kickass jogging stroller (I don’t jog, but E and I can walk on the beach path everyday with a good stroller). I bought a new juicer (I have a GreenStar already but it requires chopping the produce into small pieces and it is slow). The Breville Juice Fountain Plus is way faster to prep for and to juice with (so I’m more likely to use it). I got my sand bag out of storage (I just need to fill it). I have a membership to myyogaonline. I have increased my stash of essential oils and I’m working on an aromatherapy certification (If you want to learn more about essential oils, join me in my Oily Facebook Group!).

I’m gonna put the pieces and plan together tomorrow (I hope – I also have final exams to grade). I’m building a couple classes right now, teaching three classes, and trying to keep up with the laundry… If you wanna join me, let me know—I’ll give you some ideas for your own PIP!


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