What a week! We went to NY for 5 days to visit my family, so Dave has definitely been initiated now. We had a really great time, and spent most of it with Matthew accompanying us. It was his 10th birthday, which means it’s also the 10th anniversary of my sister’s death. Matthew’s birth seems like so long ago, but at the same time, it feels like just yesterday. I love telling him about the funny and cute things he did when he was tiny, and he really likes to hear about it too. I’m so proud of that little (big) guy—he’s so good at being exactly who he is, and he’s funny and thoughtful too. I know his Mom would be super proud of him.
I’m not really approaching pregnancy in the same way my sister did–she wasn’t really focused on the healthy eating and lifestyle aspects of the process. One thing I’ve thought about a lot is that I have to be flexible with how I eat right now (especially with this whole rot gut & headache thing I have going on). In my mind, I have an idea of how I should eat each day—what nutrients to include, how much protein, etc. Then, depending on how I feel, I modify that and do a sort of experiment where I eat a little something and see if it makes me feel better or worse.
In the last few days, I’ve discovered that carbs (especially grains) make me feel best. This is so strange because for the past couple years, I have felt my best being grain free.
I’ll admit, I’m still primarily focused on quality of food. I like organic good quality ingredients, and this was easy to maintain at my Mom’s house because that’s how she eats too. I definitely ate my share of toast, oatmeal cookies, pumpkin pie, cider donuts, pizza, chicken wings… and vegetables, salmon, beef, ham, eggs, and cheese. Most of that stuff was good quality, and a small amount was actual junk.
I weigh exactly the same as I did last week (and the week before).
So I’m going to try and share something interesting… my boobs are killing me and they’re huge. If they didn’t hurt so dang much I’d just be thrilled about the size increase!
Overall, I feel good when I first wake up, and as the day goes on, I feel icky and exhausted. The traveling we did was just fine—it didn’t make me sick to fly (although I wasn’t crazy about the radiation exposure), but the day after we returned I was so sick and exhausted that I couldn’t lift my head off the couch all day.
What I’m eating: farm eggs, cheese, sprouted grain toast with butter from grass fed cows, rice crackers, veggies (cooked—raw makes me want to vomit), bacon, and … brownies.
Side note: we jammed our luggage full of Finger Lakes Coffee Roasters coffee… if you haven’t been there and live near one, please go. I’m drinking decaf these days (when the thought of it doesn’t make me want to hurl), and Dave is trying out all the flavors he hasn’t had yet (his current fave is tiramisu).

I’m going to write a post about pregnancy supplements soon, and also tell you about how I’m dying my hair while pregnant. I’ve given a few hints over the last couple weeks… any guesses what I’m dying it with?
I appreciate the insights and ideas you’ve given me in the past couple weeks regarding pregnancy and morning (all day?) sickness… thank you! I love hearing about other people’s experiences with pregnancy!
I’m going to guess henna! (next guess: kool aid! OK, not really.)
I don’t know what it is about carbs and grains, but they seem unavoidable during pregnancy, they just taste. so. good. At least that was the case for me. I’m sure there’s something physiological about it… trust your cravings!
I totally lost my taste for coffee when I was pregnant with Kaz. I too was due in June and I remember buying pumpkin flavored coffee in early October and then couldn’t even LOOK at the bag without feeling like gagging once the morning sickness set in.
9 weeks was when I started to notice the queasiness was finally starting to ease up a little. I also remember each time by 13 weeks I was feeling GOOD again. The second trimester is a breeze, then the fun begins with fetal movement, a growing belly and not feeling like your seasick all the live long day. It gets better, you’re almost there!
I’ve never had Finger Lakes Coffee, sounds like I better get on it. Glad you had a nice trip to ROC!
I’ve been reading your blog for a while, but didn’t know that your sister died in childbirth. i’m so sorry.
The only things that got me through the first trimester were salt & vinegar chips and lemon sorbet. It’s so hard, but I promise that the second trimester will make up for it! Carbs and big boobs are pretty much the standard for first trimester 🙂 I drank a little ginger and mint tea, but it never helped much. Lots of rest and patience are all that I can suggest. Congratulations!
Thanks so much for your comment!
and… omg omg omg… I just had a snack of salt and vinegar chips with ginger ale… I feel like a million bucks (almost)! Seems like the sour flavor helps most… someone else recommended lemon heads, so I think something lemon-y is going to be my next trial.
On Fri 01/11/13 22:43 , “Disqus” notifications@disqus.net sent:
I go on vacation and take a break from reading blogs and I miss that you’re pregnant, so not cool but omggg so so exciting! I just caught up on your pregnancy posts and cannot wait to follow your pregnancy. I love how your listening to your body and at the same time still trying to make sure you get in some nutrients. That rot gut feeling has to stink but hopefully it’ll subside in a few weeks. I’m seriously so happy for you!
Have you tried Sea-Bands? They are soft stretchy bracelets with a pressure button that sits over the pulse point in your wrist. Since we sail, we always keep them on the boat for first-timers. they help with all forms of nausea – seasickness, carsickness, pregnancy, etc. You may be able to find them at your drug store or Target – but you can always get them at a marine shop. Congratulations and Good Luck!
Thank you so much! I will definitely look for these today.
Thank you Maria! 🙂
Thanks for sharing your experience… I keep thinking today might be the day I could actually muster the energy to go for a walk! Definitely check out the Finger Lakes coffee… I think there is one at Pittsford Plaza!