Here is another round of your instagram photos of my recipes… I’m loving this!
Phew…that’s a lot of coconut flour!
I had a recipe in mind that I was going to make this week that I found on IG (the photog tagged me in the pic)…and I can’t find that one now either. I’m letting it go, but I’ll admit that it’s kinda bugging me!
News/Notes: I spent last night at my aunt and uncle’s house, and we went to three wineries in Temecula. It was so much fun—just being outside and relaxing, drinking, eating, chatting… I’ll post some pics of the day and the food/wine tomorrow. I think this post probably has enough!
I have only a few days till I go to NY to get my “stuff” and I can’t wait to see my people. However, I have a lot of details to deal with regarding the shipment of my belongings too, so I’m not looking forward to that. I like to disappear when things like this need to be arranged and just show up when it’s all done. Ha. I guess when you’re single and a grown-up and not paying someone to handle it, there’s just no avoiding the process sometimes!
I have a couple ideas for kitchen projects, and I might be able to get one or two in before I leave. I’m so excited about one of them—I kind of came upon the idea by mistake (out of laziness while I was trying to make something else). I’ll refine it a bit, and then share!
I did not end up with my 25 for $5 Fallbrook avocados… It’s probably best. How would I eat 25 avocados by Thursday?
I hope you had a great weekend—I had a smidge too much wine, but I’ll take a break now for a bit. I need to focus! I have a busy plan for this week, with lots of tasks and a long To Do List (outside of just teaching online, which feels like plenty of work on its own since I have 6 classes right now). I may have to seclude myself in the library… I do my best concentrating when I find the perfect balance of: lack of interruption without complete isolation, music, a comfy chair, no kitchen distractions… I’m giving myself a pep talk right now. I can do it!
How was your weekend? Did you try anything new in the kitchen? A new workout?
How do you gear up for a busy week? With dread or anticipation and a plan?
Everything looks scrumptious! I have made homemade PB cups, with chocolate, pb, and nutritional yeast, but never with coconut oil. I think that would make the chocolate a better consistency, for sure.
I tried a new salmon burger recipe this weekend, and it was such a hit that even NICK ate one!! That’s crazy.
wow congrats on the thrive-stlye coconut flour crazyness thats going on! i will definitely have to start making some nice savoury pancakes soon! I havent quite got used to using coconu flour with savoury things, it has such a sweet taste.. but after seeingn all those concotions i will have to give it a go asap!