I’m not so great at posting veggie recipes—most of the veggie dishes I make are not actually recipes. I just throw things together and hope for the best. It’s usually good, but there’s no method to that madness.
I did make something post-worthy (in my opinion) this week, though.
Aparagus with Mushrooms and Roasted Red Peppers
1 bunch of asparagus
2 large roasted red peppers, chopped (I buy the organic ones in a jar)
1 container of mushrooms, sauteed
1-2 Tbsp butter (grassfed, obviously–then you get the CLA!)
1-2 Tbsp coconut oil
2-3 Tbsp basil pesto
grated cheese, optional
Chop the asparagus, then steam it. While it’s steaming, saute the mushrooms (sliced/chopped) in the butter. Add a little sea salt and pepper right at the end. To the skillet with the mushrooms, add the red peppers and the asparagus. Add the coconut oil and the pesto. Mix well until thoroughly heated. Serve with grated cheese on top (I used cheddar).
It’s simple, but for some reason the flavors work really well together!

If you like pesto, you’ll love it!
Since I didn’t share much of my Memorial Day weekend dinner with the neighbors…here are some pics. I don’t think we need recipes for these…
(Apparently, cornbread and lobster go together—I skipped this part)
I know, you’ve seen that already. But it’s good…so…it’s here for emphasis!
I got a report about the orange apricot macaroons—they were unanimously voted the best thing I’ve made. Ok, that’s great (I didn’t realize they were THAT good, but I’ll take it!). Also, I’ll make them again—really who doesn’t want a dessert that you can eat guiltlessly for breakfast (but that feels indulgent)?
Last night, I taught yoga at the winery, and it was a lot of fun. It’s a funny thing—teaching yoga. You can’t really tell if people are enjoying it or not, but one participant (who has done quite a bit of yoga before) told me how much she’s enjoying it and that she likes my style of teaching a lot. That made me feel good, but it also reminded me that I should let people know when I like what they’re doing–it’s just a nice thing to do, and positive feedback is always appreciated. So next time I have the opportunity, I’m going to let a person know when I like their teaching style!
I’m going to Florida (Marco Island) next Wednesday, so I have a few days to get as many workouts in as I can! Of course, I’ll be active while I’m there, but I’m not anticipating any HIIT workouts or yoga… I have tomorrow planned to be a day off, then hot yoga on Saturday, and HIIT workouts Sunday, Monday, Tuesday (with Monday being low impact). Yes, I do realize that crash-working out for 5 days does not a beautiful body make…but the purpose is just so I get the same number of workouts during the week as if I wasn’t going on vacation (and I think 4 days off is going to be great too!).
Fitness Update: Speaking of fitness…how about an update? I’ve been doing 3x/wk HIIT workouts (less than 30 minutes) for 4 weeks now. I gave up on not weighing myself in 2012—ditched that resolution! So I know that my weight is exactly the same, but my body fat is 1.6% lower, and my arms feel more toned. So do my legs. And my abs. Funny how that works. I’ve had a lot of people ask me what I’m doing…so I’m considering posting the plan. I’m not following a plan you purchase or Jillian Michaels, Bodyrock, or Chalene….I decided that since I have a degree in Exercise Science and I’m a food-science junkie, I could make up my own plan. New fitness stuff is coming soon in general too—I have a fitness partner, and we’re working on ….things to share!
How is your week?
Are you a veggie-recipe-follower? Or do you wing it?
Do you like seafood?
How are your current fitness efforts going?
Loving the looks of that asparagus/mushroom dish. Right up my alley. Um, can I go to the beach with you please 😉
What a great spread of food! I love anything with pesto – your dish looks delicious. I love (adore, really) seafood!
BTW – giving you an award tomorrow 😉
Lisa, you should give yourself more credit; you have an amazing physique!!! My fitness plans are going pretty well right now, I’ve been going to yoga 3x a week and it’s made all the difference for my strength-training. I finally admitted that I really hate lifting weights so going to more advanced yoga classes has helped me maintain and even improve my fitness level. I think it goes to show you that exercise can be fun and effective and it should feel good and not like drudgery. Have a fun trip!
Those veggies look right up my alley!! I always wing it with my veggies!!!
Yes I love seafood (just not clams and I am weird with lobster)
My fitness is going well. I am doing a lot of HIIT. I weighed myself today for the first time in a while and the scale was up a few pounds. Grant it it was in the middle of the day and I drank like a gallon of water…and I was back down at my really low end a month ago so who knows. I attribute it to muscle.
You look freaking incredible. Seriously. I saw those instagrams and I have major arm envy!! And ab envy! I look forward to your fitness posts!
I agree about making our own plans. I feel the same way…I like to design my own instead of following one ready-make program. Those are great to get ideas from!
PS–we should catch up! I know you said June is nuts and you have a lot going on right now…so wanted to say we can get our thing done, no pressure, when you’re ready! Hope all is well with you! I wish we could workout together!!!!
Love this veggie recipe (I have the same veggie approach). And now I’m craving lobster at 6am. Nice post.
fun to read all of your updates, lisa!! that is fun that your macaroons are such a popular hit! and YES on giving positive feedback – it is so easy to complain, but does it not just make someone’s day to get a compliment – that’s how i feel about customer service at the store, too.
my week has gone by super fast!
i do not cook so i don’t follow recipes! veggies are eaten raw or steamed in the micro!
i love seafood but most often get it from a tin…salmon, tuna, shrimp, crab – tastes great to me!
i am very happy with my running right now…my arms could use some HELP but that is always an ongoing challenge!!
happy weekend – marco will be here before you know it!
This recipe sounds wonderful. We’ve been doing a lot with asparagus at work lately, and today I might try an asparagus and avocado guacamole! Did you know June is National Fruit and veggie month??
I’ve been into the HIIT workouts lately too. In fact, I am about to do one right now on the elliptical. Congrats on the loss of body fat, that’s wonderful! Isn’t it great when hard work and dedication pays off??
This recipe sounds delicious Lisa! I’ve cooked mushrooms and asparagus together before but never added in the red pepper and pesto. YUM! I love simple flavors like that, that explode in your mouth! 🙂
I love seafood! I wish we got more fresh fish here in Chicago, but whenever we visit Italy, I always load up on fish because it’s super fresh there!