My friend Stefanie, over at The New Healthy, hosts a link-up on Saturdays for people to share what they’ve done to work out. I’ve only linked up once before, but I thought it would be a good day to chime in again (even though I’m a day late). Since I’ve been super active—and motivated—and have new goals—and a new trainer…. it just seems like the thing to do!
Sometimes it’s just the perfect combination of things that help a person to get re-focused and re-motivated for getting in shape. I really enjoy low intensity activity (exercise), but there’s nothing like an intense workout. Over the past…long time, I had myself convinced that low intensity and low impact were giving me all the results I wanted. There are a lot of reasons for that, and it started when I hurt my knee while running. I’m re-evaluating that approach currently.
My activity over the last week ramped up and down (I think with a degree in exercise science, I’m pretty good at not overdoing it—because it would be easy to get caught up and cripple myself with soreness). I can say that today I am fatigued, but not sore!
Here it is:
Monday: 30 min weight training/30 min cardio
Tuesday: Personal Training session (first ever). I’d describe it as High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)– with all kinds of fun equipment and moves (tractor tires, boxing, a basketball…slightly scary, but fun!). 30 min
Wednesday: 30 min weight training/30 min cardio
Thursday: 30 min HIIT cardio on the AMT
Friday: 60 min yoga, 15 min Equalizer workout
Saturday: 75 min heated power vinyasa, 30 min HIIT cardio
Sunday: 30 min HIIT cardio, 90 min speed walk
The results: My hips are a little tight. I had to take a nap today (which I’m ok with–I got up at 5:30 to do work). I meant to use the Equalizer later in the day today—it might happen for 5 minutes or so (that still counts, you know!). I’m tired, and have work to do, but I’m happy with what I did already–a good mix of high and low intensity (and the walk was with my Mom, so that was totally multi-tasking on getting some quality time in!).
I also went in my infrared sauna every day over the past week except one. I like to go in for 60 minutes and sweat buckets. Sometimes I read, sometimes I do nothing. I usually listen to the Felicity soundtrack. Note: An infrared sauna is different than other saunas—you shouldn’t stay in a regular sauna for that long!
Note: I’m not a water drinker. But When I work out, I drink 24oz during and after, and when I go in the sauna, I drink 24oz after.
Sweating is Awesome!
It’s cleansing. It signifies increased metabolism and a rush of happy chemicals. Sweat everyday. Your life will be better.
Here’s the HIIT workout I did today.
Joe and Carrie (his sister) ran the Flower City Half Marathon this morning, and I’m really excited for Carrie—it was her first one, and she ran it in 1:45! Joe didn’t PR, but 1:27 was ok with him (his words). I admire my runner people—and I’m a little jealous. In the past, I spent lots of time running by myself early in the morning, but I think I mostly did it for the atmosphere of the Erie canal path, the steam coming off the water and the turtles (not the geese—they scared me a little). I’m glad I ran, because I feel like I can relate to runners. I’m sad that my knee won’t let me have the choice anymore (and frustrated that there’s nothing technically wrong with it except stabbing pain). But I will admit that the competitive aspect of running is terrible for me—I don’t like the pressure and anxiety of races, but I do miss being able to do that stuff with Joe. There’s this crazy running community around here–one day a guy pulled over to talk to Joe because he had seen him running at the Y and wanted to tell him about a running group. I don’t mean to be negative, but where I live is not full of friendly people (they’re a bunch of grouches if you ask me), but the runners have this wonderful community. I suppose it’s kind of clique-y and exclusive, but it’s good for the people in it!
I’m lucky that I am being able to create the type of positive community I want/need in other areas, just not where I live. My three new projects are creating three new communities for me (or at least a few new friends with whom I have things in common). I’m so lucky! I can’t wait till I can tell you more about them!
How was your weekend?
Did you sweat this week?
Do you have friends with whom you have things in common? Or a community like the running community? Sometimes I wish this blogging community was more two-way. I know a few people who read my blog from your comments and emails, and I’m lucky if you have a blog I can read and comment on too. I can look at how many people visit my blog (I forget to do that most of the time, but when I do it’s a reminder), but I don’t know who most of you are. I wish I did 🙂
Um congrats to your friend AND Joe. Both are amazing times. I don’t really have any runner friends or friends that lift. I sure wish I did sometimes.
haha- I thought the protein balls were new potatoes at first 🙂 PB protein bites sound much much tastier though! I would seriously let my workout gear (or better yet) my crafting junk take the place of a dining room table- except we already don’t have one because i crave a lot of open space haha 🙂 Our “office” is technically my workout space though.
way to go, joe and carrie! fabulous race times! i am laughing at joe being “ok” with 1:27…um, yea, i should hope so!
and i’m excited that YOU’RE excited over your workout week, lisa! yes, there is nothing like a good sweat. like you, i find walking very enjoyable…but i need my sweat time, too! and yes, do get rid of the dining room table for the qualizer! (this coming from someone who has a stairmaster in the bedroom).
i am lucky to be part of a wonderful running community: our store is one place, but there are lots of runners in the area, and i’ve gotten to know a lot of great people over the years.
hope you get some sauna time today! and yes, wouldn’t it be fun to know who all reads our blogs!
Look at you – sweating it out like a CHAMP this past week. I love seeing your workout lineup! So fun. I also love that you were there to cheer your husband and friend on – both had killer good times!! I admire you for being able to say that running competitively isn’t for you — my sis is exactly the same. She just doesn’t love it. She loves running, but not racing, and that is TOTALLY ok in my book. To each his/her own, right?
Ah, yay! Thanks for linking up. Also, I absolutley agree that sweating every day (in one way or another) makes life more enjoyable. 🙂
I really want an equalizer now as well!
Great workout!! I am still jealous you have that sauna. I would guzzle water just to sit in there longer. Those PB balls look extra tasty to my right now!
Never quite get enough intensity unless I’m in a class, that I know for sure. On my own I’m lazy 🙂
Whew! Nice workouts! I’ve been doing 25 minutes cardio, 35 minutes weights 3-4 times a week and biking 8+ miles at least 3 times a week with a bit of inline skating here and there. Just 6 weeks or so ago I was doing a few unweighted squats and I could only do 10 or so at a time, I couldn’t get all the way down, and I thought it was hard. Saturday to test myself, I decided to do as many sets of 15 as I could with 30 seconds rest in between. I got all the way down to the floor, and made it to 60 squats before I had to leave. I could have kept going! I’m pretty happy about it! This summer one of my goals is to learn proper squatting technique with a bar.
Remember how I recently stopped eating fruit and grains? It’s looking like I need to stop eating beans as well. Since I can’t eat eggs or dairy it’s looking like I’ll have to eat meat on a regular basis. I’m not thrilled about it, but a girl can’t live on prote
ien shakes. :p
Your workouts sound amazing! I love how varied they are. I have a regimented workout 5 days a week, and then on weekends I tend to do light activity (like walking to a nearby park, or playing outside with my niece, etc.)…I’d love to switch up my M-F routine a little though!
I had no idea that pesticides concentrated when in juice. I guess I never thought of it since I don’t juice (well, not yet at least!) and I buy organic anyways. This makes total sense though!
Saturdays are one of my favorite days to work out! I like waking up whenever I want, having a small breakfast, and then getting my sweat on!!