Sweat It Out Sunday

My friend Stefanie, over at The New Healthy, hosts a link-up on Saturdays for people to share what they’ve done to work out. I’ve only linked up once before, but I thought it would be a good day to chime in again (even though I’m a day late). Since I’ve been super active—and motivated—and have new goals—and a new trainer…. it just seems like the thing to do!

Sweat it out sat button

Sometimes it’s just the perfect combination of things that help a person to get re-focused and re-motivated for getting in shape.  I really enjoy low intensity activity (exercise), but there’s nothing like an intense workout. Over the past…long time, I had myself convinced that low intensity and low impact were giving me all the results I wanted. There are a lot of reasons for that, and it started when I hurt my knee while running. I’m re-evaluating that approach currently.

My activity over the last week ramped up and down (I think with a degree in exercise science, I’m pretty good at not overdoing it—because it would be easy to get caught up and cripple myself with soreness). I can say that today I am fatigued, but not sore!

Here it is:

Monday: 30 min weight training/30 min cardio

Tuesday: Personal Training session (first ever). I’d describe it as High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)– with all kinds of fun equipment and moves (tractor tires, boxing, a basketball…slightly scary, but fun!). 30 min

Wednesday: 30 min weight training/30 min cardio

Thursday: 30 min HIIT cardio on the AMT

Friday: 60 min yoga, 15 min Equalizer workout

Saturday: 75 min heated power vinyasa, 30 min HIIT cardio

Sunday: 30 min HIIT cardio, 90 min speed walk

The results: My hips are a little tight. I had to take a nap today (which I’m ok with–I got up at 5:30 to do work). I meant to use the Equalizer later in the day today—it might happen for 5 minutes or so (that still counts, you know!). I’m tired, and have work to do, but I’m happy with what I did already–a good mix of high and low intensity (and the walk was with my Mom, so that was totally multi-tasking on getting some quality time in!).

I also went in my infrared sauna every day over the past week except one. I like to go in for 60 minutes and sweat buckets. Sometimes I read, sometimes I do nothing. I usually listen to the Felicity soundtrack. Note: An infrared sauna is different than other saunas—you shouldn’t stay in a regular sauna for that long!

Note: I’m not a water drinker. But When I work out, I drink 24oz during and after, and when I go in the sauna, I drink 24oz after.

Sweating is Awesome!

It’s cleansing. It signifies increased metabolism and a rush of happy chemicals. Sweat everyday. Your life will be better.

Here’s the HIIT workout I did today.


Here's what The Equalizer looks like if you haven't seen one before. I asked Joe if we could get rid of the dining room table and replace it with all of my fitness stuff. He said it was fine with him. I was joking, but now I'm kind of considering it. (note the green juice---I used 1 head of celery, 1 cucumber, 1 lemon, 1 bunch of cilantro, 1 bunch of parsley, 1 bunch of dandelion greens....and stevia! It's possibly the cause of my stomach ache... that's a lotta green. I don't use fruit to avoid fructose taxing my liver because it jacks up my skin and makes me puffy, and I added things that help detoxing and drank it before I went in the sauna so I could sweat out the toxins. Even though I don't know if it really works that quickly. I use all organic produce for juicing---pesticides concentrate in juice. I saved 12oz for tomorrow.)


I definitely needed some pb protein balls this week---Jay Robb protein is my favorite, but SunWarrior is definitely best in these! They're great, kept in freezer (but don't freeze/get hard).


I finally bought a LifeFactory water bottle...Lori's Natural Foods had 24oz bottles with flip tops instead of the normal screw-tops. I'm way too excited about this...but totally bought it as a reward last Tuesday after my training session (hey, I worked hard!).


Joe and Carrie (his sister) ran the Flower City Half Marathon this morning, and I’m really excited for Carrie—it was her first one, and she ran it in 1:45! Joe didn’t PR, but 1:27 was ok with him (his words). I admire my runner people—and I’m a little jealous. In the past, I spent lots of time running by myself early in the morning, but I think I mostly did it for the atmosphere of the Erie canal path, the steam coming off the water and the turtles (not the geese—they scared me a little). I’m glad I ran, because I feel like I can relate to runners. I’m sad that my knee won’t let me have the choice anymore (and frustrated that there’s nothing technically wrong with it except stabbing pain). But I will admit that the competitive aspect of running is terrible for me—I don’t like the pressure and anxiety of races, but I do miss being able to do that stuff with Joe. There’s this crazy running community around here–one day a guy pulled over to talk to Joe because he had seen him running at the Y and wanted to tell him about a running group. I don’t mean to be negative, but where I live is not full of friendly people (they’re a bunch of grouches if you ask me), but the runners have this wonderful community. I suppose it’s kind of clique-y and exclusive, but it’s good for the people in it!

I’m lucky that I am being able to create the type of positive community I want/need in other areas, just not where I live. My three new projects are creating three new communities for me (or at least a few new friends with whom I have things in common). I’m so lucky! I can’t wait till I can tell you more about them!

How was your weekend?

Did you sweat this week?

Do you have friends with whom you have things in common? Or a community like the running community? Sometimes I wish this blogging community was more two-way. I know a few people who read my blog from your comments and emails, and I’m lucky if you have a blog I can read and comment on too. I can look at how many people visit my blog (I forget to do that most of the time, but when I do it’s a reminder), but I don’t know who most of you are. I wish I did 🙂


13 thoughts on “Sweat It Out Sunday”

  1. Heather (Where's the Beach)

    Um congrats to your friend AND Joe. Both are amazing times. I don’t really have any runner friends or friends that lift. I sure wish I did sometimes. 

  2. haha- I thought the protein balls were new potatoes at first 🙂 PB protein bites sound much much tastier though! I would seriously let my workout gear (or better yet) my crafting junk take the place of a dining room table- except we already don’t have one because i crave a lot of open space haha 🙂 Our “office” is technically my workout space though.

  3. way to go, joe and carrie! fabulous race times! i am laughing at joe being “ok” with 1:27…um, yea, i should hope so!
    and i’m excited that YOU’RE excited over your workout week, lisa! yes, there is nothing like a good sweat. like you, i find walking very enjoyable…but i need my sweat time, too! and yes, do get rid of the dining room table for the qualizer! (this coming from someone who has a stairmaster in the bedroom).
    i am lucky to be part of a wonderful running community: our store is one place, but there are lots of runners in the area, and i’ve gotten to know a lot of great people over the years.
    hope you get some sauna time today! and yes, wouldn’t it be fun to know who all reads our blogs!

  4. Look at you – sweating it out like a CHAMP this past week. I love seeing your workout lineup! So fun. I also love that you were there to cheer your husband and friend on – both had killer good times!! I admire you for being able to say that running competitively isn’t for you — my sis is exactly the same. She just doesn’t love it. She loves running, but not racing, and that is TOTALLY ok in my book. To each his/her own, right?

  5. Great workout!! I am still jealous you have that sauna. I would guzzle water just to sit in there longer. Those PB balls look extra tasty to my right now! 

  6. Whew! Nice workouts! I’ve been doing 25 minutes cardio, 35 minutes weights 3-4 times a week and biking 8+ miles at least 3 times a week with a bit of inline skating here and there. Just 6 weeks or so ago I was doing a few unweighted squats and I could only do 10 or so at a time, I couldn’t get all the way down, and I thought it was hard. Saturday to test myself, I decided to do as many sets of 15 as I could with 30 seconds rest in between. I got all the way down to the floor, and made it to 60 squats before I had to leave. I could have kept going! I’m pretty happy about it! This summer one of my goals is to learn proper squatting technique with a bar.
    Remember how I recently stopped eating fruit and grains? It’s looking like I need to stop eating beans as well. Since I can’t eat eggs or dairy it’s looking like I’ll have to eat meat on a regular basis. I’m not thrilled about it, but a girl can’t live on prote

  7. Your workouts sound amazing!  I love how varied they are.  I have a regimented workout 5 days a week, and then on weekends I tend to do light activity (like walking to a nearby park, or playing outside with my niece, etc.)…I’d love to switch up my M-F routine a little though! 

  8. I had no idea that pesticides concentrated when in juice. I guess I never thought of it since I don’t juice (well, not yet at least!) and I buy organic anyways. This makes total sense though!

  9. Thehealthyapron

    Saturdays are one of my favorite days to work out! I like waking up whenever I want, having a small breakfast, and then getting my sweat on!!

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