It’s no secret that I love peanut butter cups. Actually, I wouldn’t eat a Reece’s pb cup these days (maybe if I was starving), but I love the versions I’ve been making lately.
The reason I began making these is not because I crave pb cups all the time, but because I really wanted to incorporate more coconut oil into my diet, and I can only eat just so many coconut/almond flour cupcakes! I also am quite obsessed with this peanut butter – Once Again American Classic (which will be making an appearance in an upcoming giveaway of my favorite things).
Side note: Once Again is a local brand and I was so excited to see it at Earth Fare in Charleston, SC last week!
I also enjoy cocoa powder (both processed and unprocessed varieties) for their magnesium content and many other superfood qualities. I’ve found that magnesium helps me stay relaxed feeling (I’m SO good at that lately), and it also takes the edge off PMS symptoms (sorry, boys, but it’s worth mentioning!).
Some of my latest varieties:

Here’s the Recipe for the basic PB/Chocolate Cups.
Here’s the Recipe for the Super Berry/PB.
If you want to do the Berry/Chocolate ones, just mix and match the layers from those two recipes!
In any of the recipes, you can use all stevia (I prefer NuNaturals liquid), or you can add in a little maple syrup. When I make them for people who are not used to stevia, I use part stevia and part maple syrup—you should definitely taste the batter!! The type of cocoa powder you use will also impact the taste, so taste-testing as you go is imperative 🙂
When I added things to the top, I just sprinkled them on…so nothing too difficult there.
News/Notes: I’m back into my work (sort of). I took a break to write this post, and then I’ll be back at my work till I get the minimum done—so I can go to bed. I’m happy I was able to see my clients today–I missed them last week (which I didn’t really realize at the time, but when I walked into the building today it felt like I hadn’t been there in a very long time—and some people had A LOT to update me on!).
I loved visiting my friend last week, and it was so great to spend time in the South—I love warm weather and the beach…and I’ve already scheduled another trip to Cali in May (to visit my cousin—she just found an apartment across the street from the beach in Santa Monica). Oh, I also have a trip to Marco Island in Florida scheduled for June with my friend Ali. One of the biggest perks of my work-mostly-at-home lifestyle is that I can take short trips (mostly with free airline miles from my credit card) and work early in the mornings while I’m traveling! Sometimes I have to pinch myself…I spent several years getting myself into this situation, with lots of intention and strategic decisions, and it is really paying off (maybe that’s a topic for another day?).
I’ve been contemplating a lot lately about how people reach their goals and work towards being healthier, and I’ve also read some things that were very absolutist about the “right” way to eat.
However, I keep seeing this phrase in my brain—There are many roads to the same place. (“place” being a state of health for this context)
I have friends who practice all methods of eating, and although I do think there are certain universal truths about food (i.e. high fructose corn syrup is bad for everyone), I don’t think there is one “right way” to eat. After all, isn’t there a group of people living (thriving) in Africa who subsist primarily on beef, milk, and cow’s blood?
I believe we can take a certain approach for exploration, eliminate the universally detrimental foods, and place a priority on quality (uncontaminated) food sources to find each of our best ways to eat.
The PB cups work so well for me—I thrive best on a high fat, low carb (very low sugar) diet. It only took me a few decades to figure it out, but once I did, I began to run with it.
Have you found your Nutritional Niche?
Your PB cups make me really crave them. I think you should email me a few 😉 I love love that you get to work from wherever so that it allows you more freedom to travel. I hope to be there someday. And nutritional niche…not sure I’m quite there. Very much vegetarian, leaning towards vegan, but think whole foods is more important than saying vegetarian or vegan (if that makes sense)
We have the same exact philosophy. Many roads lead to the same place….you need to find what works for your body but there are universal things we all should avoid….sugar.
My niche is not 100% pin pointed yet but I can say that love healthy fats! It’s a big love affair, and I love making PB cups too! I need to try some of your recipes. I need chocolate every day. Magnesium makes me happy 🙂
We need to email soon. I figure you are doing lots of catching up after our trip but I have lots to discuss!
Your peanut butter cups always look so tempting! I want to reach through the screen and grab one! I am so with you on Nutrtional Niche. Nutrition is not a one size fits all scenario. I have found what works for me and it feels great! It’s been a road, but I’m definitely there.
I’ve found the right nutritional niche for feeling good and thriving, but unfortunately I could use to gain a few pounds, and on this particular high veggie high protein high sugar diet I’ve not done it yet. I know I should probably include more fat to do this but my body just doesn’t like how it feels. Ugh!
thanks for sharing about your upcoming travel plans, lisa!! i love, too, that you can take your work with you, work a bit anywhere you happen to be, then relax and enjoy the surroundings. marco island is one of my favourite places, ever – such fond memories of our family trip there in the early 90s, then i revisited two summers ago. and, YES, you have to go see your cousin’s new apartment!!
good luck with your day! i totally agree that there are different ways to achieve an end goal – it’s all trial and error to find the path of least resistance!
thanks for sharing about your upcoming travel plans, lisa!! i love, too, that you can take your work with you, work a bit anywhere you happen to be, then relax and enjoy the surroundings. marco island is one of my favourite places, ever – such fond memories of our family trip there in the early 90s, then i revisited two summers ago. and, YES, you have to go see your cousin’s new apartment!!
good luck with your day! i totally agree that there are different ways to achieve an end goal – it’s all trial and error to find the path of least resistance!
Yes…I’m digging my way out of my pile of work, and really just wanting to focus on our project! I’m going to work really hard today. I have so many things in my head for us!
mhmm i love the goji berry cups… i actually thought about making some last night but didnt have cacao powder, i ran out after making so many truffles and muffins last week. I think i have found my nutritional niche and its mostly a vegan diet, lots of greens, fresh juices and veggies plus for my protein I eat eggs, fish, tempeh, tofu, hemp protein powder…. i dont eat many grains, mainly pseudo grains like buckwheat and quinoa. sometimes brown rice and millet. oh and i love fats- avocado, hemp, linseed, olive oil, any kind of cold pressed oil really! I cant really say that i will stick to this kind of diet forever but for now I feel more than great on it! also when I go out to eat I sometimes I will eat what i feel like and not be toofussy about the wheat bread olive oil and balsamic starter, or try my boyfriends organic beef!
You said it so well! There are so many nutritional roads that lead to the same place… with quality food sources!
Those PB cups look amazing!!
I am very open to varying methods of eating and how one defines quality etc. My job has really opened my eyes to all walks of life and being able to adapt is important. That being said I will continue to educate every varying method with the importance of high quality “real” food!
I like the “many roads to the same place” philosophy, especially when you apply it to healthy living/eating. I can be just as in shape as a distance runner, but never run at all. I can have just as many healthy fats in my body as a vegan, but I’m a carnivore through and through. In the end we may use different methods to get to our end goals, but if our end goals are the same and we all get there successfully, then we can all celebrate together and not nitpick!
Marco Island is so cool, I went there when I was 11 or 12 and I just remember the sand being that fantastic “sugar sand”. I could lay on it all day long. I went on a boat ride there too and saw dolphins in the wild!
I have been making PB cups all week I swear! I just can’t get enough!
I ate 7 yesterday! Should I not admit that? I mean, it’s not like I ate them all at once… 🙂
I’m patting myself on the back for how much coconut oil I was able to consume in one day!
Hey girlie, are you gonna make it to Fallbrook in May when you’re in Cali, because I’ll be in the area!