Since I made the peanut butter cheesecake brownies this past week, I’ve been dreaming about more things I could do with the topping part of it. Honestly, I didn’t frost the whole batch of brownies, so I had some of the pb cheesecake stuff leftover…and I ate it the next day. After being refrigerated (the cream cheese was softened when I first made it), it was the texture of fluffy frosting you’d buy in a container at the store—totally spreadable, but thick. It could pass for mousse before refrigeration, and definitely frosting or cream filling at either room temp or cold. In the past, I’ve made a lot of frostings with just cream cheese—adding the whipped cream makes a huge difference! (Maybe this is only a revelation to me…)
Anyway, with some of the leftover pb cheesecake topping, I made a parfait with chocolate avocado pudding. The textures of the two parfait layers were slightly different, and the flavors complemented each other perfectly. I put it in a 6oz. mason jar and did not (intend to) eat the entire thing. For breakfast. But honestly, there was nothing in this that doesn’t qualify as a healthy breakfast food in my world.
Parfait is easy—you take a couple (or a few) things you think would go together, and layer them. I make bigger layers because I want some choice in how much of each thing I get in each bite. ha.
PB Cheesecake Chocolate Avocado Mousse Parfait
Layer 1: PB Cheesecake Mousse (I’d go with a half batch of this if you don’t have several people to feed!)
Layer 2: Chocolate Avocado Pudding (To match a half batch of the mousse, I’d probably do 2-3 avocados worth of pudding)
Share if you’re feeling generous, but if not…just eat it all yourself and be totally satisfied until dinner (or the next day).
I finally went on a walk today, and it was kinda pull-y on my stitches, but I managed without a problem. No yoga yet, for sure…but stitches will be out very (very) soon, and then I think I’ll be back on the mat. Anyone know if I shouldn’t stretch the area after the stitches are out? Joe seems to think I will still have to be careful so it doesn’t re-open. I’m being more optimistic (and less patient).
Oh, and if you have not tried using a french press for your coffee, please do so immediately. Our house smelled so good after we finally tried it this morning (Jamaican Me Crazy from Finger Lakes Coffee Roasters). Joe went to Rochester to run 20 miles with the Oven Doors (I don’t get it either—runners are crazy!), so we didn’t try it out till he got back. My mom came over about 45 minutes after we made coffee and she couldn’t believe how great it smelled! Honestly, the coffee was about 10,000 times better than from the keurig. Maybe 20,000. The Bodum Arabica Thermal French Press from Williams Sonoma is my new favorite appliance. It’s not like I’ve never had good coffee before, I’m just making a big deal about it because I’m trying to not settle for crappy junk out of convenience…
When I was 22, I lived with someone who was quite a bit older than me—who enjoyed many of the finer things in life (probably in an above-means kind of way), and whose motto was, “Don’t buy sucky sh*t.” That sticks with me to this day—I use it to justify purchases for sure, but also it keeps me from ever accidentally falling into the trap of thinking like a bargain hunter instead of looking for a balance between value, quality, and bargains. I can probably work some on the bargain aspect, but I’m doing ok with quality for most things now.
Tomorrow is Easter! No candy for me—not interested, but you can try and tempt me. It won’t work, and this is the first year I can say that honestly. Holidays like this make how I’ve changed SO obvious. I am proud of myself–and that’s that.
Make some of these!
Or these!
This is random, but yesterday, Mom and I split this huge plate of brussels sprouts at PF Chang—and then I recreated it today at home too. Go to PF Changs and try it—it’s yummy! Or wait, call me, we’ll go together. They have good cocktails too.

Easter candy for you? Ham? What are you gonna eat tomorrow? I need to get up super early to do work, and then I’ll be having a great day, I’m sure of it. In the evening, I need to pack for my early Monday morning flight to SC, and remove my stitches (…story for another day).
I don’t know why it has taken me so long to try this avocado pudding! It looks sooo creamy and delicious! I’m glad you got out for a walk..I would say be careful too with the stretching and yoga for a little bit, I’m on Joe’s side with this one. It’s cause we care =).
No candy for me either, I will be receiving candy..I just wont be eating it due to the vegan adventure I am still on.
oh man everything here looks amazing!!
I think I’d take the PB cups, but other than that, no Easter candy for me. Love the don’t buy sucky Sh&t motto. Kind of true.
happy easter morning, lisa!
so glad to hear you got out for a walk without too much discomfort. progress! next step will be a little yoga!
mmmm, i bet that coffee smelled great – i am imagining it! better than my taster’s choice instant! haha! i DO understand joe running 20 miles (!) – and the oven doors?? great name!
we have a family get-together today. mom is making ham (ick) but i will enjoy her homemade from scratch apple pie. i do not see easter chocolate in my future (easter bunny stopped coming when little e and cutie c arrived on the scene. funny).
have a great day!
glad you could walk, not sure about thre yoga and stitches. I bet the yoga tracher would know, maybe?
Glad you could walk! Happy Easter!
My hubby is the same way about buying quality stuff – which I think is a good thing! I usually go for the middle of the line stuff … not the cheapest, not the most expensive. I’m gonna check out that French Press — I’ve never had one, and I’ve been wanting to upgrade my coffee experience! Hope you have a good day and a safe flight!
There’s a reason why parfait is the french word for perfect! Good luck with the stitches.
your frosting description is killing me. I do love thick creamy frosting! I also like the good things in life, but I like to try to find them on sale 🙂
That parfait sounds incredible!!! Aaand I just so happen to have an avocado in the house right now! Glad you’re doing well and had a nice weekend!
So cool that the pb cheesecake turned into a frosting after being refrigerated!
I didn’t have any Easter Candy yesterday, but I did have some of my mom’s Easter bread and a lemon cupcake!
We cook both lamb & ham on Easter. I like both but we have the ham because not everyone likes lamb! I hope you have a safe trip to SC!
No Easter Candy nescssary is what I would like to say. We are role models and we must do our best and make the best choices for our little ones. I have four children all 6 years and younger. The Easter Baskets this year had no candy or chocolate…and NOBODY noticed! It proved it for me that we have to strive to make healthy choices for our children, because afterall, as parents we are making the choices that will develope habits for a lifetime.
I spent the my Easter with my very favorite people and it was one of the best Easters I can remember.
I had an absolute FEAST on Easter! A big brunch and a big dinner…I had run my half marathon the day before so I guess I was hungry! It was all delicious though :). Hope you had a great day Lisa – can’t wait to hear about it!
That parfait looks like the PERFECT way to start the day — delicious! I have to admit, I’m a French press fiend…I even use it to cold brew my coffee overnight. Can’t wait until the weather warms up just a bit so I can start making it again!
Hope you had a great Easter! I didn’t eat any candy , but I did whip up a batch of grain-free, naturally-sweetened chocolate chip cookies so I could keep temptation from all the candy at bay! 🙂
I am not a candy person either. Every once in awhile I’ll crave something sweet but didn’t have anything of the sort yesterday. E grilled, I had chicken and broccoli slaw while he had a steak. The perfect “Easter” meal haha.
Cocktails? I’m in! Though eating Asian food out has never worked for me unless it’s sushi. Just always too oily, even the healthier options. I prefer to recreate at home!
I also didn’t even want any Easter candy. Funny how that happens! I used to be a candy freak but I had a small piece of chocolate cake and it was way more satisfying to me than a thousand Reese’s eggs could have been, haha. I was also way more about the savory food at our Easter shindig.
Here’s hoping you can do yoga soon! And I love French Press coffee but I never make coffee at home, I treat myself out at local cafes (an example of what you mentioned about a balance between quality and being a bargain betty) but I ask for French Presses there when available.
French press is where it’s at! It’s the only coffee maker I’ve had, ever, and it’s turned me into such a snob. It’s really a whole ‘nother thing from drip or instant coffee!