Today was another beautiful day in South Carolina…The trees on James Island are amazing—canopies over the streets. There is so much sun and also filtered light through the trees. We did a lot today–but not really much that was productive. (I mean, I did a few hours of work in the morning and randomly throughout the day…so I’m not falling behind, and I must emphasize this as a major perk of working online—I’m surely not complaining at all!).
We went to Earth Fare, which is a local health food store, and I bought a bunch of stuff so we could make some of my regular treats and maybe test some of them out on the kids too.

{side note: Sunfood gojis are good, but Heaven Mountain Gojis are still the best!}

We made chocolate avocado pudding, and it was good, but I’m not crazy about the brand of cacao powder I bought—it’s just another piece of evidence that the recipe must be adjusted according to the variations in avocados and cacao flavors!

I’m going to try really hard to write something productive and useful tomorrow!
I hope you are all having a great week including lots of sunshine and yummy food with your favorite people (that’s what life’s about, right?!).
Not every post has to be “deep” sometimes something like this is perfect. I know you’re enjoying the moments!
I adore goji berries, just raw or soaked, but I swear if I eat too many they make my stomach get really crampy and angry! Not like cups of them, just a quarter cup will do it- its crazy.
oh, there’s always another day to be productive…enjoy south carolina and the time with jena and kids!! glad you could visit the health food store – so fun to explore a new place when traveling.
never tried goji berries or cacao nibs! but they are at my health food stores, so i should!
have a great day today, lisa! hope you can spend more time outdoors – south carolina where you are sounds so lovely!
Those goji berries look much bigger than the ones I’ve had! I think I would like these better because I would guess the bigger ones aren’t as sour.
Thanks for the avocado pudding recipe!! Sounds like a wonderful spring/summer treat.
I’ve never had goji berries, but everytime I see them I “almost” pick some up! lol! I should just do it next time! Hope you are having a relaxing time!
I haven’t had much sunshine, but I’ve certainly ate a lot of yummy food and spent time with some of my favorite people this week. Success. 🙂
I’m having chococado pudding right now. 🙂 But I’ve never really like goji berries. shame, because they really are pretty!
Isn’t the South amazing? Sometimes I wonder why I even waste my time braving the cold Chicago winters!!! Enjoy your time soaking in the sun!
That looks like such a great trail mix combo! I need to get more goji berries! I haven’t had some in soo long!
yes, that is what life is all about and that’s what my weekend has been! so glad you are also enjoying yourself. just catching up on your blog now as i sit outside of my favorite cafe 🙂