Today, since I never got full, I knew I had to eat something really substantial (besides the coconut flour flatbread, egg, pesto, cheese sandwich I had for breakfast!)… I made nut butter. But this is not just any nut butter….it’s Trail Mix Nut Butter

Sounds complicated, but is super easy! I buy mixed raw nuts or raw trail mix—you can buy individual nuts you like and combine them too–whatever you prefer (you may want to do that if you’re picky about your nuts!). I soak the nuts in water overnight to deactivate the enzyme inhibitors and make them easier to digest, and then I put them in the dehydrator for several hours. You can skip this step—but I do recommend soaked/drying them if you have the time (if you don’t have a dehydrator, put them in a warm oven with the door cracked open for a while).
In a food processor, add:
2 cups trail mix or mixed nuts
1/8 cup coconut oil (you can add more if you need it, but you probably won’t)
sea salt (to taste—I don’t like it very salty so I skimp on this part)
Optional: Use trail mix that has raisins or bits of chocolate in it—this is super yummy! (today, mine did not have any fun sweet bits in it)
Optional: half a scoop of chocolate protein powder (I did this–not really for the protein, but I like the hint of chocolate flavor)
Process until smooth. The coconut oil speeds up this process a lot, but you can keep processing it for a while to make it smoother. I like it with texture!
You don’t need to keep this in the fridge if you soaked/dehydrated the nuts—if you do, it will be much thicker because the coconut oil becomes more solid (but it’s evenly spread out, so it doesn’t not clump or anything).
Keep in mind that the flavor of your Trail Mix Nut Butter will depend highly on what you put in the mix!
News/Notes: This section is very random today.
Yesterday, my smoothie and juice post felt very textbook-y and long, and I do have a part 2 with case studies/examples (and other thoughts) ready to go (sort of…it’s still in my head), but I’ll save it for this weekend. I’m also going to write a post about the natural treatments for acid reflux that I’ve had experience with, since so many people have asked me about it. I’m also contemplating spring cleaning…
I was very distracted (and hungry) today, made a mess (at least three times) in the kitchen, chatted on the phone, went in the sauna, and went on a walk (even though it was freezing…there were even random snowflakes floating around!). Wait…I worked too. I worked at home all day—so I did all that other stuff while I was working, and did a webinar this afternoon (my distract-ability later in the day is why I get up at 5am–I’m SO productive at that time of day). My body hurts from all the yoga I’ve been doing–not in a bad way, but in a deep-in-between-my-ribs way. So I’m going back for more tomorrow–two classes!
I have to have a medical procedure done on Monday that will cause me to have several stitches, and I won’t be able to do yoga or work out—when the lady told me that, she acted like it was no big deal. Well, it’s not. But apparently my brain decided that I should do so much activity before Monday, that in conjunction with having stitches, I’ll also really need to have days off. Oh, and I’ll talk about what I’m having done after it happens. It’s nothing too invasive or private—I just wanna be able to tell you in detail how much it hurt. (!)
Today I also received a few things that I ordered from Toms Shoes.
Joe laughed at my purchases, but I’ll show him…I’ll wear them a lot! …I think.

One last thing:
There’s a new documentary, Hungry for Change, out that I am going to watch tomorrow (it’s online free until the 31st!). Alexia talked about it today, and I’m so glad she did—I had forgotten about the free online thing. So I showed the preview in my webinar today—and got my students all inspired and motivated to watch it. I really think they will! It has people in it like Kris Carr (Crazy Sexy Diet), Alejandro Junger (Clean), David Wolfe (the raw food guy), Joe Cross (Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead)….
Questions for you:
Do you make nut butters? Have you ever done it with trail mix or mixed nuts?
Do you have any Toms Shoes? Or Sunglasses (that line is pretty new I think)?
What are your plans for Friday? The Weekend? I may re-watch season 1 of The Killing, since season 2 starts on Sunday. My cousin is a producer of the show (look for Kristen Campo in the opening credits)—they shoot in Vancouver, so she’s been freezing her Santa Monica butt off since November. I told her I’d come out and visit when she’s back home (she lives a couple blocks from the beach—I mean, really…Vancouver is nice, I know…but…). Anyway, if you have not watched The Killing, I highly recommend it—not just because of my cousin. I’m sure I’ll mention it again this weekend–don’t worry, I’ll post a link!
Trail mix nut butter sounds good!! I’ll have to try it. I am planning to lay low this weekend, do stuff around the house, etc.
I’ve pretty much stuck to almond and pistachio butters. I’ve actually never made peanut butter since I don’t do too well with peanuts. I tried soy nut butter but I soaked them first and I think I did it wrong because it was disssssgusting. Ever made soy nut butter?
I can;t wait to see that movie!!!!!!!
This weekend we are going to dinner for Michael’s birthday with his whole family! Fun times!
I tried making chocolate hazelnut butter a couple weeks ago with coconut oil and it came out so greasy…nothing like Justin’s 🙁 I need to keep working on it.
The trail mix nut butter sounds great!!
I am so excited for the next season of The Killing…how cool that you know someone involved in it! My Sunday night plans definitely involve watching the new episode 🙂
I’ve stayed away from the Tom’s shoes so far because I live in Portland and it’s just to rainy to wear them most of the time. I see lots of people wearing them but I don’t know how they manage to keep their feet dry! But I do like the looks of those sunglasses. Very summery.
Thanks for the tips about nut butters. I definitely plan to make my own from now on so I can prepare them in the way I think is healthiest (soaking and dehydrating). Good luck with your procedure and enjoy your down-time!
Lisa, good luck with your medical procedure! I love that you get up at 5 a.m., I have started getting up around 5:45 and I am also super productive at that time. I just love the stillness and serenity at that time (after I feed my relentlessly meowing cats, that is). I never thought I would be an early bird but I guess I am now! 🙂
I haven’t—but one time Joe bought it (thinking I would want it…), and it was gross (in my opinion) from the store too!
That’s a great point about the Toms….I have one pair (gray) and they were fine last summer, but as soon as I wore them in the fall (like walking through grass that wasn’t necessarily dry), they got really grungy. Definitely not durable shoes!
My cousin started her TV-related career working for the OC several years ago—that was a fun one to get into (in a totally different way).
She finds new projects, and she pitched The Killing idea to all the networks, who all turned her down….after more than a year, her company asked her if she wanted to drop it or try again and at the last minute, she decided to try again—AMC bought into it, and the rest is history (so it’s like her baby)…It has been fun to know the background stories with it!
I love getting things done early, so later in the day I can relax! (or at least do things I want to do….)
thanks for sharing about your day/what you were up to, lisa! i love when we can “visit:” as friends like that!
way to go on making the nut butter!! i agree, the bit of choco flavour in there is a super idea. i have never made nut butter…but i like to buy different varieties (although none of almond, cashew, hazelnut, etc matches crunchy pb for excellence, imo!).
nice shoes!! and that is cool that you got new sunglasses, too.
sounds like a great weekend ahead, too. i am hoping our cold snap goes away asap!
We’re gonna get snow today! Booo!
I thought of your new shades when mine came in the mail—I’m excited to wear them and try liking sunglasses, but of course, now there is going to be no sun for days 🙂
I agree—nut butter is good, but nothing beats peanut butter!! (although the chocolate helps…)
Enjoy your day!
Um – holy yum on the nut butter mix. Love that idea! And I bet you wear those shoes almost daily just to prove him wrong 😉 teehee
Good luck with your surgery – I hope it isn’t anything major! I’ll have to check out Hungry for Change!
I actually really want TOMS and tried a pair on, but they look funny on me ;-/ I think they look so cute on other people though!
Good luck with your surgery, I hope all goes well!
Trail mix nut butter? Genius!!
PS. thinking of you and your procedure on Monday. Hugs.
I’ve made my own nut butter a couple of times, but like with everything, I’d like to make it myself more often!
I don’t have Toms, but I’ve been wanting a pair for the longest time so I think I’ll treat myself soon and try them out!
That’s for mentioned the Hungry for Change documentary. I’m definitely going to watch it tonight!
I hope everything goes ok with your medical procedure on Monday!
Trail mix nut butter!? What an amazing idea..why have I never thought of this. YUM!!!
I need a pair of Tom’s, I have been talking about them for almost a year and haven’t bought a pair yet!
That documentary is good! I loved it.