If you know me at all, you know I am (1) Queen of Ideas and (2) Princess of Simplicity in the Kitchen.
My mom is the opposite (in the kitchen)—she makes so many great dishes that call for specific ingredients, and multi-step processes. Everyone who knows how creative and awesome her food is wants holiday dinners made by Susan.
I, on the other hand, usually offer to bring a dish to pass, and then run out of time and buy something. Or. I make something and take shortcuts and it turns out gross, and then I buy something. Or. I make something really simple and it’s ok, but seems too simple, so I bring it to the party but also buy something.
Therefore, I like that I don’t have to impress my friend Ali, AKA (by Joe): Ali-Cat. The Cat. Sister.
Ali stopped by tonight for a walk and a chat (rain-out plan was to just chat–but it worked in our favor). And strategize about our Halloween costumes because we’re the uncreative two of a bunch going to a costume party at the Racino next weekend (icky place–but with fun people it can be fun?). After searching the Internet for an hour, Joe came up with a really good idea…and you’ll just have to wait till next weekend to judge us and let us know how stupid/good we looked!
Because of my simplistic kitchen nature, we had one simplistic side dish….brussels sprouts. I’m very particular about brussels sprouts (not really, but I always make them a certain way).
KISS (Keep It Simple Sweetie!) Brussels Sprouts:
Roasted at 350 degrees F for 45 minutes (Not a minute less). I swear they taste like a cross between lovely warm crunchy potato chips and a super healthy crucifer.

{note my new obsession with Instagram}

Are you dressing up for Halloween? What are you going to be? Have you ever won a costume contest?
Last year, I was a firefighter…trying to impress a certain 7 year-old, and I’m pretty sure he liked me a little extra that day.
Do you like Brussels Sprouts? How do you make them?
Are you elaborate in the kitchen…or a princess of simplicity like me?
I made brussel sprouts for dinner tonight! I usually roast them like you do but tonight I sauteed them with oil and garlic! I enjoyed it a lot!
I can get pretty elaborate in the kitchen, but tend to keep it more simple during the week since I don’t have as much time!
You just described me in the third paragraph! Also…that’s exactly how I make my brussels except I’ve never added the lemon juice.
Not a Halloween gal – no parties or dressing up. I have to force the KISS rule on myself sometimes. I can get way out of control!
I am OBSESSED with Brussels sprouts! I make mine almost the same but I add pine nuts! The crispier the better. SO SO SO yummy!!!!
I’m not dressing up but Ella is!
I am not dressing up this year…thank goodness. I’m just not in the mood and the kids are either, so that’s easy enough! We all LOVE brussels sprouts here! I love them roasted the best, but the boys prefer them sauteed with thick cut bacon. We normally serve them over mashed potatoes. Oh, I think I’m having that tomorrow night.
i think taking a complicated vegetable (like brussel sprouts) and cooking them with simple whole ingredients, is the best way to go!
We are usually at my nieces and nephew halloweeny roast, so its fun to see the kids dressed up. I haven’t dressed up in years. Just lazy. haha
I am alll about the simple recipes. I don’t have time to go crazy those stuffed artichokes just about killed me!!! And also, I despise Brussel sprouts yucky!
I feel very lucky that my family thinks the incredibly simple, seasoned veggie dishes are delicious. I don’t have the time or desire to make gourmet fancy stuff most of the time, so our holiday dinners are pretty much what me and my mom make of them!
oh yea, the KISS method in the kitchen is about where i am at. i do not enjoy cooking at all. your brussel sprouts recipe is right up my alley, lisa!! and yes, for a party, i lean towards supplying chips and (store bought) dip, or a (store bought) fruit platter…crackers and cheese (from…the store).
i have not dressed up for hallowe’en in ages! can’t wait to see what your costume will be. and yes, fun people will over-ride a not-so-great venue.
if your weather was like ours last eve, a home visit was perfect! i met a friend at a coffee shop. it was not a great eve to venture outside. hope this weekend is better weather for us both!!
Too funny, Lisa. Just last night I made roasted Brussels sprouts–the first time in a while! They were the freshest looking veg in the store!
I roasted them at 450 for 22 miutes. But I like the darker char to yours, so may try your cooking method. I skipped the lemon and used sea salt, but will try it with lemon next time!
Things have to be EASY for me in the patience. I don’t have too much patience for cooking. I LOVE food magazines and get excited about trying things. And I have so many recipes torn out of magazines and floating around. But when it comes time to cook, I skip the complicated and stick with what I know how to do EASILY. I get my more exciting meals at restaurants!
Oops. Typing too fast. Things have to be easy for me in the KITCHEN!
We had Brussels sprouts (made just like this!) for dinner last night too, and I thought “these taste french fries”! and then my next thought was “I’ve been eating too many kale chips…”
My kids asked me what I’m going to be for Halloween, I told them I was going to be a photographer! 😉
I’m pretty sure I’ll be roasted brussels sprouts today!! Looks amazing!!
I’m the same as you in the kitchen… queen of ideas… although I might be the king of simplicity.. I love to keep it simple!!
i love roasted brussels! super tasty. a little maple syrup drizzled on is yummy as well.
i don’t think i’m dressing up this year. but we shall see – i’m always a last minute costume planner.
I loved brussels sprouts as a kid…called them baby cabbages. One year, we bought brussels sprouts on a stalk at a farmer’s market. They’re really cool looking!
I won’t be wearing a costume for Halloween. (I’m just going to hide in the dark, watch spooky movies and feel sorry for myself. Ha!) BUT there is a costume in the works. It’ll be on the blog in November, well after the point when people are no longer interested in seeing costumes.
I like to keep things farily simple as well. I’m going to be an 80’s aerobics instructor for Halloween. I have hot pink leg warmers and off the shoulder shirt that says DANCE in hot pink and a hot pink glittery sweatband.
Brussels Sprouts are on sale this week at Whole Foods, and I’ve been eating a lot of them through my CSA share…I never had them as a kid (my mom didn’t like them) but I gobble them up! They turn sweet if you cook them the right way. I love roasting them or adding them into stirfries, seasoning them with ginger and pepper. Delicious!
I’m all about KISS! Your explanation of what you do for party dishes, sounds just like me. My least favorite thing in the world is a long and complicated recipe. Why do that when you can make something just as good (in my opinion) that’s more simple and less time consuming (and less pricey)???
I’ve recently begun roasting ALL Of the veggies in our house; broccoli, celery, carrots….it’s a new obsession, seriously, and I would do brussel sprouts but need an exhaust fan first (yeah, the house smells for days whenever I do major cruciferous veggies, such as broccoli, but sprouts are the WORST!). I do love the way they taste, ESPECIALLY when roasted.
I LOVE Brussels!! They are one of my favorite vegetables and I toast/roast them every time. With a bit of olive oil, and salt. I need to try the lemon added this sounds wonderful. There are somethings that can be left simple and taste delectable! Brussels are def one of those items. I am a both elaborate and simple in the kitchen depending on my mood! As for Halloween, I am not dressing up other than getting a mask to cover my face. This is to allow me to go trick or treating and get mass amounts of free candy. HA!
I LOVE roasted brussels sprouts. My favorite veggie! I love them kinda burnt, seasoned with garam masala.
I’m definitely all about the simple food. Anything that makes my grocery list shorter and less expensive makes me happy 🙂 Halloween always sneaks up on me. I don’t love dressing up in a traditional costume; instead, I usually like to just wear an outfit that’s out of character for me. You know, like uber-goth or something like that. It’s just fun to step into an alter-ego for a short time.
There’s no shame in keeping it simple! But I’ve actually never eaten a brussel sprout in my entire life… I’d roast other veggies the same way though.
Living by myself has made me a pretty lazy cook… it’s salads and sandwiches and crackers and cheese for dinner more often than not, just like my college student days!
I think I just joined the brussel sprouts fan club. 😉
I’m all about brussels sprouts! I keep mine simple too, and every now and then I’ll throw in a little bacon =)
Bacon is a fabulous idea!
I’ve only had B-sprouts from the cafeteria at work, and they were pretty good! I think they were just steamed and then added salt and pepper. Not bad!
I’m allll about simplicity. 3 ingredients are enough for me 😉
I’m going to be a ninja this year!
I have learned to love brussel sprouts by roasting them with bacon and apples and sprinking them with balsalmic vinegar!