I have a really good idea for a post (in my head), but no time to put it all together right now….
So let me share some things from this week’s classes and this week.

Other Stuff:
Yoga Teacher Training all weekend.
Next weekend (Sept 24th): Finger Lakes Wellness Fair in Canandaigua – it’s free! I’m providing 3 mini-workshops (ultimate smoothies, bone health, and nutrition for athletes). There is also massage, acupuncture, and tons of other cool stuff to check out. Here’s the info.
What we talked about in my classes this week: food safety (did you know you should wash your banana before you peel it?), digestive system, superfoods, and alcohol metabolism (and how to prevent hangovers).
What I’m crazy about right now: Epigenetics – how your lifestyle puts markers on your DNA that input how you express genes, how that was affected by your parents/grandparents, and how you can use it to your (and your born or unborn children’s) advantage.
What have you learned this week?
Happy Wine Friday! Tweet #winefriday to me if you’re celebrating! I think I technically had Wine Friday last night with the Other Lisa B! I don’t know what I was drinking (aside from the fact that it was chardonnay), but it went down easily enough that I stayed for dinner! (Thanks Lisa B—can’t wait for our next Wine Outing next Thursday for Riesling Hour)!
New blog design soon—I have a new logo, and I think Kristina at Spabettie could guess what kind of herb I have as a part of it! (Hint: it has something to do with my name)
I’ve never canned/jarred anything other than some cranberry sauce, salsa, and TONS of spaghetti sauce. I guess we’ve never really had a great crop of tomatoes to jar or I’d be on top of that one. And I’ll be celebrating Wine Friday with you virtually!
I LOVE my egg poacher! Don’t use it as much as I used to but it’s great…definitely makes a big difference than trying the old fashioned way.
I’ve never jarred anything but my clients do. I was training them last year and saw the whole process of steaming the jars to seal them shit…pretty neat! I was thinking about doing freezer jam this year but never made it to the farm to pick berries 🙁
Lisa B, Lisa B! spell it backwards everyone! 😉 I can’t wait to see the new design, even more now! 😉
happy Friday and happy WEEKEND !
Ha! I was thinking: Lisa? Asil? Anise? I didn’t clue in to basil until I saw Kristina’s comment. Can’t wait to see the redesigned blog!
I’m excited to see your new blog design! And I think I’ll be celebrating Beer Friday instead of Wine Friday. Just seems like a beer kind of day!
Have a nice weekend!
Yes, I agree—today would be a great beer day!
Yup…she’s right. Ever since I made that name/basil connection, I’ve been a total dork about it…and somehow that made me like basil the most of any herb. So I’ll just go with it 🙂
I’m glad you’re on my side! I love how the poacher makes them come out in nice neat pod-shaped egg packages 🙂
I’ve always wanted to jar things too…maybe next year! And maybe next year your little one can help you pick berries … Or smash them all over and make a big fun mess 🙂
yay for new design, we are working on one as well, still have more to do though 😉
and happy Wine Friday!!! so happy it is almost the weekend this week has been tough! and Michelle and I are so excited for pumpkin season yum!
I’m excited to see the new design!!
I love poached eggs – thank you for the reminder!!
OMG you’re doing yoga training? THAT’S AMAZING! I LOVE yoga and I wish I could do it every single day for the rest of my life, but guess what? Here, in Argentina, all the yoga classes are at NIGHT! I know, right? They have a couple in the morning but it’s like at 11am (the earliest one) and I can never ever make it ): They’re are definitely not morning people here and that has been my major issue so far ):
I’m sure you’re gonna ROCK IT! 🙂
I can’t wait to see this design. I bet its peeerfect. Mine would be a wine bottle, haha. That being said, cheers to wine friday.
Okay, so much to comment on in this post!
I totally want to learn how to jar my foods, that’s so nice that Joe’s Mom did that!!
Ahhh *punkins* LOVE this time of the year too 🙂
Okay, I need to jump on the make your own milk bandwagon. It’s amazing how much I spend on my fave milks!!
And finally, epigenetics sounds so interesting. I really believe that our lifestyles play a vital role in determining how our genes express themselves…although I don’t know the science behind it!!
i love poached eggs! but i never make them at home…too much fuss! easier to scramble + micro an egg (and too funny that you mention cooking at low temps for eggs – i have found that if i go longer and with less power in the micro, the egg cooks up fantastically!).
the wellness fair sounds FUN! wish i was closer!
what i learned this week: i went to a physics-based lecture last night…i really tried to grasp the concepts but ended up mostly people watching!
have a great weekend, lisa!
I finally celebrated wine friday!!! Looking forward to your new blog design 🙂 I seriously need to stop working on saturdays. It seems that all of your events fall on days I am working 🙁 Maybe next time….
I LOVE pumpkin time!! It’s the best time of the year 🙂 I can’t wait for the Libbys pumpkin to start showing up on shelves, but so far, I haven’t been in luck.
So…why should we wash bananas before we eat them??? I’m so confused! I never learned that in food safety, and I even wrote my thesis on the importance of washing produce!
I LOVE pumpkin time!! It’s the best time of the year 🙂 I can’t wait for the Libbys pumpkin to start showing up on shelves, but so far, I haven’t been in luck.
So…why should we wash bananas before we eat them??? I’m so confused! I never learned that in food safety, and I even wrote my thesis on the importance of washing produce!
I LOVE pumpkin time!! It’s the best time of the year 🙂 I can’t wait for the Libbys pumpkin to start showing up on shelves, but so far, I haven’t been in luck.
So…why should we wash bananas before we eat them??? I’m so confused! I never learned that in food safety, and I even wrote my thesis on the importance of washing produce!
The nutrition text I use says that if you touch the peel, and then touch the fruit, you can transfer the stuff from the peel to hands to fruit…I never heard of that before using this text. I always poll my students about whether they wash their bananas (before I talk about why), and about half of them generally say they do! I don’t know…the poll is anonymous so it’s not like they’re trying to impress anyone, but I guess they could be lying? Honestly, I’ve never washed a banana before peeling it…
Ahhhhhh, I have an egg poacher, but I don’t think it’s seen the light of day in at least 2 years… I totally could have sent it your way, haha. I hate egg yolks and poached egg whites aren’t very exciting to me!
Can’t wait to see your new design!!
I totally forgot to tweet wine Friday! I think it was all the wine I had haha. E and I had a bottle at dinner than a pitcher of sangria. Needless to say I think it was “too much wine Friday” for me yikes!
Epigenics sound interesting- I’d love to hear what you think!
“alcohol metabolism (and how to prevent hangovers)” <—– THAT ONE!!! Teach me!
In three years 🙂
I’m a huge fan of pumpkin time too. And I love poached eggs! My mom used to make them for me all the time as a kid…I’d smother them in ketchup, lol!
I love tomatoes, I need to learn how to can!
oh that egg poacher sounds so fun!