Since I’ve been gone…I’ve gotten healthier!

I’ve missed you.


I’ve been having a mental block about the blog–I have some big changes going on in my life (personal and professional), and my inner brat stomped her foot and said she wasn’t going to do anything until everything new was ready at the same time.

I gave up on that desire.


I’ve spent the last few weeks reading and researching new (to me) nutritional information. I don’t want to go into it too much right now—it will be a bigger part of the blog overhaul that is coming soon. I’ll just say this—I have left the nutrition science department in a university, and walked over to the anthropology department…magically, the dots are connecting.

p.s. my personal nutrition changes and experimenting that I’ve done (on myself) over the past week has yielded such a significant array of benefits to my mental and physical health that I feel like I’ve won the lottery. My previous Personal Improvement Plans didn’t scratch the surface—this new plan has made me a new person, and I finally proved (to myself) that all of my experimentation over the past three years has been worth it. If I had stopped trying new things…I’d still be back where I was. I had the foundation right (lots of vegetables), but I was heading in the wrong direction in other ways. More later.

A sneak peak into my revamped kitchen:

Butter from pasture fed cows...goes well with eggs from free range chix 🙂

I added this to my green juice. And it was really freakin' good.

Raw milk cheese. I'm glad I never said I was vegan...
Sugar free, low carb (but high fiber), HIGH FAT...avocado pudding. I've been making this forever, but I figured out a really obvious secret trick--add more liquid and it becomes much silkier. duh.


I have a wellness fair event on September 24th in Canandaigua. I’d love it if my local friends would come—it’s totally free, and I’m doing a smoothie demo, snack samples, and 3 mini-workshops (Bone Health, Nutrition for Athletes and Exercisers, and Ultimate Smoothies). There are also door prizes at the wellness fair, and I’m donating 3 sessions of wellness coaching (with me) as a prize (worth $375). So…come! There will be a lot of other things there too—I’ll make sure to link to the promo info when it comes out.

I’m moving this week, plus I have a trip to Boston (for a baby shower) and a trip to Florida planned in September.

What do you have coming up this fall?

Have you ever radically changed your lifestyle (or eating habits) all at once and had major awesome results?

Words for today (I don’t know where this originated, but I borrowed it from a very smart and thoughtful person’s facebook status. He’s also going to be my new neighbor, so I’m looking forward to scouting his book collection.):

“‎Sometimes it’s important to work for that pot of gold. But other times it’s essential to take time off and to make sure that your most important decision in the day consists of choosing which color to slide down on the rainbow.”

119 thoughts on “Since I’ve been gone…I’ve gotten healthier!”

  1. well I am so glad to have another kerry gold fan. Keep me updated on that nutrition. SOunds similar to mine. And i am on a block break right now, well because its forced when my site is down. haha. Probably a good thing. Glad to hear things are going well. I’ve missed you!

  2. Isn’t that quote awesome?! I love love love it! I just googled it to see where it came from, and this is what I got:
    ~Douglas Pagels, These Are the Gifts I’d Like to Give to You

  3. OMG GIRL!!!! we sooooo need to catch up! next time I see you on FBOOK i’m totally bugging you =) haha! I can’t wait to hear every teeny tiny to epically epic detail! eeee!

    love you like woah! i’ve been out of touch with blog land a lot too… i dont think i’ll truly be present until a few more tweaks to my life are made… but i’m excited! =)

  4. i’ve missed your blogging/our visiting via comments, lisa! but i am glad for you that you’ve got exciting changes on the horizon and that you took some time to just let the blogging chill. no sense forcing esp when you have a lot going on.
    i hate making change, really, so haven’t done anything BIG, that i can recall. giving up diet coke maybe?? (that has not stuck!). just the past two weeks, yoga has made it back into my life. that is such a positive lifestyle improvement!!
    good luck with the move – thinking of you!

  5. There you are!  🙂  Glad you’re back and can’t wait to hear about your changes and blog overhaul plans.  I can’t believe you were in Santa Monica recently.  Now that I’m back in Cali, we could have met up.  Next time!  🙂  I hear you about having a block – must be somethin’ in the air! 

    I’ve experienced awesome results from radically changing my lifestyle, cold-turkey, in fact.  Am proud to say the changes have stuck and I am literally a new person.  Funny how tweaking the diet just a smidge can open up a new world, eh?

    Hopefully, you will/have found mental clarity and are experiencing bliss with your new found changes.  Can’t wait to hear all about them!  Good luck with your move.  xo

  6. I love that quote!! I am so excited to hear about the changes that have made such a positive change in your life and to hear about your new adventure in life and plan for the blog!

  7. LISA! I have missed you like crazy! I am so glad things are panning out in a way that is working for you! I am super jazzed to hear about what changed you have made and what you have learned. 

  8. Wow sounds like lots is happening in your life. Glad you got away thought. Okay did you put onions in your green smoothie? That maybe a first. I love anthropology. I actually wanted to do that when I first entered university. I was going to go on all of these digs.. 🙂 Anyways can’t wait to hear your updates.

  9. Very nice, Lisa! My daughter’s an anthropology major. Not sure what, if anything, she’ll do with that after college. I’m interested to hear about YOUR reasons for change.

  10. I can’t wait to learn more!  I always look forward to your posts; you make me think and you inspire me.  I’m very interested to hear about the switch from nutrition to anthropology.  I did my undergraduate degree in anthropology.  While I don’t regret the choices I made because they led to the life that I live, I sometimes wish that I’d decided to go to grad school in anthropology instead of teacher’s college.

  11. Hi Lisa, awesome blog! I love your comment about walking down the hall to the anthropology dept and leaving the nutritional science dept behind. I’m not sure if that’s metaphorical or not but it sounds about right! We can learn a lot about what we should be doing now by studying the behavior of our ancestors. But perhaps somewhere in the middle of history and nutritional science there is a place that fits us best in the modern world………not sure. I guess we wait to see! Until then, no matter what the eating strategy is called, paleo, primal, low carb, gluten free – they all cut out the crap and the refined foods that offer us nothing but chronic inflammation and disease.

  12. Thanks for the comment! I was trying to be metaphorical…I think I’m gonna have to explain that one a little!
    I completely agree with you— about finding a blend between hunting and gathering and the benefits of that food/life, and applying modern life to those principles. The bottom line really is that cutting out all the gunk cuts out the health issues. I’m all for it‹I’ve been on the brink for a while, but reigned in slightly by my nutrition science textbooks (that I have to teach out of)…it is all surely pushing me to redesign my approach to presenting information!

  13. I’m so intrigued — I can’t wait to hear what your changes are!!  Hope you tell us soon.  😉

    Red onion in green juice sounds pretty fantastic!  I tried garlic not too long ago and surprisingly loved it!

  14. love love love to hear that are doing so well and feeling great, look forward in hearing about your new changes

    love avocado puddings, always been a staple in my diet for years 😉

    and great quote!

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