This week flew by, didn’t it?! Since I’m working mostly from home all summer, distinguishing between weekdays and the weekend really doesn’t matter too much—except that more people are around me on the weekends, so I get less work done (a-Ok with me!).
I’m still grinning at my garden pics—and there will be more to come, including the fruits of 28 tomato plants. Yes, 28. Joe didn’t think of how many tomatoes that would actually yield (what if we only got 10 per plant? That’s 280 tomatoes!). As punishment, he has to learn how to can tomatoes this year. He’s actually quite happy about that.
And so am I (Especially if he does all the work. Hey, just being honest!).
I’ve been drinking a lot of Jiaogulan tea. It’s an awesome uncaffeinated tea, adaptogenic by nature, and you can eat the leaves too. Knowing this about the tea leaves makes me feel like I should use them to their fullest potential (eat them). Adding them to cooked veg of any kind seems to work–they’re not so noticeable, actually. A couple days ago, I thought I’d add them to my smoothie. This is what I came up with:
Jiggle Tea Jack Shake (Jiggle Tea because that’s what we’ve nicknamed Jiaogulan, Jack because I added protein powder).
8oz Jiaogulan tea (chilled)
Used Jiaogulan tea leaves (from 48 ounces of brewed tea— which started with 2tbsps dried tea leaves)
1 scoop Sun Warrior (or other) chocolate protein powder
1 tbsp cocoa powder
1 dropper full of liquid vanilla stevia (btw, I did pick winners of my stevia giveaway and they’ve been sent the goods…I just forgot to post who won!)
ice, if desired
Blend the leaves and tea first until smooth. Then add other ingredients and blend. This makes one serving, or about 12-16 ounces (if you don’t add ice).

Now, onto my lighting issues.
I have an apartment with windows on the East and West sides of the building. In NY state, there is approximately 12 minutes a day (or so) of good lighting for pictures near two of my (non-kitchen) windows. When I made this smoothie, I knew there was no hope for good lighting, so I just rolled with it.

This reminded me a little bit of the time I made ginger tea and added hot cocoa powder…but this was cold. And better.
Now, onto Moving!
I found the perfect apartment to move to. Yes, I’m in my 30’s and I don’t want to buy a house. I know. It’s a buyers’ market, I’d be building equity, etc. But renting fits my do-no-house-projects personality. I like to snap my fingers (call my landlord) and have everything done for me. I like to just schedule a rent payment from my bank account (online, so I don’t even have to talk to anyone about it) and never think about money. I like to move when I want to, and spend money on ridiculously expensive gym memberships when I want to. I like to walk into Wegmans and buy exotic produce without thinking that I shouldn’t because I need to buy a new furnace.
So….we’ve decided to move to Canandaigua. One, because I’m teaching a few nutrition classes at the community college there. Two, because it’s closer to our families (and that matters more now in my 30’s). Three, because Joe will do anything that makes me happy. I’m not allowed to say anything mushy on the blog (or other social media) about him, so I’m stopping with that.
The best part about this 1100 sq. ft. apartment (yes, it’s big!) is that it is across the street from my mom. I know, I’m in my 30’s — I should want to buy a house, and I should not want to live by my mom. But you know what? I don’t and I do! It will make a lot of things easier, including when Matthew spends the weekend—we won’t have to spend so much time transporting him around to each other. I told him he’ll have to learn how to jump really far—and then he can play Don’t Touch the Ground like his mom and I used to do in the living room, and just jump from my porch to Mimi’s porch. Honestly, it’s not that close, but it is directly across the street. Catherine Street. Doesn’t that sound like a great place to live?
We don’t have nearly enough furniture for our new found space. Anyone out there with a vision for that stuff? I have no vision. My idea of decorating would be to walk into Arhaus or Pottery Barn and just transplant a display room into my home. We’re not moving till August 15th, so I just have to be patient now. And pack. And go to Disney World. And be ready to fly to Santa Monica to do top-secret wellness work for a week right after we move.
Have you moved a lot? Doesn’t it suck? It’s a great workout, I suppose, but it’s definitely not fun in my book!
Do you ever make smoothies with tea in them?
Do you try and take pics with good lighting, or just snap away and see what happens? (I’d like to be more concerned about lighting, but I think I’ll have to learn more about it first)
What are your plans this weekend? Tomorrow I’m taking three of the kiddies to the park with Joe’s mom for a picnic and swimming (them, not me). Saturday I’ll be working on some new awesome work projects, and Sunday will be a fun birthday party for Joe’s niece.
AHHHH will you make this smoooshie for me? I am so excited for you to move to canandaigua but I’m so sad we won’t be as close!!! Wahhh 🙁 I get back Saturday night so sunday or monday we need to hang out!!
Woo-hoo!!!! Does it get ANY better than YOU being MY neighbor?
I am definitely trying the jiggle tea smoothie this weekend.
The farm grown veggies are amazing especially in combination with all our herbs. It is going to be so much simpler to share when you arrive on Catherine Street.
We are in a townhome and we are in the shadiest part of the lot, so we don’t get a ton of sun. I like your dark and mysterious pictures though!
Sometimes I wish we had an apartment instead — that way we could move if need be. We’re stuck in this house for a while because selling would mean losing money 🙁
tea smoothie looks great
good luck with the moving, I just got done with moving and glad to be done. I am with you though, have no interest in getting a house…yet.
ok, lisa, in all the time we’ve been blogging buddies, i always love our comment exchanges. but TODAY! man, are we soul sisters or what? i’m just reading along, going yes! yes! um hmm!!
i live next door to my parents and it is SO convenient. honestly, we can see as much or as little of each other as we want. it’s just a perfect set-up. you will love it, as will matthew. and catherine st? that is my full name, so i applaud your choice (so glad it worked out for you!). i don’t worry about lighting for my photos – i’d rather write than photograph for my blog, so that’s where i spend my time.
“But renting fits my do-no-house-projects personality.” – > TOTALLY! and i often say i would be perfectly happy in an IKEA set design plunked right in my home. the only ? i have is the tea you devised, there!!!….hmmm!…
anyway, thanks for the great read.
can joe can my tomatoes too? I am on my 4th batch of garden tomato salsa and starting to turn red =) we planted 4 and its crazy how much four can even produce…. i cant image 28!
Ah, I feel so validated right now 🙂
Yep—we’re totally on the same page! Well…except with knitting…I’m terrible at that! Hehe.
I definitely also concur about photos vs. writing…I used to write some posts that had no pics at all. I don’t know when it changed, but I miss that!
Enjoy Friday. Fingers crossed that us northerners have super great weather again…
I’ve moved a lot but it’s the most recent one that’s brought me closer to my parents too! I went from being 6 hours away to 5 hours away to now about 1.25 hours away. Sometimes I wish that I could live across the street from them, but I don’t know if they’d always be as happy to see me as they are when I visit now, haha. I’m excited for the first holiday season that I’ve been close too… I’m sure there will be way less hassle and juggling than usual!
I’m not much of a smoothie drinker (gasp!) but I LOVE me some tea- I wonder what other cold ways I could make it… tea yogurt? hmmm, perhaps not… I’ve added steeped good earth tea instead of water to oatmeal, it wasn’t that noticeable though. I want to try jiggle tea!
I owned a house in college, and have NOT since!! 🙂 Jason and I keep having this conversation, and we keep going back to the same thing – we love to travel and spend money on experiences. we recently came SO close to putting an offer on a house, to the point of getting the approval letter and realtor. then we went EEK and stopped!
I LOVE jiaogulan!!
Sounds like the move is just what you need! The packing may be disgruntling, but once you’re all settled in, I bet it’ll be perfect =)
Have a great weekend Lisa!
I’ve only moved once…out of my parents’ and into my house (which, btw, is about the same size as your whole apartment!) and I hated the process of moving! Mostly because it was just an inconvenience and very time consuming. However, it will be completely worth it for you & Joe in the long run – look at all of the perks you’re gaining from the move!! I think living across the street from my mom would be awesome, so I’m very jealous:)
Great post! It seems like you have a ton going on! It’s so exciting that you’ll be moving closer to family! I LOVE Arhaus furniture. We purchased about a 13 of our furniture from there and we love each and every thing. Especially our dining room table!
I’ve only moved twice in my entire life. I lived in my family’s first house until I was 18, we moved 30 minutes north and I lived there for almost 6 years until I got married and moved out! Yup, I lived at home up until I got married and I loved it! It’s nice to have my own home now though!
Yummy! I’ve never put tea in a smoothie before but I just made popsicles with tea in them and those are so good. Smoothies are next! 😀
I’ve moved about 7 times I think but I don’t forsee moving much more in my future. My hubby and I have a house and really don’t like moving so I don’t see us moving much but my parents loved it for some reason. It was torture for me growing up haha. Glad you’re moving somewhere you want to! I think it’s always nice being close to family. We’re about equal distance from my parents and my hubbys parents so it’s perfect 🙂
I always like to have good lighting but sometimes it just doesn’t work out. And then sometimes you get cool pictures anyways 😀
I say hooray for all those tomatoes! I have 2 plants and they are out of control right now. I= love it! Josh doesn’t like tomatoes !! The smoothie sounds yummy. And I think being near family is so important- so the move sounds like a good one to me. I’ve moved a ridiculous amount of times. I’ve lived in 8 states and in multiple locations in a few of those states.
congrats on your upcoming move! Right now, living in an apartment is perfect for us. It’s nice to have the flexibility to move when we want without the baggage of a house. Eventually, we want to buy some land and build a house, but right now we need the freedom of apartments.
that tea looks FANTASTIC! I’ve put cold (meaning, old) tea in smoothies before, but I couldn’t really taste it.
I’ve been more concerned about lighting lately, especially since I got a tripod for my birthday and have been experimenting with photos.
This weekend I’m working working working, but that will end on July 21st because I quit my coorporate job! yeay! now to focus on teaching and ayurvedic certification and yoga! whootwhoot!
Glad all is well with you, Lisa!
Wow, your garden is really stunning! So jealous of all your goodies…especially the tomatoes! 🙂
Congrats on finding the perfect apartment! And I know what you mean about wanting to live next to mom…I live about 7 minutes from my mom and that’s as far away as I’ll go, lol. Fingers crossed for an easy move for you!
I’m so excited for you! Following your blissawesome. I’ll look forward to
following your journey, Lauren 🙂
it’s so fun when you can make delicious drinks like this at home, and feels good knowing you didn’t have to spend an arm and a leg to make something just as yummy as the barista 🙂
Hey Lisa! Congratulations on the move that is so exciting! We just moved a couple of weeks ago and it does stink! Your comment about why 7 year olds don’t value their health cracks me up because some of Mathews comments (i.e. “ewww health food”) reminds me so much of my husband it cracks me up. The sad part is he is not seven and I still have to sneak in healthy food! 🙂 Good luck moving!
Oh my gosh. You’re moving. Finally! (Well, not yet, I know, but still. It’s like it’s real now!!)
So. You have to tell me when, because I’m helping. You’ve helped me move too many times to let you do this on your own.
Also. You know you have help with furniture and stuff. 🙂
And… I’m so excited. 😀 YAY!
Hey Lisa,
Thanks for the mention. We’re so glad to hear your love for our
produce department!
Wow! You have quite the green thumb. Canning tomatoes sounds
like a perfect idea!
Loved checking out your garden photos. Would you like to Grow
& Tell?
We wish you the best of luck on your upcoming move!
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