Apparently, I’ve needed a break from blogging. I had the opportunity last week to attend an online teaching summit, and it was great to learn new ideas (to spice up my classrooms) and also meet some of my colleagues who I’ve only known through email up until now.
A couple days ago, I made a pizza crust out of cauliflower—yes, you read that right! It was so good, even Joe liked it and he is the king of the whole wheat pizza crust (in our house). He even said he would eat it instead of his regular crust.
I didn’t make this recipe up, I just altered it to fit what I was looking for. After reading so many recipes for it online, I don’t even know who to give credit for it—but if you google cauliflower pizza crust, you’ll find a lot of options!
The standard ingredients are:
2 cups cauliflower (riced – which means that you steam it and then shred it into “rice.” I used the grater disc on my food processor but you could do it by hand if you wanted to)
2 cups cheese (shredded)
2 eggs
The ratio is often 1:1:1, but sometimes less cheese.
This is what I came up with:
2 cups cauliflower (measure after you “rice” it)
1 cup goat cheese (or daiya or rice shreds if you want to be vegan or dairy free)
2 tbsp chia stirred into 1/4 cup water (and let sit for 20 min)
2 tbsp oregano or pizza seasonings
Mix everything together and bake in greased pan for 15 minutes or until browned and crispy on the edges (I used a non-stick round cake pan). It really doesn’t make “dough” in the traditional sense, so you have to press it together and smooth it out in the pan. Flip it over onto a cookie sheet and continue baking till crisp (that time will vary based on how thick you make the crust). I baked it at 450 degrees, but next time I think I’ll lower that a little and bake for longer (so it will get crispier in the middle before the edges start to burn). After the crust is done, remove from the oven, add toppings, and broil till the toppings are done and melty.
*Edited to add: I have made it with both the chia and the egg now. It works great either way. It really does work best when you feel like you’re “over baking” it—it should be totally dark golden brown before you add toppings. Also, you don’t necessarily have to flip it! Sometimes I can’t flip it–or it would fall apart. Worst case scenario, you have to eat it with a fork…which is still just as yummy!

This week, I haven’t yet “Made Something” (other than food). I got sidetracked yesterday by searching for my continuing education certificates from the past three years (since my American College of Sports Medicine certification is being audited). I found them (all in different places), but really, I could have used that time for many other things if I had just been organized in the first place! It also spurred me to search for new continuing education classes to take (for fun and for credit). Lately, I’ve been focusing all on food, which has been awesome, but now I’m leaning back toward my roots in exercise science. I think I concluded that I’ll do the personal trainer certification (totally unnecessary professionally, but will give me points toward renewing my Health/Fitness Instructor certification). Plus, it’s local and easy, and hopefully interesting.
All that to say…I have not made anything yet, but I’m going to repeat the photo project (with variations) with a new pic of my little babe. I have a desk for him (that I’m sure he won’t use) to put in his room in our new place, and the idea is to put up pictures of his summer there.

Two more pics from yesterday…

Have you tried cauliflower crust?
Are you super organized and keep track of important documents?
What have you made (non-food) recently?
I would LOVEE to make this. Unfortunately, I don’t seem to like dairy free cheeses either. I really want to try goat’s dairy again too, but I’m scared, because it usually makes me so sick. It looks amazing though!
I’ve been trying to think of an alternative (I don’t like the non-dairy
cheeses either). I seem to do ok with goat cheese in small amounts (I
wouldn’t classify this recipe as having a “small amount” though!)…but
maybe with enough egg or chia egg as “goop” it would even work with almond
or cashew cheese? It’s on my list of things to try!
you’re brilliant this seriously looks amazing! its sad but I dont know the last non food thing I have made recently lol…
I’ve wanted to try a vegan version of this crust but haven’t attempted it yet. I could really go for something uber healthy right about now 😉
i must try this pizza crust!! what a great idea.
I have heard of this and want to make it – yours looks SO good! my important docs ARE organized, I have a big file system for all of them (it is the ONE thing I can be proud of, organization wise) 🙂
the last non food thing I made – painted two dachshund paintings for Jason’s birthday last month!
I’ve heard of cauliflower crust but I didn’t know what it was really made of — I’m interested to try it now!
great idea
Wow that looks really good- i’ve never even heard of cauliflower crust but I love cauli so it seems like a good idea! I wonder if there’s anything besides cheese or cheese subs you could bind it with- I’ve been sort of avoiding dairy lately and thought maybe I’d be creative… hmm if I find another way I’ll let you know!
This wouldn’t work for someone truly dairy free, but I might try a greek yogurt or even strained yogurt cheese, as it doesnt’ seem to be as hard on my stomach as cheese. What do you think?
It sounds like it might work…my only hesitation with the non-cheese (or
non-fake cheese) options is that I’m not sure how much the gooey/glue nature
of the cheese keeps the crust together and how much you could depend on the
egg/chia egg. I think it’s worth trying! I’d definitely be more of a fan
of an option that didn’t have any cheese (or fake cheese) at all…
Your little munchkin is so cute. Ahhhhh I would actually eat this pizza!! Ahah despite the fact that I’ve been staying away from animal products (besides occasional fish) at this point I realized hell I’m gonna eat whatever the eff I want. Aahhah wow Brendan Brazier would really like that statement. Ummmm anyways, I CAN’T WAIT UNTIL TONIGHT YEEEUHHH! Food and our idol mister brendan brazier. Tonight’s gonna be a good goo dnight.
cauliflower crust sounds interesting!! i might need to give that a try. love the way you’ve presented this dish – looks simple but so full of fresh flavor :).
Thanks for the recipe. It’s good to eat healthy and stay fit. Exercise daily
OH. EM. GEE. That pizza sounds so good and it purely genius!! I really want to try that ASAP! My husbands cousin will be visiting us for 3 weeks from Italy and I’m sure I’ll freak him out with some of the stuff I’ll be eating! hihi 🙂
Ahh I hate bugs!! I’ve found some pretty gross ones when I wash the lettuce from my garden and they always gross me out. I love the outdoors and other animals, but bugs just bother me.. 🙁
Hi Lisa, this looks like an incredible recipe and it’s so creative which is what I love the most about your blog. You are really talented at using whole foods in unique ways. I can’t wait to try this! P.S. I can totally identify with your love of learning, I am afflicted with it too, ha ha.
wow! i’ve never honestly heard of a cawli crust – very cool! and if joe approves – win!
i recently started re-doing my photo albums that my mom made when i was little. lotsa re-gluing going on. but this way, i won’t be afraid to open them up!
go for the certification – love how you’re feeling the pull towards exercise science again. always good to go with the flow/switch up our professional interests.
i am very organized…but not with docs, either! i think i now have all diplomas, certificates etc in the same ROOM – that’s a start!
great heat and sunshine, eh! enjoy!
good luck with your continuing education, I know a lot of good things will come to you with all this work and study 😉
holy cow that pizza crust looks good… and for my brother to be interested?!?! WOW BIG WIN.
This pizza looks awesome!
Thanks for sharing to us nice blog. It is good to eat
healthy and stay fit. You have a good think that is well.
Wow that crust looks so good! I would’ve never thought to look for a cauliflower crust. I must try this soon!
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I’ve never tried a crust like that but it looks so good! Gotta put this on my list of things to try because we always have leftover cauliflower because I’m the only one that really loves it. Awesome, thank you!
Oh, so cool! I love the idea of cauliflower pizza crust. I’ll definitely be trying this one! I’m glad you’re still making stuff. I’m going to host another making stuff link-up next Monday!
I’ve never tried cauliflower crust, but I love riced cauliflower so I’m sure I’d like it! It’d be fun to put a southwestern spin on it and use the new “pepperjack-style” Daiya and then do a corn and black bean topping!
That sounds amazing! I haven’t tried the pepperjack yet, but I love the
mexican theme idea 🙂
1. I have that brown bowl.
2. WHAT IS WITH the creepy crawlies in our houses?! we’re twins. I just posted a pic of one I found last night, too. ga-ross.
How did I miss this!? I’ve been too busy. I’ve written down the ingredients and it’s going on my shopping list for this weekend. Cauliflower crust sounds absolutely fantastic.
whoops — this is lauren from spiced plate — for some reason it’s not letting me change my user name !
You will love this!
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