Inevitably, once a week or so, someone tells me that either they or someone they know ingests apple cider vinegar (ACV) everyday for the health benefits. But when asked what those benefits are, most people can’t really remember—they just know it’s good!
First, it’s important that we’re all on the same page—ACV for health purposes is the raw and unprocessed variety, and has the “mother” (gunky stuff) floating in the bottom. It’s harmless—but you also don’t need to drink that part (I don’t–unless it sneaks its way in my mouth). Bragg is the brand I use–it’s the most readily available.
Note: I realize how wonderful balsamic vinegar tastes, but it is acid forming in the body. In other words, it has the opposite effect as ACV and should be used in moderation. Also, regular pasteurized vinegar will not yield the results of the unpasteurized unprocessed version.
What Is ACV?
ACV is apple juice that has first been fermented to hard cider, and then fermented a second time to vinegar. The end result has super duper healthy acids and enzymes.
What are the benefits?
Weight loss—this mechanism is not completely understood, but it has been shown to work
Increased energy level
More alkaline pH
Decreased blood pressure
Decreased cholesterol
Lower blood sugar
Skin health (diluted 1:3 with water and used externally)
How do you use ACV?
If you remember, ACV is also a key ingredient in my gunk magnet facial!
1 tbsp in 16oz water (you can add more if you like it) and drink it!
-and my favorite-
Tea/ACV Drink
12oz tea (I use chilled jiaogulan tea, but if you don’t want or like tea just use water)
1-2 tbsp ACV
1/4 – 1/3 tsp ground cinnamon
20 drops of liquid stevia (I use NuNaturals)
*you could also use honey or another source of sugar, but I’ve found stevia is awesome in this and it will be good for candida and other people trying to cut sugar intake

I’m missing this drink right now, while I’m in Bethesda for a conference. I didn’t realize how “addicted” I had gotten in just a few weeks! I’ve been brewing my tea at night and then when it has chilled by morning, I concoct my ACV Tea and sip throughout the morning. Let me know if you try it!
Last night started a new session for my online Vitamins, Herbs, and Supplements class, and I’m always so excited to get started with a new crew. It did prevent me from going out in DC last night, but I made it to Trader Joes, so all is good in the world 🙂
Other random updates:
A client is cultivating a baby SCOBY for me, so I’ll have a new batch of kombucha soon, and I’ve got a lot of experimenting going on with cultured veggies and drinks. They’re kind of ugly, but oh-so-delicious! I’m planning on doing a series of sugar-free gut-friendly posts.

Also…I have a bunch of awesome business events coming up—smoothie workshops, a menopause workshop, and I’m going to be the yoga model in a photo shoot (I’m a little nervous about that one!).
Do you eat cultured veggies?
How was your week? Do you have any go-to drinks that you miss if you don’t have? I’m going to try and take more pics today—yesterday’s lunch at the Food as Medicine conference was made by the awesome chef (and cookbook author) Rebecca Katz, and it was amazing! Today I’ll take pics…probably.
i have about 10 scobies!! wish I could give them to you. and yes, ACV is a friend of mine. thanks for the great recipe.
I love sauerkraut actually. Could seriously just eat it straight out of the jar. I’ve never tried to make it though. I use ACV, but not often. I mean I keep it on hand and use it in splashes here and there, but not much more than that.
I love ACV. I make a drink with ACV diluted with water and spiked with some ginger…so delicious.
Smoothies and yoga modeling? sounds awesome to me!
Be well!
enjoy the conference, lisa! nice to get away for a little bit, even if work is involved..although i know you are passionate about what you do, so then it’s not really work! i have never tried cultured veggies! i would try them if someone gave me a sample!
i would miss coffee if i didn’t have it – does that count?!
would love to hear more about the conference and/or see pictures. enjoy the rest of your weekend!
Had no idea that ACV had all of those health benefits!!! Great post! 😀
I have never thought of drinking ACV. I’ll have to give it a try! Your drink recipe sounds delicious!!
Your blog is so informative, I really like reading your posts!
I use the same apple cider vinegar you mentioned to make salad dressings. I have read in many places about taking a tbsp daily and all the benefits it has. However, I have a very acidic stomach and am a bit afraid. Are you aware if this can make gastritis worse? I have even read people saying it helped with that, but I already suffer so much with my stomach and I am scared to make it worse (or get ulcers back again…).
i love it.I also ove cultured veggies and ACV drinks. Your recipe sounds wondrerful.
I used to drink apple cider vinegar. I used to pour a spoonful in my water and just chug it. I think it helps. I also use it in my salad dressings which definitely is more palatable sometimes.
I would love to make my own sauerkraut — I love that stuff!
I used to drink ACV pretty regularly, but then I started getting stomachaches from it (maybe the bottle I had was getting old? I don’t know) so I stopped. I did really like the taste.
YUM! On everything! I have tried a ACV drink similar to that, and I loved it… I wasn’t sure if it was good for me or not, so I am happy it is!
I love your posts, they are so informative!
Can you do a post about probiotics (your favorites, how much per day, benefits)!!
Also I’d LOVE to chat with you about doing a guest post, if you are interested!! 🙂
ps. meaning one on my blog!
Good to know! I have an unopened bottle that has been sitting in my cabinet for about a year. I think it’s time to crack it open! 🙂
i’ve never tried ACV, but i’d like to!
Hooray for you, you hot model 🙂
Thanks for this info, I have been buying the Bragg individual bottles- but I obviously need to stop doing this as they are like 2 dollars each- not happening…
I’ll have to try a tonic like you suggest, if for no other reason than the help with blood sugar regulation!
I have tried Bragg’s before and I definately need to mix it in something. As you know I am not good at stomaching things that have even the slightest “off” taste!
Hehe purple cultured veg 😉 In our dressing! I love ACV, I am skeptical to drink it but if you can do it then I can do it!!
OMG I think I dream with the day I can drink kombucha tea AGAIN! I used to drink it all the time at Whole Foods, but they don’t sell it in here ):
I wish I could have a garden… I live in a apartment, so there’s no way in God’s creation I could grow anything in here… sigh.
Sure, I’d love to! send me an email and we can
chat about details 🙂
what fun events you have going on! 🙂 I can’t wait to hear about them 🙂
I’ve been waiting for you to share you fantastic cider tea drink recipe, Nick is going to be out of town this week and I’m going to do all sorts of fun foodie experiments!
I’ve never made sauerkraut before, I’ve wanted to make Kim Chi though. Sigh, when are we going to be settled and unpacked? 😛
How interesting! I never even knew people took ACV. I kind of want to try mixing into a beverage now 🙂 Week was good just super busy! I am a mostly water girl- I crave it. have a good weekend
I like to think I’m healthy, but I am nowhere close to eating cultured veggies, ha. And as for drinks… I really only drink water and tea. If I don’t get at least 2L a day between the two I get pretty cranky! One thing I’d really like to start doing is making my own iced tea….
I love Braggs’ ACV! I drink some mixed with a bit of juice in the morning. It really wakes up my mouth – and the rest of me! The only thing that I worry about is hurting my teeth.
oh yes love our sauerkraut and fermented veggies 🙂
I had no idea ACV was so good for you! Thanks for sharing your wisdom!
I’m excited for more gut-friendly posts! =) I need to start making my own kombucha…. so badly! I dont know how to get a culture I can trust though! any idea?
xoXOxoJenn @ Peas & Crayons
Great info in this post! I drink ACV in raw, local honey every day. I love your idea of adding cinnamon though, I’m going to try that!
Never ever had cultured veggies! Sound so interesting!!
ACV sounds yummy and the benefits are awesome!! Your events sound so fun, you will ROCK that photo shoot!!
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