Vitamins, Herbs, and Supplements (and Macaroons and Granola!)

I hope you had a great weekend! Mine was fabulous—I didn’t do any work on Sunday, and Joe didn’t have to work till Sunday evening, so we went to my Mom’s for Easter. I just have to say that my Mom is amazing. She was cooking for the weirdest crowd ever—Joe and myself (Joe is picky but he’d never tell anyone what he wants), my grandparents (definitely wanted a ham dinner), Fred’s kids (who are not kids, but one owns Philly Cheesesteak restaurants and his wife is pregnant, and the other is mostly a vegetarian who makes food choices for some health reasons). My Mom made a variety of veggie recipes, mostly from the Kripalu cookbook, then ham, rye, and swiss cheese for the ham eaters. She also made Chai Tea that made me realize what non-instant chai tea is supposed to taste like! Not only was that the best Easter dinner I’ve ever had, but it just made me think about how amazing my mom is. She really put her heart into that meal, and sincerely wanted everyone to be happy. I had expected to munch on some salad and call it a day!

Asparagus, broccoli salad, salad w/ pears and pumpkin seeds, red skinned potato salad, and quinoa shrimp. She also made vegan carrot cake that I didn't take a picture of...oh, and I guess I missed out on the ham pic too πŸ™‚

The day felt like possibly the first time since my sister died that we were all getting together because we wanted to be together, and not just because we should spend time together on a holiday and make my grandparents feel like we’re normal. I often wonder why when we get together it always has to be about food, but it made sense yesterday. I know it’s a lot of work for my mom, and I’ve often just told her not to bother–she works hard for 24 hours in the kitchen and then everyone eats too much and it’s all over. This meal wasn’t like that (at least to me—maybe it was for my mom). What are your holiday meals like?

Topic Change: I was going to post about Stress/Metabolism this weekend, but I haven’t finished it yet, so I thought I’d do an easier one. Since I teach a college course called, Vitamins, Herbs, and Supplements, people always ask me what supplements I take. So I thought I’d just put them here, and tell you why I take them. This isn’t a recommendation!

Chlorella (Live Superfoods) – High in vitamins, chlorophyll, and protein. Gives me a lot of sustaining energy, a happy feeling, and was the key to normalizing a really wacky menstrual cycle (sorry guy-readers).

MSM (Jarrow-Amazon) – This is a sulfur compound, a great heavy metal detoxifier and supportive of healthy connective tissue. When I add a tablespoon to my water during a workout (it’s bitter, but I don’t mind the taste when I’m thirsty and sweating), I find that over time I am much more flexible and have fewer aches and pains. Typically, I have a lot of joint pain, especially in my hips. This helps.

Krill Oil (The cleanest fish oil I can find – Mercola) – Flax and chia area great for getting Omega-3’s, but they lack in EPA and DHA. These two things are essential to many aspects of health, including brain and heart health. An issue with low quality fish oil is that it can be contaminated with mercury and other environmental toxins that were in the fish. High quality krill is a good source because it was only alive for a short time (toxins don’t build up) and it renews itself super quickly. It is also high in antioxidants. If you don’t eat fish twice a week, you probably need to take a fish oil supplement.

Multi-vitamin/mineral (Mineralife – liquid) – Just covering the basics here. I like the vitamin/mineral combo—we often overlook minerals!

Vitamin C (Lypospheric) – Antioxidant/cell repair/skin health…and a lot more.

Vitamin B Complex (Lypospheric) – Coenzymes that help the body convert food to energy. Helps mental focus, plus includes vitamin B12 which I’m probably low on due to not eating a lot of meat. In my class, we have a big discussion about the use of mega-doses of B vitamins in energy drinks…and why it’s misleading!

Vitamin D – Due to lack of exposure to sunlight where I live, and my mom has osteoporosis so I’d like to boost my D, which helps with calcium absorption. It also helps with mood and energy level.

Probiotics (Syntol) – to help maintain digestive tract and systemic body bacteria. I have had so many issues with this over the years due to spending too much time on antibiotics and birth control pills. It took me decades to figure it out because I didn’t trace back my symptoms to the real problem. I’m convinced that this is key to figuring out (or at least dealing with) tinnitus and melasma issues I’m having. I just don’t know if it’s too late to fix the problems by just taking probiotics.

The probiotics I take - in spore form, paired with they don't get killed by stomach acid and the enzymes digest the dead bacteria (so you don't experience die-off symptoms)

I also take other supplements on a symptom-as needed-basis.

Do you take any of these supplements? On an empty stomach, I take the probiotic. Then I take the B, C, and Multi together by stirring them into water 20 or 30 minutes later. I then take the vit D and chlorella. I guess it sounds like a lot, but I have specific and general reasons for all of them, and I feel much better when I take them! Β Watch Food Matters for more perspective on supplements.

I have some clients who believe that they should be able to get all of their necessary micronutrients from food. The problem with that is that (1) if you don’t eat fish, you’re deficient in DHA and EPA for sure, (2) the soil our current food supply is grown in is deficient in nutrients and minerals, (3) we don’t eat a varied enough diet based on the food supply (and where we live), (4) probiotics are very important to the body’s bacteria balance, and if you ever take medications or eat processed food and sugar, you’re probably out of balance–it can be really difficult to diagnose this because everyone shows different kinds of symptoms.

You can exist for a lifetime without taking any supplements, but I really believe that you can enhance your health, help prevent and treat conditions, and slow the aging process by supplementing your diet (no matter how good your diet is!).

My supplement students learn SO much during our course, and I love teaching it because I always learn something new too. There’s a whole world of herbs out there that can help us thrive, but we don’t generally know enough about them to make good choices about what to take. It’s just easier to take drugs recommended by a doctor. That’s just not my style πŸ™‚

I made macaroons and granola this weekend…both turned out amazingly good–the macaroons are all different flavors: vanilla almond, vanilla orange, vanilla Dandy Blend (my favorite one!), chocolate, chocolate orange, and chocolate mint. Too much sugar in these for me in the form of maple syrup, but I tasted one of each πŸ™‚

The main ingredients: unprocessed coconut, NY maple syrup, coconut oil, ground sprouted almond flour (in the blondies), cacao powder (in the dark chocolate ones). I used extracts and Dandy Blend to spruce these up...The Dandy Blend ones taste a little like coffee flavored--amazing!
Dehydrated for almost 24 hours at 115 degrees
Granola, before flipping it and breaking into pieces--it's raw (except the maple syrup) and all the seeds and nuts are sprouted

I’d love to hear what supplements you take and why!

53 thoughts on “Vitamins, Herbs, and Supplements (and Macaroons and Granola!)”

  1. Dairyfreebetty

    Those macaroons look SO good!!! πŸ™‚ I'm currently not taking anything, well I should say regularly. I have probiotics, prenatal (for the next year or so when we start trying), and red reishi, but I'm really guilty as I never take then consistently.

    I am SUPER interested in knowing more about supplements. Especially calcium supplements.

  2. your mom sounds wonderful – making varied foods for everyones tastes. I'm glad you had a nice day.

    I do take a few supplements. Thanks for the overview – the only one here I do not take is chlorella, and I have been thinking lately about adding it, so it's great to know the benefit you feel! do you use powder or tablets?

  3. I use the tablets…the powder taste is prohibitive for me (it tastes yucky,

    so I ignore it in the cupboard!). I am always searching for the best quality

    chlorella, and Live Superfoods is the most reasonably priced I've found

    (less than half what I was paying before). I forgot to put in the post that

    this also helps me a lot by reducing (even eliminating) carb cravings! Since

    it's so high in protein, I have also noticed increased muscle tone without

    doing extra work (maybe I'm misattributing that, but I don't think so!).

  4. Both those macaroons and granola look amazing. I take a multivitamin, magnesium citrate (for, ahem, digestive issues), probiotics, and fish oil.

  5. i loved reading your easter sunday wrap-up, lisa! aren't moms the best – i'm so glad you had a good celebration together, for the joy of being together and not out of obligation. we had an unusual celebration: lasagna and apple pie, all 100% homemade by mom! i think our moms are very similar in the way they enjoy showing love thru sharing their cooking and baking!
    i take vitamin c, calcium, glucosamine, and vit d. i take a lot of vit c: 3000 mg per day. i rarely get sick and i fully credit this high vit c intake for that. i really enjoyed reading your vitamin and supplement info! i'd love to take a college course on this topic.
    what a bounty of macaroons! the granola looks great, and i love that it's raw.
    have a great easter monday!

  6. well, this is sort of embarrassing, but I take the chewy adult vitamins, and I'm currently taking a multi. B vitamins, and omega-3s. I used to take the calcium and vit Ds also, but then I figured I was taking tums often enough and my multi has vit d.

    I take probiotics occasionally (pill form), like after the flu or if my digestive system feels iffy. I never even researched whether or not that is even helpful, but I guess I just hoped so haha!

    I eat a lot of fruits and veggies and nooch and bars to round out things too. I never know if I'm getting everything, but I try πŸ™‚

    Macaroons look FAB!

  7. Okay all of your food looks great. I love all of the macaroons that you made. I do take vitamins. I change it all of the time though. I take e3live, a powdered multi that contain high compounds of vitamins and minerals. This covers most things and is from my N.D. I also take a complex for high stress situations. I do think vitamins and minerals are great. I am starting to use more herbs too though.

    Your easter meals sounds lovely. I had my husbands parents over last night and it was nice.

  8. I take Vitamin D too – the lack of sunshine in Michigan is insaneee – its a MUST for me! I have been looking for a good pro-biotic to take so I will def. take a look at this one!

    Your macaroons are perfectttt! Where did you find your dehydrador?

  9. haha WOW your mom is the best, she must have been bet out after catering for such different people haha.

    I take a multivitamin, Vitamin D and calcium!

  10. Glucosamine/MSM are lifesavers for runners! It keeps joint pain and stiffness away! I am also a 'very green' fan..its a trader joe's supplement full of algae, and condensed green goodness πŸ™‚ And of course, the daily multiple!

  11. i definitely think probiotics on an empty stomach are the most beneficial. Huge difference! And its so good to hear about your family time. A feeling of togetherness because you desire it not feeling obligated.

  12. JL @ HealthyHeyday

    Hi Lisa!
    Your Easter celebration sounded wonderful. Mom's are the BEST! I was elated to finally spend a holiday with my Mom after 15 years, myself. How sweet of your Mom to cater to everyone's taste buds! πŸ™‚

    Your macaroons look heavenly! Great pics, as well. Pardon, my drooling! πŸ™‚

    As far as supplements…first, I enjoyed your post…very informative. Daily, I take a raw Vitamin D, raw Vitamin B12, raw Calcium and a probiotic. In my smoothies, I alternate Liquid Chlorophyll and Spirulina powder. I add raw organic hemp seeds to my smoothies and salads.

    Again, thanks for sharing your knowledge and helping “us” Thrive! πŸ™‚

  13. kate_hautetotsBOS

    So I take calcium (Adora) although I'm beginning to think I take it more for the chocolate aspect than the fact that I don't drink cows milk. I need to research more into probiotics. For sures.
    As far as DHA/EPA thank you SO much for pointing out that we are all lacking… I have a strong history of Alzheimers so this is something I don't want to mess with. I eat fish but not enough. I also eat chia, flax and hemp seeds daily. I have been giving the kids Nordic Naturals DHA jrs, but now that I read it, EPA's aren't covered. And this is what my pediatricians reccomended:-O
    Love to hear your rec's

  14. Ok I loved reading about the supplements you take! I used to take lots of supplements each day, but lately all I've been taking is a multivitamin. I keep telling myself to do some research on what to take and why, but I just don't seem to get around to it.

  15. EGCG from green tea (I like the extracts…and just put it in

    water/smoothies/juice throughout the day) is also great for alzheimer's

    prevention. Live Superfoods has one by Body Ecology that's caffeine free and

    fluoride free!

  16. I also heard that taking probiotics before bed is best (although harder to

    do on an empty stomach then) because for some reason they “work” better when

    your body is horizontal!

  17. I have some E3Live in my freezer…I need to thaw some and add it to


    I am really looking forward to getting more into herbs this summer. I

    recently read of a place that has an herbal CSA—there isn't one around

    here, but I would be all over that!

  18. Do you take your vit C all at once? I've been reading about mega doses of

    C, and I'm probably around 2000. The immune boost kicks in at 500mg, so I

    read that it's best to spread out the C intake throughout the day…then you

    get the immune boose multiple times!

  19. Glad you had such a nice Easter! Your Mom rocks for accommodating everyones needs. broccoli salad- yum! Your macaroons also look gorgeous. I haven't had one of those babies in ages- so good! Normally I only take Calcium with Vitamin D. Since I became pregnant, I am on prenatal vitamins & and Iron supplement (as I became anemic quickly after becoming pregnant). Have a great evening

  20. i take 2x500g three times per day: morning, lunch, evening.
    if nothing else, at least vit c is water-soluble! πŸ™‚

  21. Lisa,

    You are so right your mom is amazing and I am sure she felt that each of those 24 hours of work was worth it so you could all be together. I am so sorry to hear about your sister's death. My sister passed away in 2005 and I know what a void that can leave in your heart and family.

    Thanks for sharing all the great info. I currently only take multivitamins and Vitamin C but have taken probiotics many times in the past.

  22. What a wonderful mother! Holiday dinners can be overwhelming to start with, and add in different styles of eating for different members of the family,a nd it can get really stressful really quickly! Kudoes to your mother! I'm also really glad you had a great get-together! πŸ™‚ Happy (late) Easter!

  23. Heather (All Sizzle No Steak)

    How are your macaroons so perfectly round? Amazing.
    That easter dinner looks divine! Go Lisa's Mom!

  24. Pingback: Back in the Swing of Things | The Runny Egg

  25. Ooooh how I'd love to gobble those macaroons right up! And I love the color that the berries add to the granola.

    I take probiotics, triphala (an ayurvedic combination of cleansing herbs), a combination of ginko/ginsing/rodiola rosea when I need energy or am feeling run down/sick, flax oil, and a vitamin B stress complex.

    I'm glad you and your family had a good get-together πŸ™‚ I hope you're well!

  26. Gina (Candid RD)

    I have researched Chlorella and don't see much evidence that it works. Do you think it may be placebo effect? Or have you seen other research tat I'm missing? I'm really curious because we sell that where I work and I get a lot of questions about it.

    Also, krill oil is another one I get asked about a lot. I realize they aren't alive for long, but aren't they non-sustainable? I always thought krill was the food for the fish and that we were killing krill and therefore it was non-sustainable since we are killing fish in return. Does that make sense? I'd love to know more!

  27. I haven't looked at many research studies for chlorella—the Western

    researchers aren't going to study it because no one is going to make a lot

    of money (pharmaceutical companies) from it! It's high in chlorophyll and

    protein (and other things), so …it has things in it that I want/need to

    increase in my die, and within days it had a noticeable effect on my energy

    level and reduced carb cravings. I'm sure it would work differently for

    different people—if a person already has a good energy level or doesn't

    crave carbs (or craves them for a reason different than I do)…they

    probably wouldn't see such a big benefit.

    I haven't done research, but I have at least 6 clients who have begun taking

    chlorella for a variety of reasons, and 5 of the 6 of them have said they

    love the effects (their claims include: energy, muscle definition, improved

    digestion, enhanced mood, decreased cravings/snacking). It's all pretty


    I think some manufacturers (Sun Chlorella) are promoting it as a

    miracle…and I disagree with that approach. It's a superfood made of

    certain things, and if a person is deficient or low on those specific things

    it will probably help. In a majority of cases, I don't think it will be

    harmful since it's a food and not a drug/chemical.

    I think being skeptical is very healthy for any of this stuff, because it is

    easy to buy into (and spend money on!) things that aren't worth it. In the

    supplement arena, I just think every individual needs to explore things for

    themselves and blend their values with their physical/emotional needs.

    There is definitely a leap of faith involved when you're spending money and

    looking for valid info. At the same time—I don't think anyone should take

    something just because I (or any professional) swears by it!

    Phew…apparently, I have a lot to say about that πŸ™‚

    Thanks for your thoughts!

    Oh, and on the krill….I suggest checking out Mercola's website on that–he

    has a video where he talks about the sustainability of krill. One of the

    benefits is that it multiplies so fast that we don't have to worry about

    damaging the supply. He's quite extreme on his opinions of things, but he

    does a good job of describing that issue. One of the reasons I buy krill is

    specifically because it is so sustainable!

  28. I'm happy your Easter was so wonderful! Your mom sounds like a pretty fantastic lady and definitely a wonderful cook…and your macaroons look amazing!

  29. I'm glad you had a great time with your family for Easter! It's always nice when we can get together and not seem “forced” to be with our family!

    Those macaroons look absolutely amazing! So beautiful all lined up!

  30. Katelyn @ Chef Katelyn

    Yummy!!! The Madre got me One Lucky Duck blonde macs, chocolate macs, and cinnamon bars for easter:) They are so good but SO so sweet! Save some nola and macs for me so we can have an eating party!!

  31. Pingback: What other cooking methods can I use to make mashed sweet potatoes? | free doll games

  32. Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday dear

    Christin…..Happy Birthday to You πŸ™‚

    Send me your addy and I'll mail you some macs πŸ™‚

  33. I do take D and B12 and a multi vitamin. I am glad you had a nice time with the family. I apologize for not knowing (and will look through your posts) but I don't know how your sister passed. All I know is that I can't imagine. My sis is my best friend! Oh, and trying to watch the first episode of The Killings, really good, but hits so close to home for me that it's really hard to finish. But major kudos to your cousin!

  34. I don't actually take any supplements. I do eat some fortified foods, like nutritional yeast and sometimes oatmeal. I don't really know how I feel about it — a big reason that I don't take any supplements is because I just can't afford it. But I don't know if there's anything I really should start taking…

  35. I take a multi, a Vitamin D and an iron. I'm interested in taking more but I get so flustered when it comes to “take this when” or “take this with this” or “don't take this with that”!

  36. I've always wondered about probiotic “pills.” My husband and I have been tempted to try them. This is very interesting! Currently I only take a multi-vitamin in the morning right before I eat a banana and drink coconut water. I didn't think I needed to take an extra D or B12 if my multi has 100 percent of the daily value. Maybe I'll look into it plus the probiotic. I am a vegetarian so I've started watching the supplements carefully (as in I need them!) I've considered taking a flaxseed oil pill too for omega3's.

  37. Pingback: Is there anyone else who finds that spicy food is the best way to kill a stomach virus? « Stomach ache remedies

  38. Anderson Maureen40

    Hi again!Β  Your blog is so interesting.Β  Would you share the granola recipe?Β  Why do you mention “sprouted” seeds? I can guess they are more nutritious?Β 

  39. Hi Maureen,
    The granola recipe is here on the blog! If you go to the search box, type
    in “super berry granola” and it will come up. It’s the best granola ever πŸ™‚

    I always at least soak the nuts and seeds for everything…they have enzyme
    inhibitors that are “deactivated” if you soak them. That just means they
    become easier to digest. Different nuts require different soaking times, and
    after I soak them I often dehydrate them so they are crunchy again.

    I have some fun nut and seed recipes I’m going to post soon—for cheese and
    other weird things πŸ™‚

    Thanks for visiting and for the comments!

  40. Japan, for example, has focused on chlorella and
    its capacity to help detoxify your body and reduce the effects of or clear away
    toxic elements and substances which might be poisonous. Scientific studies in
    the states and Europe have supported these results . Using this method normally
    requires from 3 to 6 months and may depend largely on how much chlorella you
    have added to your food consumption.

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