Welcome to Spring, New Yorkers! Today and yesterday were like being let out of jail. The sun came out, and the temperature was mild. We spent several hours yesterday bike riding and at a playground swinging—Matthew was here for the night. I wish I had taken a picture because he had on rain boots, jeans, a sweatshirt, and “work gloves.” I think Joe was slightly embarrassed that I let him ride around in public like that, but I don’t want to stifle his creativity 🙂
I’m feeling great about the week to come—I have high hopes for being right on target with all my work. I’m trying to think of a great topic to cover here on the blog—one that will be interesting and useful (and that I already know about so I can just write it and not think very hard!). So far, I’ve got nuthin’.
As a result, I’ll apologetically (sort of) just tell you what I’m thinking.
1. I can’t wait till the summer, when I have a lighter workload (read: time to work on fun projects). I have two smoothie workshops scheduled, plus I’m going to run a Mind-Body Skills Group in the next few months too. Since I’ll be doing a lot of traveling (SC, CA, CA again, FL), I’ll probably be surprised at how fast time goes.

2. I’ve been focusing on potholes inadvertently. My mom uses that phrase for when you focus on what’s wrong with life instead of what’s right. Focusing on the potholes seems to just make them bigger and deeper.
3. Spring Cleaning is in order. I am cleaning out closets (I already gave Katelyn a pair of jeans I’ve been holding onto for no reason—they’re more her “age” now than mine). But this reminds me that someday…
4. I’d like to have a tribe. I once read on a blog that this woman and her friends formed a tribe. One day a week, they’d pick one of their homes to meet at, and they’d just collaborate on whatever needed to be done. This could be cleaning, painting, a home repair project, organizing a play room, etc. The jobs were just so much more manageable to face when it was a team effort! Do you have a tribe? I want one!

5. I need to re-vamp my PIP (Personal Improvement Plan). My health problems are not improving with what I’m doing, and I don’t have health insurance. Am I desperate? No. But am I a little frustrated (and trying too hard not to focus on that pothole)? Yes. I’m going to be designing cleanses for others this summer, and I’m perfectly confident in my knowledge, but the fact that I need to adjust my own cleanse approach makes me even more empathetic with my clients. The process/concepts are Simple, but that doesn’t mean it’s Easy.

6. I made juice today that was disgusting. It’s still in the fridge waiting for me.
What’s your latest news? Have you tried any new health improvements lately?
The aloe cooler looks so goodddd – Is there actual aloe vera juice in it?
I want that aloe cooler recipe!! 🙂
I LOVE the tribe idea – how awesome would that be!!
that potholes thing is awesome too!! I SO have been living my life like that lately, so it would be good to switch those thoughts around!!
Great post!
and spring cleaning OH YES I am in desperate need!
I totally know what you mean about feeling like we've been let out of jail. We've had the same weather here in New Jersey and it puts me right in the mood for tomatoes and basil. And strawberries. And the beach. Yum.
I am loving the warm weather! I got out and went for a run sat and sun…it was too good to pass up! Do any stores in Rochester sell amazing grass? I have been looking for it but haven't found it yet. The tribe idea sounds fantastic!
For my health improvement, as of tomorrow i'm eliminating dairy products and soy from my diet for a few weeks to figure out what is upsetting my GI tract.
we had a great weekend here, too! tons of sun saturday and rain but really mild temps on sunday.
LOL over matthew's outfit. my nieces this week looked like little mismatched ragamuffins when we took them to the park…but i'm with you: why make a mountain out of a molehill, let them do what they want, really!
i am going GF for April and am THRILLED. i feel fantastic. so sorry you have some PIP potholes to address – i really hope you can make some tweaks and figure things out.
moms have the best life expressions, don't they!
Summer can't come soon enough! I'm burnt out for sure!!
What a great list! Oh summer-bring it on!
SO AGREED! after all the crazy weather in london- we've finally been released from cold weather jail!! it feels amazing! ive heard that kidz amazing grass tastes so good!
Coming to SC? when?where? maybe we can meet up for tea/coffee?? I like the idea of a tribe to help you get stuff done. Sounds fabulous
Spring cleaning is definitely in order for me too! So excited for the spring weather! It was 80 and pretty humid in Chicago yesterday. Not the best weather, but at least it was warm!
oh I want in on that tribe. sounds fabulous! And so does that aloe cooler. What is in it?
I'll post the aloe cooler later this week, as soon as the grocery store gets
more aloe leaves!
I think it will be around May 20th…Charleston is the plan, but dang, plane
tickets are a little steep into that airport!
Have you tried Southwest yet? It just opened here
I'll check it out, thanks!
LOL – isn't it funny what kids decide they need to wear??? I love the idea of the tribe! I need to do some serious spring cleaning.
Have you tried the website Wholeapproach.com? They are the absolute best and experts with yeast problems. They helped me and my son. They've been around for a long time and know what they are doing. The website and help is free! There products are expensive but they are top quality and work. Just an idea. Hope you feel better!
Hahaha, you are gutsy to stash your bad juice in the fridge, rather than pouring it down the drain! Can't say I'd have the same kind of control… I love the idea of a tribe – I'd never heard of anything like that before but I can only imagine how fun (and helpful!) it would be. I like the idea of a cooking tribe where you could get together and make ridiculously large batches of soup, stew, chili etc. to feed everyone's families for the week ahead.
Yes, I am so happy that Spring is springing! Nothing is better than a good spring cleaning! It's so refreshing and makes the load feel a bit lighter, if you know what i mean 🙂
Matthew is the cutest:) I'm so glad you two had a good time!! This made me think about how our health problems are so different in comparison to the health problems of the rest of america. Most health floggers (like us) are perfectly healthy all the time so when something feels a bit off we all wonder what is wrong! Haha I think that that's how health problems should be- not so serious, and not requiring health insurance. That is why we blog- so people DON'T end up with heart disease or diabetes! And to talk about ourselves 😉
i love the idea of a tribe!! such a great way to get things done…and in a way that is much more fun!
I should definitely get started on some spring cleaning too. Although it would be a plus if I had one of those tribes! 🙂
Ok the tribe idea is fantastic! Not only would it be great for me (my house!) but I love helping others with those sorts of projects.
I love seeing what kids pick out to wear — my mom has plenty of embarrassing photos of what I chose as a child!
Isn't this weather just great?? It makes me so happy. I think you can totally ignore your health problems for one more day in favor of a fun, warm-weather cocktail :).
– Beth @ http://www.DiningAndDishing.com
Quitting my job felt like a major health improvement. 🙂 Love that you let Matthew dress with creativity. 🙂
Uh-oh what made your juice disgusting? I need to know so I don't do it! 🙂
I think I put too many strong tasting things in it without anything
“watery.” It had beets, lemons, carrots, kale stalks, and way too much
cilantro and parsley. I have to work on my combos!
I love your honesty about your juice. That made me chuckle. I made some bad ones to. You just don't see people say it that much. Well when I don't feel well I try to get more sleep and that can be a bit help for me. I try to add in new things like yoga or a vision board to help me get out of my funk. Right now I am on a blue green algae kick these days.
Just leave the juice in the fridge. After a few days it will be kind of “off”, and then you won't feel quite so guilty throwing it away.
I want a tribe tooooo! That's such a FANTASTIC idea! I wonder how, exactly, one would bring this up with new friends. I'm moving in July, and I'm not sure that would be a good introduction: “Hi, I'm Stephanie. Wanna be in my tribe?” Sometimes I wish that I could transport all of my bloggy friends to my city, and then we could all be quirky together!
It does feel like being let out of jail!!! Its a reminder as to why I survive here through the winter – Spring and Summer are gorgeous!
Haha having a tribe would be awesome! Girl power.
Life in Niagara felt great with the last two days of weather too!! YEAH!! I am just focused on upping my energy so that when I start marathon training in June I will have a strong base!!
First: “I’ve been focusing on potholes inadvertently. My mom uses that phrase for when you focus on what’s wrong with life instead of what’s right. Focusing on the potholes seems to just make them bigger and deeper.” — I could not agree more. I'm always trying to be aware of this. Thanks for articulating it perfectly 🙂
Second: I love the idea of a tribe. I love the company of women and just a whole day of being together would do wonders for my well-being 🙂
Ah, I'm sorry the PIP isn't going as planned. I always have a hard time figuring out whether the plan isn't right or whether I just need to stick it out longer for it to take effect.
And no, I don't have a tribe. I think I'm not social enough.
aloe cooler!? ahhh tell me more!!!!
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