I’ve been super busy for the last several days (in a good way). Eight weeks till summer break! 🙂

I think it’s possible I might change the world with these veggie-roons. They’re really amazing. I was surprised at how great they really were—not too sweet, not too bitter. The chocolate totally balanced the carrot perfectly.
Other things:

And for the most exciting news of the day (this must be good—that stuff I already showed you is hard to beat!)… Petra and I did a smoothie workshop today at Grounded by Yoga in Bloomfield (it’s right outside Canandaigua). This is an amazing new yoga studio, just opened for business yesterday by my friend Sandy. We had 16 people (including my mom!), and we gave them 7 samples of smoothies…while we talked about the ingredients and nutrient benefits of them. My mom said it went great, so I’m going to totally believe her 🙂
This is the first time we’ve done the workshop without a table though…we made it work, but I definitely prefer to make smoothies standing up! Â Mom took some pics without the flash and from a distance (and she’s horrible at anything camera related…). I’ll show you a few, but just know the quality of the workshop is not related to the quality of the photos!

I hesitated at posting those pics—I do know how bad they are. Maybe someday I’ll get some real ones! Â I love smoothie workshops because it’s a great opportunity to share good information with people who want it. We cover everything from protein powder to superfoods….to different types of milk, the idea of drinking leafy greens, and lots more.
One last thing…
On Sunday night (tomorrow) on AMC, a new show is premiering called The Killing. My cousin sold this show to AMC last year (right before she turned 30), and she’s just spent the last several months in Vancouver while they shot the first season. She promises me that it’s going to be an awesome show (but I don’t have cable, so if you could watch it and tell me all about it…that would be great. Just kidding. I’ll find some way to watch it!)
I worked really hard this week, and I plan to keep doing it—the stress started to make my heart flutter on thursday. As the wellness coach, I can’t let myself keep that up 🙂
My solution? I did work till midnight last night so I could relax today (and smooth-ify some people). Tomorrow I will be working all day/evening again so I’m totally ready for the week (no more heart fluttering!).
What’s new with you? Would you be interested in a smoothie workshop? A veggie-based dessert? Avocado of the month club?
your workshop looks like so much fun! When I teach yoga I notice I talk a LOT with my hands. Its ridiculous. And those avocados, yum. I want some right now 🙂
I talk with my hands all the time! lol! I know how you feel!! Your workshop I bet was awesome! So cool!
Your carrot chocolate macaroons look amazing!!!!!!!!
I want those avocados…. yummy!! Oh the fun you could have!
Also if you need a taste tester for those veggiroons, I know someone FABULOUS that will take them off your hands! hehe 🙂
Also, if you have any really great smoothie recipes, I am doing a smoothie workshop with the special needs adults I'm working with, and would love info to give them and recipes… I'm working on the recipes, but they are almost all over weight and VERY unhealthy, so I am trying to encourage healthier eating. I always bring in my “green smoothies” and they've all promised to have 1 sip!! (YAY!)
Have a great night!! great job on the smoothie workshop!
look at you, so professional. WIsh I could have been in your class. Hope you don't get too stressed this week. More recovery and fabulous nourishment!
congrats on getting through your hectic week, and maintaining your sanity, lisa! glad you are finding everything fulfilling, though.
and thanks for posting the photos – “less than perfect” lets us see the real you. i talk with my hands a lot, too! just shows our exuberance for life! 🙂
i would love to receive avacados by mail! they're definitely not native to southern ontario!
good luck with your day tomorrow!
so cool about the presentation!! looked like fun!!
avocados delivered to your door??? I need that asap!
owwww- the carrot/almond balls look awesome (with or without the chocolaty coating!) Glad the smoothie presentation went well. Sounds like fun- I'd definitely want to attend something like that. hope the rest of your weekend is wonderful
Lisa, those veggie-roons look delectable! A veggie-based dessert … brilliant! A smoothie workshop sounds wonderful, informative and yummy! I think we all get animated and talk with our hands when we are passionate about what we are sharing. 🙂 You, go, Girl! I can't wait til I'm back in California to meet up with the SoCal Avocado peeps! 🙂 I eat an avocado everyday. Enjoyed your post and pictures! We are about all packed up and ready to make our way to sunny California. 🙂 Have a wonderful weekend.
I am on the veggies for dessert train. I love roasted sweet potatoes or squash for dessert. Perfect =)
omg a veg based dessert is awesome !and i love avos! i LOVE your choco coated veggiroons!
Those veggie-roons look yummy! 😀
Also, the smoothie workshop looks fun! My friends used to joke that if my hands were tied, I couldn't talk, because I use them so much as I'm speaking! hahaha
To answer your questions: yes, yes and yes! Those carrot-choco-roons look so amazing. I would never have thought of combining those ingredients. Your smoothie workshop would be so much fun! 7 different smoothies = afternoon of joy. Was it hard to find participants?
The pictures are good, don't be so hard on yourself. I definitely can't get my hands to shut up…I definitely talk with them. I love veggie based desserts. Those carrot macaroons look so good. Congrats to your cousin. I saw the preview and it scares me…I'm such a chicken, but I love what AMC is doing lately with their programming. I will have to check it out.
That dessert looks great. I think a smoothie workshop could be fun. Learning the different reasons for different combos perhaps.
I don't advertise my smoothie workshops…I just let the people who are
interested request it and then I schedule one. So…this one was requested
by a yoga studio and the owner advertised it. It was actually effortless for
me to get participants 🙂
I've noticed that the venue really determines the crowd—I have some
scheduled as “community programs” at libraries and things like that—huge
crowd there, like 40+ people (again, effortless for me!), but as a group
they are not as well versed in wellness/nutrition as the yoga crowd!
Another way is the home party–again, the host gets the participants. But
those groups are way more talkative (because they're friends) so it's a
totally different experience.
It's lots of fun—way better than pampered chef or something 🙂
I love the idea of those veggie-roons. How creative!
I talk with my hands, especially when I talk in front of a group of people. I think I do it out of nervousness!
I really want to get that avocado of the month club– I just haven't gotten around to joining. I just loved the ones I got last time!
Seriously, we are going to change the world with veggie roons. Why didn't anyone else ever think of that?! Slash I just watched the preview for the Killing and it looks pretty good, it's so funny how you see things that become widespread and BIG and then realize it's your friend's cousin who created it – it's like realizing how small the world is, and how great regular people are. It makes me so excited to go to college and hopefully make healthy living a widespread thing:)
sign me up for everything! those veggie macaroons look like something I'd love to make and eat — and the chocolate is a heavenly touch. I love smoothies (i'm actually “eating” one right now) and avocados are delightful, but so expensive in the store — it seems cheaper to buy them in bulk like that!
Hope you get to relax — have a great day!
Crazy veggies—they just fit everywhere in my life 🙂
I was at the J this morning, and felt like something was missing—you
weren't perched on your bike!!!
I'm so proud of my cousin–she's amazing at what she does and has worked her
buns off to get where she is. You're right—it's a great reminder that
“regular” people have potential to be super awesome and make a huge impact.
So…let's do that with veggie roons too 🙂
I just checked out your instructions for making the veggie-roons/carrot balls in the last post, and I can't believe how easy it is! Those DO look amazing. Do you have any suggestions for using a de-hydrator? I have to be honest: my husband's parents gave us one for Christmas, and I still haven't used it yet! I need to get over my fears and jump right into the world of de-hydrating 🙂
Hope you have a great week, Lisa!
I love that you used carrot in a dessert! I'm not into carrots at all, but I definitely think I'd like them a lot more if they were mixed in with something sweet! I talk with my hands too haha! My friends always say…if you want to get Sophia to stop talking, tie her hands behind her back! 🙂
I love all the pics – I'm totally a hand talker to! I've tried sitting on my hands and then I just can't express myself! haha
Start with something super easy! Just do some sprouted/soaked almonds. Buy
raw almonds, dump them in a bowl with water and soak overnight. Rinse, and
then put in the dehydrator on 115 degrees. Taste one every once in a while
till they're dry 🙂
I promise it's not scary once you get started! But I have messed up plenty
of things, so beginning with crackers or granola might be a little
disappointing. If you do something simple like just drying something out
(like nuts), you'll just break the ice and get it going!
Have fun and definitely post whatever you dehydrate!!!
Veggie-roons- I love it! This sounds so good, one of those “duh” after the fact moments that I wouldn't have thought of on my own 🙂
I know don't they?! And giiirl I know! I went late today and ran OUTSIDE:) It was so so so nice, I had a real breakthrough with my running. I cried. But that is a story for another day:) Slash I am SO excited for spin!! We have to make sure to kick super duper ass so Nancy is impressed. She's my idolll. And yes we are taking the world by storm!!
Your veggie macaroons look so good!!!!! =) yum! Your smoothie workshop sounds so awesome =) Thanks for sharing the photos too! <3 you should do little vlogs so we can see more <3
Jenn @ Peas & Crayons
If veggies for dessert taste as good as those veggie-roons look, I'm definitely on board. 🙂 Your smoothie workshop sounds so neat too! I would love to take something like that.
I love that you get avocados from a farm, can't wait for some great avocado recipes!!
OHMY those veggieroons look AMAZING!! I HAVE to make those!! 😀
And your smoothie workshop sounds AWESOME!! I'd love to go to one:)
I LOVE the idea of your veggie-roons. They sounds delicious and I would definitely buy them if I saw them in stores! 😉
Your smoothie workshops always sound like so much fun. I'd definitely attend one if I lived out by you!
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Your veggie-roons look delish!!
I wish I could have attended your smoothie workshop, it sounds like it was a great workshop! If i'm not working, I will definitely be at your next smoothie workshop, or veggie-roon workshop 🙂
Do you have a recipe for your carrot pulp macaroons? These look amazing!
I have a recipe somewhere…I’ll look for it! It’s really simple and
yummy…most of the time I just wing it 🙂
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