Your Frenemies: Hormones for Sleep/Metabolism

Balance your sleep patterns and improve your body composition, health, and mood?  Sign me up!

Hormones—ahhhhhh. It’s a love/hate relationship we all have with our own. When we’re young, they are pretty hearty and intuitively do the most effective things (in most cases). Remember the days when you could eat, sleep, and drink in whatever patterns you felt like…and you still looked good and felt good (or at least, bounced back quickly)?

As we get a little older, and for many young people with imabalances, things go a little haywire. Our habits seem to affect us more, in looks and in feelings.

One of my favorite hormone relationships is between sleep and metabolism. Remember, by hormone, I mean any chemical messenger in the endocrine system that causes an action or feeling in the body. Sleep influences appetite hormones in a major way, and also influences the type of foods you crave. Additionally, it plays a major role in your metabolism and maintaining ideal structure/function of cells in the body.

A couple major hormones to chat about relating to both sleep and metabolism are Human Growth Hormone and Melatonin.

Human Growth Hormone (HGH): The skinny on this powerhouse is that the more your body makes, the leaner and more energetic you are, and the healthier and more dense your lean muscle tissue is (and the faster you recover from exercising). Your body produces HGH while you sleep.

The Goal: Increase your night time HGH release as much as possible.

The Reason: Boost metabolism (or balance it if you’re already skinny), cell repair and cleansing, muscle repair and building, anti-aging

Ice Cream, Fruit and Chocolate after dinner? It's not just "bad" due to the will shut down your HGH production!

What to do:

1. Do not eat carbs within several hours of going to bed. The rise in blood sugar, which causes a rise in insulin (another hormone) in the blood, tells the body to turn of its HGH production.

2. Get deep and restful sleep. This maximizes your body’s ability to produce HGH. (I’ll tell you how in the next section)

3. Ingest adequate clean protein first thing in the morning, and then at each meal.

Ensuring you are getting adequate protein, via lean animal sources or clean unprocessed plant sources, will ensure your body has the building blocks it needs to build and repair cells while you sleep (i.e. healthy metabolism, and more energy!). Sun Warrior and Vega are my favorites.

The Next Hormone to Consider:

Melatonin: A hormone that causes your body to cool down and reach deep sleep, allowing HGH to be produced, cell repair and reproduction to occur, and slows protein breakdown.

The Goal: Enhance and balance melatonin release.

The Reason: Anti-aging, support healthy metabolism (cell repair and reproduction). Basically, it creates the setting in which your body can do its maintenance work. Healthy melatonin levels help curb carb cravings and enhance higher energy levels during the day.

What to Do: Eat fewer carbs in the evening, especially within three hours of going to bed. After dinner, taper your light exposure–use soft lighting (not bright). When you go to bed, sleep in the pitch dark. Even street lights, night lights, and alarm clock lights can be disruptive. Keep your bedroom cool but not cold. Keep your phone and anything that gives off EMF far away from you (more than three feet). Avoid waking up abruptly (i.e. loud alarm clock). Leave the lights off when you go to the bathroom in the night.

Often, as people age (especially women, but men too!), they start to have less energy, recover more slowly, lose muscle mass, and gain weight without a change in their habits. Metabolism slows down (even if you don’t know it yet). This happens throughout adulthood—20, 30, 40, 50, and beyond!

Healthy food and strength training (plus moderate amounts of cardio) are essential for maintaining the muscle mass it takes to keep a higher metabolism over time. But, through addressing hormones affected by how you deal with sleep, you can make a significant shift in energy level, metabolism, body composition, and weight. The magnitude of change will depend on your starting point.

*Note: I’m not a physician. You should find a professional partner in health to help you tailor your own exploration with hormones.

Ok, now…have a great day! Katelyn and I are going to a kettlebells class tonight—I’ll let you know if I can move tomorrow!

Do you have healthy sleep habits?

126 thoughts on “Your Frenemies: Hormones for Sleep/Metabolism”

  1. Pingback: Weight Loss Liquid Diets – Suggestions to Make It Work | Cool Cooking Recipes

  2. Heather (Where's the Beach)

    Thanks for sharing – great info. Hope you enjoy the kettlebell class! As for sleep? I experience bouts of insomnia often unfortunately. It doesn't seem to matter what I try to change or do. My dad and his mother were the same way, so maybe genetic??? I tend to be a night owl, but force myself into a “normal” sleep pattern to get to work by 7am. Sometimes I think this is a big cause of my sleeplessness…I'm not on my body's schedule.

  3. i'm terrible about having carbs/sugar in the evenings. i always crave a big bowl of cereal around 9pm. i know that if i cut it out, eventually i will stop craving it…it's just so hard! any tips? 🙂

  4. I think I do pretty good with no carbs before bed. I don't usually indulge in a lot of sweet, myself, and try to get to bed at around or before 10 so I can get about 7-8 hours of sleep. I still have those sluggish days occasionally though!

  5. Erica - Itzy's Kitchen

    Interesting stuff! I had a ton of trouble sleeping in high school and used to take melatonin. It helped a LOT! Now my husband takes it on occasion when hes having trouble sleeping. Enjoy kettlebell 😉

  6. I sleep deep most of the time. I have been pushing back my “bed time” more and more these days and I think it's blogging! When I used to resort to the tv or movies or books at night moreso I would just get heavy eyes and crash. Now I don't get as tired. I workout at night so I always feel like I have energy left. 🙂 On a recent car trip Ryan and I read all about the bodies various hormones in a metastat book. Have you heard of that? It's all about naturally increasing your metabolism. This stuff interests me greatly!

  7. Pingback: Losing Weight without Starving Yourself : Body Building Blog | Free Fitness Tips & Body Building…

  8. Katelyn @ Chef Katelyn

    Ahhh Vega is my fave!! This was so helpful, I need to eat less cards before bed and GET MORE SLEEP! I am so excited for tonight get ready to feel the burn:)

  9. healthy_diaries

    I always look forward to your posts because I always learn something new! I need to work on ingesting adequate clean protein first thing in the morning. Since I workout before work I don't eat my breakfast till after my workout. I guess the way to go is water with my protein powder!

  10. Thank you for clearing up the whole carbs-before-bed debate. I've seen every claim about this from one end of the spectrum to the other, but never any science to back it up.
    I wish I had healthier sleep habits.
    A) I'm in college.
    B) I work 5 days a week and I have to be up at 4 AM… I'm naturally someone who sleeps in so on my days off I will sleep until 9 or 10.
    C) I usually go to bed too late haha.

  11. ooh, I love kettlebells! I took a few classes and bought my own, i'm hooked! It's definitely something that still makes me sore, which in a way feels good.

    Thanks for all of this educational information! For lent I'm giving up eating after 7:30 — remind me of your tip not to eat carbs before bed. it's been hard, because for some reason, no matter how much I eat for dinner, I want something to fill up my belly before bed. Most of the time some tea with almond milk (unsweetened) works, but sometimes I need something more. Hopefully I can train my belly not to do this!

  12. Great post Lisa – I try to avoid eating a few hours (2-3) before bed — I don't sleep well with a belly full of food.

    What I need to work on is going to bed earlier — I seem to do so well for a few weeks but then I start staying up late.

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  14. This is both interesting and useful! What do you recommend eating as a snack in the evening if you're hungry? I've always hear that carbs before bed help you sleep.

  15. Awesome post!!! You're definitely rocking on the really cool useful info… I remember the days I could just about anything and still get to be/look the same… not anymore! lol

  16. I love all these tips! I usually try to have a protein rich pudding or shake after dinner. I have found that makes me sleep pretty well. Hope it keeps up! Have fun tonight!

  17. No, I have sleep apnea and I can see now why other things are going wrong. And really have for several years.I do need to get me a new mask that I don't fret with all night. Sleep is very important. Thanks for the tips.

  18. love this post, lisa! i would love to learn more about hormones, and this introduction to HGH and melatonin is very informative.
    i for sure can tell when i have not gotten enough sleep – i crave carbs like crazy!! i do like carbs before bed – for me, they actually help me feel sleepy and i drop right off to sleep. my sleep habits are pretty good – i just need to get a little more…like now, i should be in bed!!
    enjoy the kettle bells!

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  20. Heather (All Sizzle No Steak)

    Yikes, I almost always eat carbs before bed because I work out right before bed…perhaps i'll switch my post workout snack to something a little lighter on carbs 🙂

  21. Just the post I needed to read!! Thank you so much for sharing this. I need to learn more about hormones and sleep. I get horrible sleep. I am slowly getting better, trying to unwind at night, but my mind is always racing of things.

    Have fun tonight!

  22. No carbs before bed? I'm in so much trouble!! I loved the bit on HGH because it's one you don't see discussed much in the news or magazines or other blogs. Great post!

  23. Pingback: Metabolism Secrets :: Art Distraction

  24. Allison Rovtar

    I love Vega! Also, I agree with limiting your carbohydrate intake prior to sleep. I notice a much restful sleep when I do so.

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