I’m on Spring Break! Well, the truth is, I teach for six colleges and only three of them have spring break…and they’re all at different times. I’m in spring break #1, which will be the best one, because it means I have a 95% work-at-home week (I still have 5 classes going on online, and I have 4 hours of wellness coaching scheduled on Thurs). I also have another smoothie workshop coming up that I’m really excited about! Β It’s in Canandaigua (my future home), so anyone close by…please come! Email me if you want info.
I decided I’d make this week Spa Week, and I think it fits nicely into PIP (Personal Improvement Plan). Oh, and by Spa Week…I mean, at-home-spa-week. With my extra few hours, I might as well boost my PIP results and feel good, right?!

Currently on PIP:
- Less than 10g sugar a day (it’s coming from Vega Whole Food Health Optimizer and a tiny bit of 80% raw vegan dark chocolate). This has been surprisingly easy.
- A few (or fewer) bites of whole grains per week. Also surprisingly easy.
- Double or triple my prior protein intake (via plant sources—Sun Warrior and Vega, and some legumes)
- Anti-candida supplements, plus my usual Krill Oil, Chlorella, Vit D, Pycnogenol (a super antioxidant for hyperpigmentation)
- No coffee (except one cup on the weekend if I’m dying for it—hey, I don’t believe in restriction!)
- Cultured veggies in big ugly chopped salads at least 5 days a week, and also lots of sprouted foods
- One avocado per day
- Wider variety of workouts: using muscle confusion principles, circuit training, intervals
- Addressing small things to affect endocrine/hormone balance (more on that later—things like sleeping in total darkness, consuming food types at certain times, etc)

IΒ found the most awesome anti-candida supplement. It’s called Syntol, and it was recommended to me by a client. I went to the health food store and found out more about it. The short story is that it’s high in probiotic spores (which, unlike probiotics, can withstand acidic environment and hot temperatures…so the absorption rate is incredible). It also contains enzymes—so when the candida dies, there are no die-off symptoms–the enzymes digest the dead gunk and it leaves the body. It has to be taken on an empty stomach, otherwise the enzymes will just digest your food instead. I have been taking it for three days, and feel a difference already.

The Results so far:
- My six pack is almost totally back. But you won’t catch me putting a picture of anything like that on the web! I know it was always there, but I’ve been so puffy for the last year…and now I can see my muscles again. It happened almost instantly when I cut out/down sugar and grains.
- My workout recovery time is close to zero—Meaning: my attention to my endocrine system has paid off, and my increased clean protein intake in the morning is not only boosting my metabolism but it’s causing fast muscle improvements.
- My joint pain has reduced significantly.
- My skin has not broken out since I cut down/out sugar and grains (note: I’m getting plenty of carbs via veggies and legumes. I don’t believe in low-carb eating…just low/no sugar eating!)
I have so many client emails to address today, and I really want to, but I don’t know where to start. I also have to grade final exams, make up a syllabus, and write a proposal. I’m eagerly anticipating getting immersed in it so I can feel accomplished tonight, and take tomorrow to work out and visit my lovely grandparents. They’re only an hour away, but I have so much trouble getting there to visit regularly. I also think that might be a justification for my upside down priorities (work over family? Β That’s definitely not how I was brought up!). I’m admitting it here so that I can take steps to change it—I love them and care about them.

What have you done to improve your habits lately? Have you noticed a difference? Β Do you strategize and take a scientific approach, or do you just choose things and see what happens? (I guess there isn’t a clear cut line between those two things anyway!)
Do you have grandparents still alive? Do you see them and spend time with them?
What should I talk about on the hormone casserole topic first? Sleep/metabolism? Stress/metabolism? Or should I address each hormone individually and talk about how to balance them and what they do for you?
Hope you’re having an awesome weekend!
I'm inspired by your PIP. I was looking at a socca recipe on another blog and had never heard of them. Looks like something I will try though π
Spring break! Lucky you! How warm is there already? π
At-home SPA week? How great of an idea is that???? I'm so writing in down on my “to-do” list… my hair could use some SPA treatment…
The soccas made me want to die here to try them…!
How is your energy levels without grains?? How do you get complex carbohydrates into your diet? I tried to do without grains once, but my energy levels went down the hallway and I couldn't reach my minimal calorie intake necessary, no matter how much I ate….!!
I'm with you in a no sugar eating… I was sugar-free (totally!) for more than a year but totally went back into in once I started my vacation in Brazil… starting tomorrow, I'm doing a sugar cleanse… π Maybe a grains cleans would be great too, but how am I gonna live without my oats? ):
I have both grandparents from my mom's side alive… from my dad's side, they died before I was even born… they live about 5h away from where I am right now… I've seen my grandpa this vacation only once, but grandma about 3 times… I love spending time with them, specially my grandma… she's a survivor and has the best stories ever!
Loving your posts!
It's only in the 30's and 40's here…so it doesn't feel like spring yet!
My energy is still good with no grains—I think because I'm getting lots of
complex carbs from greens and veggies (often around 20 servings a day!).
I think I have more energy now—and it must be due to taking out the simple
carbs! I'm definitely surpassing my calorie recommendation by increased
protein and fat intake (the avocados help me easily get lots of good fat!)
I hope you blog about your sugar cleanse! Can't wait to hear how it goes π
Stress/metabolism sounds interesting to me!
Glad the PIP is working so well!
Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
yippee for (kinda) spring break, lisa! enjoy the work at home and change in schedule, anyway.
that's wonderful that you will see your grandparents tomorrow! i have one grandma left – she lives in my neighbourhood, actually, and i talk to her every sunday. i like when i randomly bump into her on the street! π
i would love to hear about stress or sleep + metabolism – they both interest me!
have a great day tomorrow!
Lisa I think you choose such interesting topics — I'd love to learn more about sleep/metabolism personally!
I'm glad your PIP is working out — I know that when I cut down on sugar my skin improves, my sleeping habits improve and my mood improves — why I don't do it more often, I have no idea!
I'm incredibly impressed with your ability to stick to this eating plan. I try to limit my sugar to about 25 grams (added sugars) and even that is tough! I suppose I could try harder π I wouldn't mind a six pack this summer!
I am so behind, but just caught up on your posts! I love hearing about your journey. I am fighting candida too. Although I eating pseudograins and not eating some of the veggies you eat, do you think that is okay? I know everyone is different and can handle some things while other do best with something else. But just curious your thoughts on veggies that have sugar in them?? like carrots?
glad you have been enjoying socca!!! and we live for our avocado puddings π
Also would love to hear more about your thoughts and tips on hormones and balancing them.
I feel I have issues with that too.
I often take a somewhat scattershot approach to improving my health, after years of being very regimented and writing out plans and schedules. I don't know which approach is really better.
I have one grandpa still alive — the rest of mine died when I was a kid. But my grandpa lives in Florida so I've never seen him much.
I would be interested in hearing you address each hormone individually!
Aww this post makes me miss my gparents. Yours are so cute!
My vote is stress/metabolism. I have one grandma still alive and she is my BIGGEST support system, I swear. She reads my blog daily and is all.over the facebook community. hah! I wish she lived closer. I grew up with TONS of grandparents and even MANY great-grandparents so I was very blessed. They each played such an important role in my upbringing. π
PS..I nominated you for an award on my latest post…you don't have to do anything..just wanted to share the love! π
awwww i miss my grandparents and great grandparents so much! You're super blessed to have yours! you totally know that though =)
i say address the topic and then the hormones that relate? or whatever you do will rock!!! =)
I am having so much fun experimenting with the pasta! thank you so so so much! expect to see blog cameos soon! =)
Jenn @ Peas & Crayons
Hi Michelle,
I eat pseudograins (primarily quinoa and buckwheat) if I'm going to eat any
grains at all. I think these are just fine in moderation (like a half cup
eaten in a meal that also has lots of veg)— you're totally right, that
every person can handle different things.
I've been doing this “diet” for a month now (this time) and at first I was
not eating the high glycemic veggies like carrots and beets. Now, I tend to
add them to big salads that have cultured veg on them too–and it seems to
be working. In the case of starchy things like yams…I'm testing those in
small amounts, and try to stick with the half cup amount there too. So far,
so good…but not making it a regular habit!
I'd probably describe myself as being in Phase 2—-a little more lenient
than phase 1, but still focusing on the lowest sugar and lowest grains I
It sounds like you're on the right track! Thanks for commenting—it's great
to find other people who are working on a similar goal!
It was hard at first! Now after a month, I'm used to it…and I look at
things with sugar….think about what it would do to me, and I don't even
really want it! I've found good substitutes for sugary foods I would have
eaten before—that was key I think!
Hi Holly!
Thanks for the comment—can you send me (via email lisa@thrive-style.com)
your address so I can pass it along to SoCal Avocados?
and personal spa weekend sounds good to me. I love the protein mini soccas. Great idea Lisa! And watercress…..I share that love too!
owwww! Enjoy your time off. Sounds lovely to me. Those soccas look so good. I've really been wanting to trymy hand at making some. Happy Sunday
My grandparents died years ago, when I was a kid/teen, and I am so envious of people who can still share that quality time with grandparents. I was really too young to appreciate their wisdom and experience. I would love to have them with me now. You are so blessed.
(I won't get into my thoughts about your six-packs. Mine have been gone since my c-section with my twins 11 years ago. As much as I workout and eat healthy, I can't seem to get them back. Even when I lose weight, it seems to come off of everyplace but my belly.)
I wish my grandparents were alive. My mom's mother passed when I was 7 months old so I only knew my dad's parents. Sadly they are both gone. I am soaking chickpeas to cook today. I plan on trying to make socca this week. Love the protein socca! I am also loving the results you listed. That's fantastic.
wow! your changes sound great! im learning tips from you! love your socca!! and oo would love hormone info-!! i dontknow anything about them!
Id say talk about them seperately! I wish my grandparents were still alive. Such amazing people with so much life experience. Learning from them is def something i miss.
I love that you call it your PIP and I really enjoyed reading about your goals! I need to drastically up my protein intake so I'll be following along for any tips or tricks you share… first step will be picking up some more Vega. I LOVE the chocolate one!
I think Sleep/Metabolism would be really interesting, or each hormone individually…
Ahhh love, as part of your PIP we should have a raw brunch next weekend!! I am craving juice:)
Slash I don't think I have ever tried watercress..it is about time I did! Those mini sprouted soccas with Sun Warrior sound so. good. I should try adding my Vega!!
And giiirl you are GORGEOUS and your grandparents are so cute! Lately I have been trying to cut down on fruit in order to have less sugar. I find I feel SO much better that way.
Talk about the hormones! I need to learn more about those. And thank goodness 3 of my grandparents are still alive, only one has passed. Happy sunday, love!:)
Raw brunch next weekend sounds like a great idea! Let's start planning π
I definitely want to hear anything you have to say on the topic of hormones! I'm incredibly interested in this! π
My two things I need to do more are drink more water and study more/use my time more efficiently. My skin is bad right now from eating vegan but very low percentage of raw. Aaand I've always been a procrastinator that is bad at time management. π
I have been getting better incrementally. Slowly, but surely wins the race!
My dad's parents both passed away before I was born and never got to meet them. My mom's parents are still alive but, they live in Italy. Growing up I only saw them every 2-3 years. In the last 5-6 years I've been seeing them every summer and I truly look forward to it.
I really wish I could've met my dad's parents. I know SO much about them from all the stories my dad has told about them.
Great! thanks for sharing more deets with me π I really appreciate it. I am still trying to figure out all this candida mess haha
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