I never did a wrap-up post for round one of my personal improvement plan (PIP), but it did go well. I felt better, looked better, and everything was going well. I wasn’t actually sure when I’d end it, but it happened rather unexpectedly (and I’m taking full responsibility for it!).
One day, when a temptation was presented to me…I just took it. I’d like to say that everything has been totally smooth sailing since then (a week and a half ago), but I have had somewhat of a mental/physical struggle about it since then. Logically, I know that I should stop eating the carbs I’ve added back into my diet (note: I’m not cutting out carbs, I’m just being selective about where they come from). But physically? As soon as I began the grain/sugar kick…it was all over and I could barely manage my cravings.
I need to re-evaluate my actions (which kind of just happens naturally when I start feeling icky). When I ate some grains, I instantly puffed up like the Michelin Man (including my fingers). My conclusion is that PIP was a success because cutting out the suspicious foods really worked! After a week and a half, I feel like I’m almost back to square one. Rather than feeling badly about that, I’m looking at it as evidence!
So tomorrow is PIP: Round 2.
The guidelines:
No sugar, white flour, fruit, grains, soy, eggs, dairy.
Sounds prohibitive, no?
There are millions of things I can eat, I just have to make an effort! I’m not going to post my weight here, but I am going to post updates on PIP results…so if I don’t, then you know I didn’t stick to it. And honestly, I know I can’t eliminate sugar 100% because there is a tiny bit in certain things I’m going to eat (ex: Vega WFHO).
Truth: I didn’t actually plan on being off PIP for more than a week, but I couldn’t seem to jump back on the wagon as quickly as I wanted.
Do you ever have trouble getting started on something? I feel like my emotions are wrestling with my logic. Remember when I posted this story from NPR? Willpower and the Slacker Brain. I don’t like to think emotions will win every time, but at the same time…I have always had the following motto about food:
I won’t force myself to do things I don’t want to do, I’ll just gradually change what I want.
Here are some weekend eats:

How was your weekend?
Mine was awesome–it was full of Joe and food, and working out and working.
This will be a really busy week for me. No spring break at any of my schools this week!
Next weekend, I have a smoothie workshop scheduled, and I’m looking forward to that. I’m hoping that NY actually starts acting like it’s spring weather-wise. It would be awesome to go outside without a winter coat!
What an inventive way to use your veggie pulp! I'm totally going to have to try that! I totally know what you mean about the carb cravings once you take one “hit” — they're like drugs, really though. Since I returned from traveling for four months, I have been doing Gluten-Free again, and LOVING IT. I hope you get some sunshine for your spring break this week!
That Pom Acai Chia jam looks incredible! Talk about a healthy spread 🙂
What a beautiful post! Gorgeous pictures of healthy food! Is the socca raw ? (dehydrated?) Love the idea of making sprouted four! And dehydrated veggie pulp–can wait to read about the flour you made with that!
oh, how i love mung beans. On my first super cleanse, i came off it by eating kitcheri, a soup made with mung beans and veggies. I totally want some of that mung socca now!
I love all the food you're eating. and VEGGIE FLOUR?!?!?! Woah. You could start a business selling that because I'd totally buy it. ha.
I think it's probably easier to gradually get back into it rather than feet first which can be overwhelming. The foods look great and love the veggie flour idea.
Good morning girlie girl! I am excited to see the veggie flour later, I wonder if you could make cookies/muffins/pancakes with it? Talk about high fiber! My weekend was lazy Loo, but we won the triathlon!! Holllaaa
I'm good at jumping into things with both feet, but I quickly lose momentum. To me, if I can keep things going for a few days (a week or more is better) then I have a better chance of keeping up with it. Easing into things can help too — but often that just allows me to procrastinate even more!
I love the idea of the veggie flour — what a great idea for that pulp!
Extracts are my latest obsession. I keep collecting new ones. I haven't found reasons for all of them but its safe to say I'm a bit of a hoarder. I'm really great at focusing on a goal if it's something I really want. If mycommitment level isn't 100% at the beginning-I usually find a way out of something restrictive unless my heart is in it. I think that's a huge reason I hate saying never to any type of food for a long period of time unless I really feel the reason behind it. I am looking forward to a month of raw again because I see a time frame and I know that I can stay committed for that long.
You've inspired me to come up with a PIP of my own, once this cleanse is done! I want to take all of the things I've learned, weed through what worked for me and what didn't, and come up with a plan that I know I can stick to for the long term.
I've played with vanilla and chocolate extracts in smoothies but I never thought to look for all of those interesting fruit flavors! I'm curious as to what's made you decide to cut out all fruit, as opposed to just the super-sugary ones?
Hope PIP part 2 goes as well as part 1 did!!! 😀
Good luck with part two! I can't wait for Rochester to warm up, either. geesh.
My weekend was good- I went home for my sister's birthday and watched the Sabres win again!
Those extracts sound pretty fantastic!! I can never find any good ones except the fake ones! I'll have to keep my eyes open for these!
Everything you made looks so good. I'm hungry!
good luck with round 2! i'm excited to read your updates 🙂
oh yes, I hear ya. Hence my whole spring cleaning post. But I think if we are fully stocked with foods that we can eat and make then its easier. Convenience is a hug factor! Best of luck!
I'm totally excited about veggie flour! I always try to use my veggie pulp – but it doesn't always happen! Great idea!
There are a couple reasons I'm cutting fruit–one is because it feeds
unhealthy bacteria (and I have an imbalance), and the other is because it's
a slippery slope. I eat one green apple, and the next thing I know I'm
eating three bananas 🙂
I am not cutting un-sweet fruits like avocado, tomato, peppers, and I'm
limiting lemons/limes.
Can't wait to see what you do for your PIP!
Unfortunately you won't see it today…I had 1/2 a cup and it's totally
Congrats on winning the tri!
Thanks! The socca isn't raw…I used coconut oil and made them in the
frying pan. I am going to try raw very very soon. I think I'll make a thin
batter for the raw ones!
I'm glad it worked for you! I can't wait to hear about the veggie flour! What a cool idea!
soccas are something i would love to try – yours look awesome, especially with jam on top! there's a recipe in a book i'm reading now so hopefully i get around to it soon.
glad you had a great weekend!
– Beth @ http://www.DiningAndDishing.com
Veggie pulp flour? Brilliant! I am anxiously awaiting your recipe for the veggie flour. Also, since I'm a new reader, I'm happy to get the definition of PIP. Good luck! 🙂
I hope PIP round 2 goes well! I definitely have that happen to me where I'm totally gung-ho about a new plan and then something goes wrong and I keep having trouble getting back to it. It's very frustrating, but you sound motivated and that's always the key.
oooo, i can't wait to hear how day one was (today, i think?!) – i hope you're feeling better already, lisa!
i really appreciate your honesty in assessing PIP round one, the inbetween time, and now getting back with PIP 2. fingers crossed for you!
pulp flour??? now that is unique and brilliant! i love chia seeds – i add them to salad beasts.
glad you had a balanced weekend of both fun and work stuff!
I love your dehydrated veggie flour idea. It may just be a great way for me to get some veggies into my life!
You're tough…you can do it! You know, I often read about “everything in moderation”…but with some things, that just doesn't work with me. White sugar doesn't exist in moderation in my world. Once I've started, I've been known to eat until I make myself sick. So I think that “everything in moderation” only works with moderate people. I know that I need to cut white sugar out completely. You know your body best…if fruit doesn't work for you, then you can do it!
Veggie flour! Brilliant!
That veggie pulp flour sounds like a genius idea! Can't wait to see what you come up with it!
Yes we use a lot of mint, lemon, and vanilla extract to help with flavor!! Good luck on your journey. We are still battling our battle with sugar. Have been consuming more than I would like lately, hope to get back on track tomorrow!
I love love LOVE the veggie flour idea!! I would die to try that! 🙂
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