When you live in Upstate NY, where it snows at the end of March…and where the sun has trouble making an appearance regularly…you have to learn to make your own sunshine.
I’m the first to admit that I’m a sucker for something unique and pretty.
There’s no way when I saw these organic rainbow carrots that I was not going to buy them!

I also made some pretty brightly colored juices this week (note: I’m now toning down the carrot/beet intake. I think I over did the sweet veggies).
Orange + Green = Brown (and there’s no need to show a pic of that ugliness!)
I had a busy (good) week. I started two more classes (Vitamins, Herbs, and Supplements….and Healthy Lifestyles). This makes 8, plus wellness coaching. I think this is the perfect time of year for me to be so busy—it tones down my spring fever, and when I’m done with four of the classes, it will be summer (almost)!
This weekend, I plan to work out (spin?) (yoga?), and spend time with Joe. He worked all week out of town (mostly at night), so if he doesn’t end up sleeping for the whole weekend, we have some things planned that I’m looking forward to. I also have a long To Do list for work, that I can’t quite bring myself to look at right now! What are your weekend plans?
Any good food plans? I may make some more cashew ice cream (hopefully a moderate amount).
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Oh gosh. Those carrots have stolen my HEART. 🙂
Weekend plans….I've got some running to do, some house cleaning to tackle and some quality time with Ryan on the agenda. Tonight we're going to a meet and greet with a local artist and I'm pretty pumped about that.
I'm going to make some Sarahbars that I saw on Dorry's blog to see if I can't save some money on my larabar addiction!
Those carrots are gorgeous. I can't wait for our local farmers markets to open…I will be buying lots of organic goodies. Josh was out of town this week too! I can't wait to just spend time with him and SLEEP. In terms of food, I'm making a cornmeal pizza tonight, tomorrow night out and Sunday night probably vegan french toast.
it looks like DECEMBER 25th, not MARCH 25th here in southern ontario, too! everyone is talking about the weather and complaining about the snow!
both of your new courses sound really interesting – i would take either one!
have a fun weekend, and i hope you enjoy a perfect mix of alone time (ie workout plans) and Joe time!
Love those carrots, they are so pretty!
maybe you could mix the veggie pulp into your spaghetti sauce and blend everything together! bonus of getting the veggie nutrients but you probably wouldn't even know they were there!
your juices are awesome! and those carrots are AMAZING- im a HUGE carrot fan over here!
Those carrots are gorgeous!
And yes we still have snow too — hard to believe March is almost over!
I actually use the pulp from my juicer, but I've only ever juiced fruit. One of these days I'll do veggies and I'll probably use the pulp in our compost bin.
I love being busy too, much more so than being bored. This week was actually slow for me 🙁 Hopefully next week will pick up!
BTW, Ohio is getting snow too. It stinks.
I love the look of carrot juice! And green juice too for that matter. So pretty! Slash I still have yet to try out pulp crackers..haha I am expecting a huge flop:) Have so much fun with your man this weekend, girlie girl! Don't stress too much over the work, have a tall glass of joose and it will all be alright:)
those carrots are so pretty 🙂 !!
those carrots look awesome! sooo pretty! 😀
I feel like I get MORE done when I am busier… 🙂 those carrots are great, I would not be able to resist either!! good call! I use my pulp sometimes… since I usually juice 2x a day, I really cannot use it all, but I try! the other day I made Basil some treats with some of it – he LOVED them!! 😀
that is some vibrant and nourishing color! Love it. It fuel you right for that spin class. Enjoy your time with Joe.
I have a few fun plans for this weekend including visiting family. I hope you'll post your cashew ice cream recipe, that sounds delicious!
yum…rainbow carrots remind me of farming and summer and autumn. they're so pretty! and healthy, too 🙂
You know, I've never tried colored carrots. They look so pretty. I hope you have a great weekend!
I love colored carrots! They're just so beautiful to look at and tasty to eat!
I grew up in upstate NY and the cold weather and snow is something I do not miss! =)
Those carrots are beautiful! Sounds like you have a great weekend planned. Enjoy it!
Ewww… I hate the pulp that comes from juicing! (To me) it smells SO BAD that I have to get it out of the house immediately… especially if there's cucumber in it!
I have amazing food plans that include making dinner for my parents, grandparents and I for my Mum's birthday tonight! My Dad's grilling for the rest of 'em but everything I'm making will be vegan. My grandparent's won't know what hit 'em, haha.
8 classes!!! That is great – you must be doing something right =) I need to get a long run in this weekend. I have been putting it off so I am thinking tomorrow is the day! Enjoy your weekend!
Rainbow carrots! So cool! Never heard of them before. I don't have many plans for the weekend except watch lots and lots of basketball!
Love rainbow carrots! So pretty and colorful!! Hope you have a great weekend!!!
So pretty! I love them! I'm with you on the whole Winter GO AWAY! thing. I'm sick of snow, and ice, and subzero temperatures. March needs to send us some sun!
I would definitely buy those rainbow carrots too! Love that green juice–I've been craving some! 🙂
Oh I always buy the rainbow carrots when I find them- they are so much more fun than the traditional ones! I like to roast them whole so they stay pretty until you eat them 🙂
awwwww love the organic rainbow carrots!!!!!! I need to hunt them down =) your juices look so pretty and colorful too! I need to get crackin on my meal planning for the week! I have a lunch date tuesday and lots of breakfast smoothies in my future!
Jenn @ Peas & Crayons
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