GIVEAWAY! Enter for your chance to win 8 free Avocados: Straight from the tree to your door!

If you’re here now… this contest is over, but there’s a new one for April 2013! Click here to enter.

I have many exciting things going on right now, and I’d like to tell you about them, but I’ll save that for later—for now I’ll just tell you about the giveaway!

Here’s the story:

Last week I tweeted about avocados. Obviously because avocados are awesome, and I eat one everyday. I got a response from @SoCalAvocados with a link to their site. I clicked on the link and found…

Mail Order Avocados straight from a family’s ranch in California!

The Tierra Rajada ranch has been around since 1935, and has 25 acres of mature avocado trees that they began growing in the 1960’s. Avocados are unique because they do not ripen before they are picked. At Tierra Rajada, they are hand selected and picked, and mailed to customers right away.

I calculated pricing (free shipping), and to buy 12 avocados (which comes with an additional 4 free ones), that is $10 cheaper than buying them from the grocery store. Sold! I ordered some, and asked if they’d be interested in doing a giveaway on the blog. (They said yes!)

One lucky person will be chosen randomly on Saturday of this week (March 12th) to win 6 avocados of one variety, plus two more of different varieties.

My avocados came yesterday in the mail

Did you know there are several avocado varieties? Today, I received Haas, Pinkerton, Bacon, and Fuerte. The avocados come in their “just picked” from the tree form—picked and sent in the same day! There are instructions on the SoCal Avocados website about how to store, care for, and ripen avocados. Plus, they have recipes and other great information.

The avocados are shipped right after they’re picked when they’re still hard. So they’re not damaged in transit at all, and you ripen them once they arrive.
My box of avocados had a few surprise lemons in it!

Here’s a tip for ripening avocados from So Cal Avocados (check out more on their site!):

“Paper bags help to ripen avocados faster than if you just left them out on the kitchen counter. By putting unripe avocados into a paper bag, you can get them to ripen one or two days faster! If you want your avocados to ripen even faster, put a banana, tomato or apple in the bag. These fruits give off ethylene gases that speed the ripening process. You can have your avocados go from hard, green and unripe to perfect consistency from one to three days.”

I can’t wait to see who wins!

Here’s what you can do to enter (post a separate reply here for each thing you do):

1. Tell me: what is your favorite thing to do with avocados?

2. Like SoCal Avocados on Facebook

3. Follow  So Cal Avocados and Me on Twitter and tweet this: Check out @Lisakthrives @SoCalAvocados GIVEAWAY! A chance to win fresh #AVOCADOS delivered straight to your door!

4. Follow me on Facebook

5. Link to this giveaway on your blog

What are you waiting for?!

245 thoughts on “GIVEAWAY! Enter for your chance to win 8 free Avocados: Straight from the tree to your door!”

  1. Heather (Where's the Beach)

    I'm going to have to say, I'm not an avocado fan, but my hubby LOVES them. It's a texture thing for me. I have made a mushroom/avocado ceviche though. I was able to eat that. The hubs has actually been wanting me to make it again he liked it so much. It'd make for a great faux “fish” taco.

  2. Lisa@Healthy Diaries

    I love advocados but don't eat them as often as I'd like. I love them in sandwiches and salads!

  3. JL @ HealthyHeyday

    I LOVE avocados! They are a staple at our house. I eat one everyday. Avocados help stimulate the thyroid, and I was hypothyroid prior to switching to raw foods. My favorite way to enjoy an avocado…hmmmm…that's hard to narrow down. I guess I'd have to say, in a cacao mousse. YUM! Thanks for hosting such an awesome giveaway!

  4. Oh my goodness, what a great giveaway! Avocados are my absolute fave (I could eat them plain)–however I love them on top of a big veggie bowl! 🙂

  5. Dairyfreebetty

    i'm guessing this isn't open to canadians!!!!!!!! I'm pretty sure this is the best giveaway ever!! What a lucky family to live on an avocado farm! hehe 🙂

  6. i love to just chop up avacodo and put it in with my salad beasts!
    can you believe i never had avacado til a few months ago??!! love 'em! did not know there are different kinds (duh!)
    thanks for the giveaway, lisa!

  7. Erica - Itzy's Kitchen

    oh my gosh! This may be the best giveaway ever! I'm an avocado freak! And I love that these are CHEAPER than purchasing them in the store!! Cheaper and better quality? Um, I'm in! Favorite thing to do with them…can I pick a few? On top of a salad, guacamole + veggies and on an egg sandwich!

  8. Kristina @ spabettie

    my favorite way to eat avocados is topping a salad or in tacos. I used to make a choco-cado mousse, I need to make that again!! 😀

  9. oh my!! Those are gorgeous. Reminds of when I used to have an avocado tree in our backyward while we lived in hawaii. I MISS THAT! I liked them on FB>

  10. favorite thing to do with avocados — I love guacamole, which isn't the most original answer. I also like to smear almond butter on them, which is a healthy dose of good fats!

  11. My favorite thing to do with avocados — mash them up and throw them in a salad, or make chocolate-avocado pudding with them.

    I had no idea there were so many varieties!

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