Random things for today.
1. I have been getting a lot of emails from my workshop participants who want an electronic copy of the smoothie recipes. So I posted the smoothie workshop recipes in a new page tab (see above). There are also a bunch of other ones if you click on smoothies/juices in the right side panel.
2. Chocolate Pudding:

3. My great idea may not have been as great as I thought it was…but the first part of it still worked. I forget sometimes that most college students don’t actually care about nutrition class. The first part of the idea is to use cell phones/texting in class (since many of them are texting under their desks anyway…thinking I can’t see it). I found Poll Everywhere, and set up an account so I can make up my own poll questions. Then I put it up on my screen in class, and as the students enter their responses via text, it shows up on screen. I can use this for getting opinions…finding out if they’re absorbing what I’m saying, test/quiz reviews, etc.

Phase 2 of Operation Cell Phone…is to send them on a texting scavenger hunt. There will be a practice round tomorrow inside the building, and then an offsite hunt on Friday. I’m letting them choose–if they’d rather do a written assignment, they can. Or they can work with a buddy or two, go to the grocery store, and do a 5-clue scavenger hunt that I’m going to set up through SCVNGR online. Apparently, this program is a big thing—you can be a Builder or a Player, and set up scavenger hunts anywhere for the random general public to play (or, in my case, for students). However, if you have more than 5 clues it’s $80 a month to build. Playing is always free. Have you ever done a SCVNGR hunt? If you were/are a student, would you think this is a fun idea and way to learn about nutrition…or would you rather just do a written assignment? I still think it’s a good idea, but I’m also the teacher…and I realize that not everyone shares my enthusiasm about nutrition (but they should!).
4. Personal Improvement Plan – I decided to choose a throwback name for my detox, PIP, which is something my mom’s friend instated several years ago. She got braces, a personal trainer, and a master’s degree (I think, right mom?). I copied her idea, and it worked really well for me back then. I like the idea of making the detox just part of a larger campaign toward better well-being. I also like not focusing on just wanting to rid my body of toxins (which will just happen naturally if I focus on the positive side). Â So it’s Pre-PIP week! I cut out coffee on Monday, and replaced it with Dandy Blend, which is herbal coffee-ish tasting bliss. It says on the label that it will help you avoid caffeine withdrawal headaches. I didn’t believe it would—but it totally did! No headaches here! I’m a little sleepy though. But I added in green smoothies (again) yesterday, and am going to start (again) with green juice on Thursday. I also joined a new gym, the JCC, and I’m strategizing ways to fit more sauna time into my life. My plan will be complete in the next day or so, and I’m going to keep inching my way toward it until my start day next Monday.

Other highlights of PIP will involve: my second batch of cultured veggies, a focus on slow carbs, growing a new crop of sprouts and micro greens, and regular use of my trigger point therapy kit.
I can’t wait!
Have you ever done your own version of a Personal Improvement Plan? Â If so, did you follow a book or come up with your own? I love books like Crazy Sexy Diet, Detox 4 Women, and Body Ecology…but if I don’t tailor the contents, I don’t stick to it!
I've never had a PIP before, but it sounds like a great idea! Good luck!
I have never done a personal improvement plan, but I do try to make small improvements whenever I can!
Sounds like a super great plan…I especially enjoy the posititivy part of it! Also…genius on the texting usage. 🙂
Good luck with your PIP–I've never done one before, but I LOVE goal-setting and list-making 🙂 I'm such a dork–I make a weekly goals list every Monday morning!
Your chocolate pudding looks awesome. I haven't tried making pudding with avocado before. My favorite chocolate pudding is whipping silken tofu with melted chocolate chips in a food processor…Dee-lish!
Hope you're having a great week so far!
Oh I think that scavenger hunt would be so cool. A shame not everyone is as interested. Very cool about the PIP. I think it sounds like a great idea – something I might think about looking into. I don't really ever set out goals or plans like that. Maybe I should though. Maybe it would help me focus.
I've never done a Personal Improvement Plan, but its interesting!
That pudding looks fab, by the way!
Lisa I have got to hear more about this pudding! avocado!? i'm fascinated!!!!!!!
The dandelion drink looks and sounds great… but man I love my donut house so much! I don't think I'm willing to sacrifice my 80z crack per day. haha! but its a fantabulous option!
wow, lisa, yea for you + new things!!!
~ PIP: love how you have small goals which are all part of your larger goal. i'm a huge fan of setting myself small goals…do that a lot. of course, some stay, some fall by the wayside.
~you're very brave for giving up the coffee! glad you had no withdrawal!
~awesome work on using the technology with which your students are familiar: “speaking their language.” i would likely have chosen the written assignment, if i was a student…more because i've always disliked group work. 🙂
~ can't wait to hear about the new gym! i'm a gym-hopper so love hearing people's impressions.
~the choc pudding looks amazing – and so simple!
let us know how all of these new plans work out, please!
That pudding looks amazing! And the avocado sounds interesting!
I think it's so interesting that you're incorporating technology into your class like that. It's a great idea and a fun way to get their attention.
I have not done a personal improvement plan, but maybe I should! I haven't tried avocado pudding before, but I feel like I should. Maybe I will get over my fears of avocados with it?
trigger point therapy is amazing. Its such a great tool! and now your making me miss my suana time at my old gym. ahhh, soothing!
I can't wait to hear about your cultured veggies! And that combo of “pudding” up there is my favorite! Simple and perfect indeed!
hmm, interesting combo of ingredients in the pudding! sounds tasty. loving the new smoothie tab…my blender won't know what hit it!
I've never done anything like a Personal Improvement Plan, but I love the idea! Your texting polls remind me of this 'iclicker' device that one of my professors used last semester for attendance and extra points. Although I wish he included some sort of a scavenger hunt too, that sounds so neat!
that sounds like a fun game. I hope it goes well! and avocado chocolate pudding sounds just crazy enough to be good.
Did you make your pudding in the food processor? I only have a blender and am wondering if it will work because this looks insanely delicious!
My personal improvement plan was phasing out all gluten, which is surprisingly in so many things! But it's really been great.
good for you cutting out coffee! not sure if that would be first on my to-do list. :p
good luck to you, looking forward to read your journey!
Love the chocolate pudding idea! Ahh your class sounds like so much fun 🙂 It would be so hard for me to give up coffee but Dandy Blend sounds awesome!
I've never made avocado pudding, but I've tried it before and loved it! So creamy and delicious. It's my favorite way to eat avocados!
I would love to try some of that chocolate pudding with avocado. I love it in smoothies as a thickener so I'm sure I'd enjoy this recipe too! One day soon :).
– Beth @ http://www.DiningAndDishing.com
Love, LOve LOVE the name!!! I am actually starting a group with some friends- so far we are a group of 2- But I have only asked one other. We are going to do a PIP here too!!!! And I, of course will give credit to Lisa's mom and send them here to read along with you!!!
I think you should ask your students what would help them not use their cell phones in class- what would make them want to put them down. Be fearless, take a risk and ask- what can it hurt??
I totally dig your plan for the students! Trust me, as a student myself, I try to avoid writing assignments AT ALL COSTS!
In the blender–but my blender has a tamper thingy—I don't know if it would totally blend on its own. But you could blend and scrape a few times. I think that would work!
Yummy, that chocolate pudding looks delicious and I love avocado, I need to make something like this!
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