There is a great park near us where you can rent skis (and they have a tow rope). It’s $8 to ski (plus rentals if you need them), and a really awesome place to learn. I’m so glad Joe was into it–he was an extremely patient and helpful teacher. And I just skied around them (Joe was not on skis) and threw in my two cents when I couldn’t keep my mouth shut.
I splurged a little this weekend in anticipation of PIP starting today (totally an excuse, but it was great). So I did drink coffee yesterday (first time in a week and it was fabulous), ate some chocolate, and had some of Matthew’s Snikiddy cheese puffs. I also did not go to the gym. I’ve been up for a while grading papers, and I realized I totally forgot to weigh myself before drinking water and tea. I think I’ll just do it tomorrow. Weight really hasn’t been important to me lately–I think my brain finally made the connection that knowing the number doesn’t mean anything—it’s what I actually do and eat that matters.
Have you ever noticed that the better things get, the more good things keep happening? Also…that the worse things get, the more bad things keep happening? It kind of goes along with the It Takes Happy to Make Happy theory, and I see people stuck in the worse it gets cycle all the time. I used to be, but not anymore. I totally feel like I’m on an upswing, partially because I’m in a better it gets cycle…but also partly because I identified when I wasn’t and even did the tiniest little things to get going the other way (and then some bigger things, like quitting jobs that were not serving me, making/taking opportunities that may not be the safest choice, began focusing on working on my positive thinking, and choosing to eat (mostly) in a way that makes me feel happier.
Can you see patterns of better and worse cycles in your life? Do you give yourself credit for turning things around when life is less than ideal, or do you feel like life is happening to you?
Happy Valentine’s Day! I was lucky, I got to spend the weekend with both of my Valentines! Both of them are gone now—Joe’s out of town for work, and Matthew went home. So I get to be my own Valentine tonight. I’m possibly just as thrilled about that as I was about my awesome weekend with them. Yes, I just admitted that! I love being alone (especially because I know it’s temporary). Do you?
Are you celebrating the holiday in some way?
I’ll have a PIP update tomorrow I think—once I get started. I bought veggies yesterday so I think I’ll be off to a good start!
happy valentine's day, lisa!
i like a mix of alone time and social time. i love both and need both to feel in balance.
you had a wonderful weekend! love the ski photos. glad you enjoyed the time with your guys. what a special bond you have with matthew, by the looks and sounds of it.
and good luck with PIP today! can't wait to hear more about it!
oh I like being along sometimes too. Nice solitude time. Looks like it was a great weekend though! Can't wait to hear about the PIP!
Oh, those pecans look so succulent soaked and dehydrated! I'm excited to see how PIP works for you!
Happy Valentine's Day!
I've definitely noticed that! I mean, I think that good things happening change our perspective of how we see the other things that, maybe, weren't so good before, but now they look much better thanks to our wiser perspective d:
So glad you had a great day with your two Valentines! I definitely feel like I have cycles of ups and downs. I try really hard to pull myself out of the downs though – like the whole car situation right now. Sometimes if feels like you have to get through a few tough hurdles before you can get back up and on top again.
I am the same I do like alone time especially knowing it is temporary. Tonight my bf and I are going out for tapas and some drinks. We are going late to hopefully avoid the crowds since I do not have to work tomorrow.
Looks like you had a great weekend!!
Yes, I agree! It's the secret–positive brings positive! 🙂
Adam lost a tooth this weekend too!! So glad you had a great weekend! <3
What a great weekend you had! I am definitely learning to turn things into a positive. I think I am doing better. I am never alone and really I don't like it when I am. With my two boys and husband, it just doesn't happen often. I hope you enjoy your day!
Glad you are focusing less on weight!! 🙂
My boyfriend and I are making dinner tonight!
Sounds like an awesome weekend! I want that cracker 🙂
I remember my first time skiiing as a kid — it was fun, but hard (I think I spent about 80% of the time on my bottom, lol!). Sounds like a great weekend!
I love tapas! Have fun—it's so great you don't have to work tomorrow 🙂
I definitely agree with your theory. When things are going great, more and more awesome things happen. And vice versa, sadly! Happy V-Day! That's so cool that you learned to ski. I've never been before. Have a fun day!
I agree with your theory! Also, those that surround me have an affect on my levels of happiness as well. Glad to hear you had a great weekend! A little alone time everyday is completely necessary! Happy Valentines day!!
Yum! Simplistic snacks are often the best:) That kale looks so amazing btw! Have a great V-Day!!! Congrats on the skiing trip!
when it rains it pours, good or bad. I am celebrating Valentines day by eating chocolate and not going to the gym. Happy Valentines Day!
That kale looks so good. I've actually never tried it, but have really wanted to. It also sounds like you had quite the great weekend. 🙂
Skiing it so fun!! We got the kids their fav magazines and some chocolates. John and i had breaky together yesterday and I had chocolates for all of my clients today. I love sharing the love!
Aww that looks like so much FUN!! I love skiing!! 😀 And must get some kale…you've given me a craving now! 😛
Happy V-Day!!
I love skiing! I tried snowboarding once and it wasn't pretty! I celebrated the holiday by eating one too many sweets 😉
I love my boyfriend to death, but I'm enjoying being my own valentine right now as he is asleep sick and I'm having a “me” night hehe.
Happy V Day!
I totally agree with your cycle theory! This week I'm trying to turn over a new leaf with exercise and healthy living, so the more I do, the better I feel!
That's my view on weight too, I hardly ever weigh myself and just don't worry about it when I eating fine, exercising and clothes are fitting. 🙂 I do see better and worse cycles, it's easy to find drive to exercise and run when I know I can do it and better eating choices tend to give me the drive to continue with good choices.
Agreed on being alone, sometimes I need a quiet day at home to work on my own projects and enjoy the silence. Glad you had a great weekend! Hubby and I had a great V-Day exchanging gifts and going out to eat.
Just spent 5 wonderful days with our good friends at our beach house in Fla. They left today and I get a day alone with my Valentine. BUT THEN I get a week here ALL ALONE….IN THE SUN! I am giddy thinking about it! Going to have my own private yoga-juicing-walking in the sand-detox- spa week. I may not even leave the house except to stock up on juicing veggies.
Tell Matthew he looks very handsome in these pics!
You'll have to update me…so I can live vicariously 🙂
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