Taking Charge, Investigating Health Mysteries…and Why PIP?

One of my foremost goals in wellness coaching is to empower people to take responsibility for their own health and happiness. Often, I feel like I should have a degree in psychology instead of health because I also notice the range of perceptions by people about what role they play in their health. My dream client is someone who is willing and ready to take full responsibility for their health choices, who will do whatever is needed to be healthier.

I’m like that. I’ll do essentially anything, and only spare expenses that I can’t afford. But the issue, even when you feel that way, is that the human body can be elusive, improving general wellness is only one piece of most people’s puzzles, and it’s often a mystery about what’s going on and where symptoms are coming from.

Being healthy is not always a black and white issue. So I’m doing my Personal Improvement Plan (PIP) to fill in some of the gray areas on an essentially healthy life that I have.

Wanting more for my health than status quo and bandaid fixes has led me to things like...growing microgreens

Why am I doing PIP?

1. I want more energy and to feel like I want to jump out of bed every morning (improvement noted)

2. My ears are ringing 100% of the time. It drives me insane sometimes, and I refuse to believe there is no way to fix it, even though no doctor will even acknowledge that it’s a problem.

...fermented almond cheeze

3. The “Mexican Mystery,” as my friend aptly named it…a trip to Mexico two years ago, when my body swelled up like a balloon (including my head—and we had to go to a wedding, so I iced myself all day and looked like Kazoo from the Flintstones in all the pics). Also, my naturally olive and wonderfully tan-able skin, immediately turned dark and blotchy (face only) as soon as I went in the sun. Later back at home, dermatologists prescribed stuff that damaged my fingernails (and possibly damaged my liver), and then told me there’s nothing I can do to stop being blotchy. But I notice the pigment of my skin changes with hormone cycles, so I’m convinced it is something I can address. The swelling thing went away, and I don’t think it was related to the skin thing.

...Cultured veggies...

4. When I was an adolescent, I had some skin breakout issues, and medicated it heavily (which looked fabulous, but did damage from excessive antibiotic use, and later from 12 years of BC pills, etc.). It threw off my body’s ability to maintain bacteria balance, and I’ve been known to have hangovers for several days for “no reason”…and I’ve self-diagnosed that as candida overgrowth in my digestive tract (and systemically?)—the bi-product of its breakdown is acetylaldehyde, which is also partially what makes you feel like crap when you have a hangover. This has become much better in the last couple years, since I began addressing it myself, and stopped trying to find a doctor who had a clue. My doctors all told me that dietary changes wouldn’t help, but that I could go ahead and try if I wanted to. Cutting out/down on alcohol, sugar and simple carbs helps ease many symptoms, including: brain fog, skin breakouts, puffiness, low energy level, and more. Adding in cultured and fermented foods helps too. PIP is helping me focus on it, and not bounce back to denial when I rationalize that this one little thing won’t make a difference. Because every little thing does make a difference.

...power tools in the kitchen...
...Young Thai Coconuts...and fermented coconut water (a rival to kombucha, I tell ya!)...

5. I have no health insurance because I’m employed by 7 schools part-time and have my own business for wellness coaching. I know. My dad has informed me of the risks, but the cheapest rate I can get is $387 a month, and that’s just dumb. I never used my insurance when I had it because no doctor ever helped me—food is my medicine, and there’s no helpful co-pay on that!

...Growing and juicing wheatgrass...
...a juicer (actually, two), a dehydrator, a vita-mix...

So, I have a choice, and I’m choosing PIP. And after 5 days, I already feel less puffy and better all around. Some things that are damaged from longer-term abuse may take a while, but I’m willing to stick with it because being back and forth out of denial and wishing for magic has not worked πŸ™‚

Do you have nagging health issues that are not really diagnosable or treatable, but that you feel are important? Have you ever tried naturopathic, functional medicine, or homeopathy? My experience with medical professionals has been very frustrating, and I understand that when a healthy person like me comes into the office, they don’t see any need to spend time or effort helping me—they have lots of people who are much worse off, and my problems don’t look like real problems to them—it’s not life or death or diagnosable chronic disease. I have wanted a partner in health for myself, but I couldn’t find one…so I’m doing my own thing, and I’m just glad I have the knowledge and resources to explore.

Have you heard of candida (yes, it’s a form of yeast…but no, I’m not talking about private part infections)? The issue I have with many new dietary and cleansing approaches is that they are too heavy on sugar and even grain-carb sources, which all feeds candida. Gluten intolerance can come from candida overgrowth, as can many other sensitivities. I have about 10 years of information built up in my head about candida…is that information something you want to know about?

621 thoughts on “Taking Charge, Investigating Health Mysteries…and Why PIP?”

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  4. Lisa — Congrats on your first steps in PIP! I've had some weird skin coloration issues, too. An orange color in my hands, even though I've tested negative for jaundice and other liver problems. Hm. Candida has totally messed with my belly and my husband's, too — it's most of the reason why he's gluten intollerant!
    Since I'm cleansing too, I shared a link to your post here in my blog – spreading the healthy vibes!

  5. girl, you amaze me! I love this PIP! Your reasons are so valuable too! Natural healing. And yes, I would love to hear more about candida. I tried to stay away from yeast for a long time. Its kinda like soy to me. A little bit here or there in my diet is okay. Happy Saturday!

  6. So happy to hear PIP is working great!! I have horrible stomach problems that go from one extreme to the other (if you know what I mean…) all the time. It's miserable πŸ™

  7. Does Tonik Health Care work where you are? It's supposed to be a LOT cheaper than regular health plans if you don't get sick often. At this rate, you probably won't need to go to the doctor often! πŸ™‚

    I was confused what PIP stood for for awhile, but figured it out!

  8. Just curious… with the “Mexican Mystery”… you weren't on any antibiotics at the time were you? Certain antibiotics, such as Doxycycline, can actually cause discoloring/pigmentation issues while on and it's usually advised to stay out of direct sun contact.

    But anyway, I love that you're taking charge of your own health and inspiring others to do so, as well! =)

  9. way to go for taking charge of your own health, lisa. that mexican puffiness thing is so weird….i commend you for living pro-actively and also for testing new approaches on youself – we are each an experiment of one. please keep us posted as to how you're doing!
    i went to a naturopath about 10 years ago. i had been having trouble breating while exercising for about 9 months; all the doctors and specialists could find nothing wrong with me. after less than a month on the naturopath's plan i was cured, and have never had an issue since. convinced me of the value of a mind-body-spirit approach to health.

  10. I totally agree—life and health is such an experiment!

    I'm also with you on the naturopath thing…I just don't trust the

    pharmaceutical and mainstream medical industry!

  11. Hi Peggy—interestingly I was taking nothing (and hadn't taken any

    medications in years) except bc pills. The derma said they probably caused

    all of it, and I think it was maybe related, but I had been on them for a

    decade with no issues. Thanks for the idea though—there's something weird

    about all of it!

  12. I love every single thing about this post. I too am without health insurance, and I'd rather spend $387 a month on healthy foods as preventative medicine at this juncture in my life. I want to hear your take on candida for sure, but would you also do a post on the homemade cultured veggies, fermented coconut water, and fermented almond cheeze? I NEED to know about these things. πŸ™‚

  13. Lisa, on Friday I tweeted about self care and having a physical and you replied- well, interesting that you post this about the doctors apt- cuz I got nothing- zero he didnt even talk to me- He did say “You look good” and “all the tests last year were good” and gave me my BC perscription and one for physio and off I went. I know I am canadian and tests cost me “nothing” (meaning just my federal taxes) but still, it is odd.

  14. That's funny- I work in psychology and sometimes feel like I am coaching my clients on their health (nutrition, sleep, relaxing, etc) when I should be saying something else!
    It all ties together, doesn't it!

  15. Health can be so frustrating, like a guessing game. Its great that you are taking charge, hopefully PIP will help ease some of your symptoms. I am in the same position of no health insurance! I have some nagging health issues as well: hypothyroidism (which I do take hormone replacement for), Raynaud's phenomenon (which I am told there is no cure fore), and the back of my arms get very red and have small bumps! Nothing too big, just little annoying things…could be worse I suppose! I am interested to hear more about PIP. Have a great night!

  16. Interesting. If I had health insurance…I would still go for a physical

    too, and I would still have an expectation (hope) that the doctor would care

    about my health more than just numbers on a page that fall into a certain

    range. In my past, I've always left disappointed…but I always hope!

  17. Yes, please share your info about Candida!! Just started to learn about it this week and am amazed at the effect that it can have on many aspects of our health. After many Dr.s and MANY tests, no one can tell me anything except “it's probably IBS.” I am so frustrated and now thinking that this Candida could actually be the key and not one Dr ever mentioned it or tested for it!

  18. Take me as your client! lol

    OMG we're just so similar! I do believe that most of our health issues can be minimized or even cured with a proper nutrition… it always comes down to the basics, right?

    I don't have health insurance either (and I go to medical school, so think about that)! And I haven't been any near of sick for as long as I can remember… my last cold must have been like 4 years ago…

    My doctor is homeopath, so he just prescribes this kind of medicine… and since I don't have insurance, he doesn't charge me because he said he doesn't charge other doctors haha I went to heaven a little.

  19. Pingback: Tratament Holistic - tratament candida

  20. Great post! I am all about natural healing. I have dealt with candida issues before, but actually facing it again.

    Love fermented foods and drinks!! We make them all the time.

  21. Yes, I want to know about candida! The reason is because I'm on an antibiotic for my skin right now! I really dislike taking any kind of medication (like you, I prefer more natural remedies). However, my skin breakouts were becoming too much–so I went to the dermatologist who put me on a antibiotic. Eh, now I'm freaked out about it! So more info would be much appreciated!! πŸ™‚

  22. That is it- number that fall into a certain range. I guess I could have insisted but I know I am healthy. And what can I say- umm- I have given up gluten?? πŸ˜‰

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