Every time I hear the phrase Outrageous Joy, I can’t help but smile. Why does the concept sound so absurd and abnormal in everyday life?
I have read a gazillion books about how to be healthy in body and in mind…and in whatever else there is besides those two things. Our relationship to the universe? A higher being? Even communicating with dead people?

I listen to my library of books on CD in the carΒ sometimes. One of my regulars is Ask and It is Given by Jerry and Esther Hicks. They talk about many concepts that I love—Better Feeling Thoughts, what life is really about (“The most important thing in life is that You Feel Good!”), how to get what you want…
Every time I listen, I get something new out of it. Right now, I’m totally on board with experiencing Outrageous Joy.

What if we went through life pretending everything was easy? What if, when someone died or got hurt or lost a job, we were sad for a minute but then laughed celebrated and took the next step? Β What if we removed the filter that makes us use our past experiences and societal norms (other people’s opinions) to interpret present situations?
I was spurred to this by experiencing tragedy, and a commitment to make good things happen out of a bad situation. I found out through that, and from wellness coaching a lot of really stressed out (and some not so stressed out) people, that how you feel throughout the day impacts you the most. Your work still gets done the same way, a person is still dead or hurt, a job is still lost…whether you laugh about it or cry about it.
When you feel badly, you’re just damaging yourself and setting yourself up to feel badly some more.
What if feeling Outrageous Joy was just a simple choice? You choose to live that way, or you choose to let your surroundings determine how you feel? What if you chose it whenever you could (when it was easy to), so that when the really serious crappy things confronted you, you could get back to Outrageous Joy more easily and more quickly.
What if you chose Outrageous Joy (or even just reasonable happiness), and this started to affect your surroundings, instead of the other way around?

Whether you believe in energy medicine, life force, vibrational frequencies or not—you could still choose to feel happier in most moments. I don’t mean to minimize things like depression, and I wouldn’t expect someone who is feeling awful just to jump to the top of the emotional scale…but what if progress toward it was an option? We tend to think that we don’t have control over our thoughts and feelings…but there is actually really good information out there that says otherwise.
Did you know that if you’re sad, a higher emotion on the scale is anger? And that frustration is higher than anger? Β What if, wherever you are right now, you just reached for the next level?
We like instant gratification, and we’d love to jump from dispair to outrageous joy. But it’s just like lifestyle change—take baby steps, and you’ll progress toward your goal. Take a huge leap, and in the same amount of time that the baby stepper realizes her goal, you’ve bounced back to square one three times.

Do you know the emotional scale? I think with a little knowledge of the scale, and a little perspective adjustment on happiness, it’s easier than we think to take control of our own happiness…regardless of our situation. I really believe that if you adjust your feelings, your life will follow that trend even if it’s more slowly than you’d wish for.
I practice this very often, and part of the practice is to quit fighting things in life and to stop comparing my happiness to other people’s standards. So I had to do 14 hours of work on the computer yesterday and 3 hours this morning–I did it, and it feels good to have accomplished what I need to do. I immersed myself in each moment instead of grumbling about my to-do list and interrupting my focus.
What could you up-shift toward Outrageous Joy (or even Reasonable Happiness) today?! I think the term Outrageous Joy brings attention to the fact that we rarely let ourselves feel that way. But why don’t we? It feels good! And couldn’t we all benefit by having that feeling more often?
The secret to mastery is practice. Can we practice on the easy things, and gradually learn how to transfer it to everything?
So, I’ll talk about the anti-candida approaches in my next post.
I hope your weekend is filled with Outrageous Joy.
This is awesome!! Just the boost I needed today, thank you!! π
Girl I love this!! Especially the zevia, I keep seeing it at Lori's but it is just so darn expensive! Good thing I know how to make my own fizzy Kombucha:)
I definitely need to consider how I can turn things into Outrageous Joy. As a student, little things can get to me, but if I stop and think how I can transform that, life will be so much more joyful. Thank you for this post, love!
I love this! I am definitely enjoying time with my boys this weekend! This was very inspirational! Thank you for sharing!
I totally resonated with this post. I need to be positive more than I am right now…I think it'd make me happier. Meditating has been helping, though π
& green smoothies + mason jars = love. My morning ritutal, so delicious!
Awesome post!
Hope your weekend is filled with outrageous joy as well! =D
You're so uplifting!!
great proposition, lisa! i love this! thanks for sharing your thoughts and your ideas…
i love how sometimes outrageous happiness strikes me out of the blue and i just have to smile. could be a song. could be a thought. could be just “being in the moment.” it's lovely to just be aware of the thought “i am so happy right now!” when it hits.
love your new shoes. i need to try socca-making. dark choc + stevia would definitely be a treat i would choose.
hope your saturday eve is filled with outrageous joy! or just a lot of happiness!
Yes, Zevia and dark chocolate is definitely a treat! : ]
outrageous joy is a wonderful phrase!! I have had a really great couple of days, and have definitely had moments of outrageous joy…
this is a wonderful post and a great theory – thank you for the inspiration!
what an intriguing combo for a juice! I badly wish I could try that. if only… straws definitely bring joy to any beverage though
Great post. I have been wanting to try socca too- I've heard its fabulous. And I LOVE your new sneaks.
I wish I could learn to focus on the positive things more!! Outrageous joy is a great concept, and I hope your weekend is filled with it too!
Lisa, this post speaks such volume. It is true. Positivity breeds well, more POSITIVITY! Thank you for sharing this. Beautifu perspective.
by the way, just made my first socca today. OUTRAGEOUS JOY for SURE!!
Another amazing post. I feel like a broken record, but you're posts somehow are almost always spot on for me. Thank you!
what a great post. i totally believe we have the power to chose our emotions and not just be a slave to them (although i'm still workong on this skill….sigh…) hope you're having a great weekend! don't work too hard over there, eh? π
love the outrageous love! chose happiness! Have a great weekend!!!
everything is way more exciting out of a fun mason jar =) from icecream to delish green monsters! Though i'm not big on ice cream either! This was a super uplifting little post love – thanks for that! =) you put a big smile on my face fo sho!
practice is totally where it's at! I used to be a debbie downer like my mom but i've learned to tell myself over and over that everything is going to be ok.. and not just ok… everything is gonna rock! <3
Jenn @ Peas & Crayons
Excellent. Simply awesome. Can't wait for Monday!
What a beautiful post! This is really what I've been asking myself lately: how can I help myself to feel the joy that I know is all around me? I'm a very happy person, but it's easy to get complacent and to stop looking for the love and joy in every day. I loved reading your thoughts!
i love the concept of outrageous joy! happiness without limitations or judgement. have a great weekend!
What socca recipe did you use? I have some chickpea flour that I tried making socca out of, and it was good but not quite amazing.
Pittsford Wegmans has Zevia now π It's a little cheaper than Lori's!
I don't know how to do trackbacks (actually, I think that I *can't* do trackbacks with blogger). But I wanted to let you know that I mentioned this post today on my blog. What you wrote really resonated with me!
I heart this post!
This is really a great post, Lisa! I absolutely agree and I think a lot of the time we have much more control over our happiness than we think we do. You mentioned that you were spurred to this by experiencing a tragedy — I hope all is well with you!
This was a good post for me! I've picked up the book, “Breathe Deep, Laugh Loudly” by Judith Kravitz and have been taking myself through a breath journey to really FEEL my emotions (instead of stuffing them down). The end result will be a lighter feeling, and hopefully the outrageous joy you blogged about today. It's SO NICE to read a blog that has depth. Most I read, mine included are so fluffy that it's hard to get a sense of the person really behind the blog. I appreciate your “realness” and putting your views out there.
Love it!!! I also made socca this weekend, will be posting it tomorrow. Zevia rocks my world!
I had that same Zevia tonight, and it was a treat for me too… I choose outrageous joy for the week ahead!!
I just order garbanzo bean flour to make socca. So excited!! How did you make yours?!
I love your outlook on life. I agree, life is too short to be anything but happy π
The socca was just equal parts flour and water. I think it would be better
with a little flavoring….I put sunbutter on it to eat it, and that was
great! The smaller soccas were better…
I can see adding a little stevia/vanilla for breakfast socca, and some herbs
for a dinner/veggie meal.
To make it thinner, you can add more water….I'm envisioning rolling stuff
up inside it! Yum…. π
This made me smile with outrageous joy. I have been feeling some intense outrageous joy lately and I realized that it really doesn't have anything to do with any concrete difference from where I was a year ago today other than my outlook and perspective. If I approach life as a fun game and find pleasure in the simple things and fill my life with love…not much can hold me back. π I should take a picture of my cupboards. We have EVERYTHING in Mason Jars. It makes both Ryan and I very.outrageously.joyful. π
I definitely feel like there is true power in positive thinking. Positivity is a choice and a great choice to make at that! Hope you had a great weekend :).
– Beth @ http://www.DiningAndDishing.com
What you said is SO true! I've read something about it in a book called MIND GYM and it says: “10% of life is what happens to us and 90% is how we choose to react to it”. I confess it took me harder than I thought to learn this (and yet I'm still learning) but is something totally worth working on. Our perception of life is really what is gonna determine if the situation is 10% bad or 90% bad π
Talking about dark chocolate, have you ever tried Kallari's 92% cocoa chocolate? It's the best thing I've ever tried in my life. <3
I think treats don't have to be bad for you to be “treats.” I had a delicious red pepper today that was a treat to me, but the ice cream I ate didn't really feel like a treat because it wasn't anything special. So I think treats are what we make them π
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