Have you ever had nutritional yeast? I know, it doesn’t sound good at all. But I’ve learned a lot about it since I started reading about vegetarianism. It’s not that I never eat meat…but I just prefer veggies (and I’m too lazy to cook meat for just myself!). Nutritional yeast, nicknamed Nooch, is an inactivated yeast that has a cheesy nutty flavor…and one of the best health benefits is that it’s high in vitamin B12, which is something many vegetarians are deficient in. So vegans and vegetarians use it for two reasons: (1) it tastes like cheese and (2) it’s a great source of B12. You can sprinkle it on things that are hot or cold (on popcorn, in sauce, on salad, etc.).
I was really craving mac and cheese this week, and I didn’t have the ingredients to make it (and did you see the snow/cold we were getting?! There was no way I was venturing out to Wegmans…). I came up with a really great sub for mac and cheese, for me anyway. The problem is that it’s really not pretty, which is only a problem for the purpose of pictures, and that’s never stopped me before so…
So, what’s in it?
In a frying pan, add 1-2 tbsp of organic butter or coconut oil
Dump in one bag of frozen broccoli (yes, I said a bag—-and I used the Wegmans Just Picked version…there are way too many stems/stalk pieces in it and it’s not organic so this is really not ideal..but it worked). You could also use fresh…and I hope I do next time.
several tbsp of Nooch (probably 4-5)
Add 3-4 tbsp mustard (Westbrae or Annie’s are the best in my opinion—they don’t have anything weird in them. Check out the ingredients in your mustard next time you look at it and be shocked…)
Sprinkle Turmeric over it (be very generous—this adds some flavor and a LOT of nutritional benefit. Plus, it brightens everything up a bit)
Mix and saute on medium heat until the broccoli is done enough for you. It’s like zesty mac and cheese…sort of!
Do you have substitutions that satisfy your craving for things? I also made this with cauliflower…and that was good too, but slightly uglier.
I've read so much about nutritional yeast and just never got around to trying it. You've motivated me… I'll be giving this a shot in the next week or so… maybe with the picky little sister eater.
(See you today at lunch!)
I think you'll like it! Or you could come over and we'll use mine so you can try before you buy…
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