My Mom is a terrible photographer, and she knows it. One time (before digital cameras) she took pictures for many months before realizing there was no film in the camera. But I'm still glad she sometimes captures the essence of a cuddle session.The Scrabble board from game weekend with Matthew...He was so proud of spelling Joey, which you can't see all of here. Related: I have friends coming to visit---and we need ideas of games to play (Joe would rather DO something instead of just sitting and talking). Help me with ideas? Do you think my mailman is mad at me? I don't mind so much, except this is a check and if it's too crumpled I will actually have to go into the bank to deposit instead of using the ATM.I was deathly ill last night---I still maintain that I must have been detoxing because I'm way too healthy to get a fever/cold and be that sick (I'm kidding, sort of). Joe kept my water glass full, and my irrational love for my blanket and couch helped me get through it ok.The contents and the packaging. Does this make sense---economically and/or environmentally?My new business card (on recycled paper). Call me 🙂
Oh yeah, about the break-up. Not with Joe, and whoever is spreading that rumor around can stuff it 🙂
I actually just broke up with my gym.  I love Midtown–it’s clean and fancy and the locker room doesn’t smell like corn chips. But I am transitioning out of Rochester slowly, and as an employee of FLCC I can work out in their gym. Fun fact: one year I worked in (babysat) the FLCC gym during the evening shift. It was boring, but I’ll never forget my little bro’s Irving and Marley who would work out (hang out) there everyday.
I’ll be doing more yoga, and more things outside (walking, not running with this pathetic knee…and hopefully skiing if the pathetic knee can handle it).
What are you doing for Thanksgiving? Any guesses about what I’m doing? Hint: there will be no turkey involved.
6 thoughts on “This Week’s Break-Up, Games, Weirdness, and Sickness”
I know what you are having for Thanksgiving! 🙂 Sorry you were so sick, glad Joe was there to keep you hydrated… who would start such a rumor?! I LOVE the cuddle photo, it is so precious. We played a game that Ali has, Balderdash I think it's called, way fun! She has some good games, I'd check with her… Happy Thanksgiving!!
Happy Thanksgiving JT! Thanks for the suggestion—I'll ask Ali and look for balderdash. It's a good thing we altered our thanksgiving eve plans—I would have never made it. Still functioning, but the sickness has definitely slowed me down a little! Can't wait to see you soon—hug your boys for me.
I know what you are having for Thanksgiving! 🙂 Sorry you were so sick, glad Joe was there to keep you hydrated… who would start such a rumor?! I LOVE the cuddle photo, it is so precious. We played a game that Ali has, Balderdash I think it's called, way fun! She has some good games, I'd check with her… Happy Thanksgiving!!
Happy Thanksgiving JT!
Thanks for the suggestion—I'll ask Ali and look for balderdash.
It's a good thing we altered our thanksgiving eve plans—I would have never made it. Still functioning, but the sickness has definitely slowed me down a little!
Can't wait to see you soon—hug your boys for me.
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