…Is that there’s more weekend to go!
Did you go shopping? I went last year with friends and their mom—midnight shopping at the outlet mall (and then Wal-Mart…to be home at 6:30am)? That is so not for me. But, the girls I went with are funny, and I’m glad I went even though I only bought a couple things (mostly stuff for myself that I didn’t need). A lot can happen in a year—my friends’ mom has since been diagnosed with cancer, gone through treatment, and passed away. So I’ve had some moments of reflection today about that night a year ago, and what has happened since then.
What has happened to you in the last year?
Back on the shopping…
Joe and I were up really early yesterday, and we randomly jumped in the car around 6am and went to the mall—Best Buy first, because I needed a printer/copier/scanner (I’m so sick of Kinkos it’s not even funny—and when you teach online for 5 or 6 or 7 schools, you need to scan/fax things more than once in a while). We walked into the store about 10 feet, saw the display of printers that I was looking for, grabbed one and then ….stood in line for 30 minutes for 50% off. Was that worth 50% off? Sure, but I don’t have any desire to do that more than once. We also stopped at Lord & Taylor where Joe bought a shirt. No line there—but that’s really because nothing was on sale. Aside from the tweens galavanting through the store testing the cosmetics all over the place, it was very un-Black-Friday-ish.
We were back home by 8:00, with a hot drink and a newspaper. I don’t actually have any shopping to do (except I will buy some things for Matthew, probably games)—we don’t do presents for holidays. We’re going on a weekend trip instead, and I’ll tell you about it in two weeks when it happens!
What’s on your Christmas list this year? I don’t have a list to dish out—like I said, we’re not doing presents, which means we’re not accepting any from other people either. I already donated money, and will donate more in the next month when I find another cause/person that really needs it. I don’t know if it’s really possible, and I know there are things I see that I like, but I have nothing material on my list of wants. I could deal with some new jeans (but don’t need them), would like a pair of lululemon pants (but have plenty of yoga pants), still haven’t bought new tires (but will on Tuesday), have my eye on a few cookbooks (that I plan to buy used on half.com), and would love for someone to clean my car (but would feel really guilty if I let someone do that when I can do it myself). So, no needs and no wants here—other than just Time with my People. Laughs, seeing my friends over the holidays (and holding their new babies!), and going on that trip in a few weeks.
When we want stuff, are we really wanting the stuff? Don’t get me wrong, I love my stuff (maybe no one loves their furniture more than I love mine). I guess I’d just rather choose and buy it myself, and then use the holidays for something else.

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