Think of a 1-10 scale, with 1 being representative of super-hungry-almost-starving, and 10 being more-than-Thanksgiving-full. On this scale, 5 would represent being pleasantly satisfied and 2 would stand for feeling hungry.
Could you use this scale to help you decide when to eat and when to stop eating (and when not to eat)?
I have a little trouble with it—When I’m at a 2, I take a few bites and feel like I’m at a 5….but if I stop eating then, I’ll be back to a 2 in 10 minutes. huh?
It’s not perfect, but if you are having trouble moderating your intake or deciding when to eat, try using the scale, always staying between 2 and 5.

In order to try and not pass 5 (mindlessly), it takes focus on slowing down. Without having a goal of stopping at a 5, I would usually eat about half of this contents of this container before I decided I overdid it. Knowing I wanted to stay under a 6 caused me to slow down and actually check in with how I felt. What a concept! I’m going to keep trying it and see how it goes. Would you try it too?
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