Protein Sources and Supplementing Safely—Maximize Usability and Minimize Negative Impact on Your Body

It’s not a secret that I am a fan of Sun Warrior protein powder. Aside from the taste being good, I also like what its made out of—-sprouted brown rice protein.  Remember my post about hemp protein?  I like that too! In fact, I think hemp is my favorite, all things considered.

I like plant protein over animal protein (I’m not telling you not to eat meat) and I’ll tell you why.

When we’re talking about protein, quality and usability (which correlates with ease of digestibility) is much more important than quantity. If extracted correctly, plant protein is almost 100% digestible.  Sun Warrior (and others) contains a complete amino acid profile—so not only are all the parts you need there, but they are highly usable too. In general, your body knows what to do with amino acids whether they come in the form of complete proteins (meat that has to be broken down) or incomplete proteins (already in amino acid form). Additionally, plant proteins are packaged with lots of other important nutrients.

Side note: The terms Complete and Incomplete lend connotations that aren’t true—incomplete sounds like its less good than complete.  Not true. It’s just in a different form. Unfortunately, people make statements about the vegetarian diet saying that it does not provide enough protein, which is only true for vegetarians who don’t eat vegetables (Oreos and Doritos are vegan…).  There is an overconsumption of protein in America today because lots of processed meaty foods are calorically dense and nutritionally lacking—typically high in protein, sodium, sugar, and saturated fats.

Ok, back on track….

Did you read the hemp post yet?

I don’t like processed soy, and even unprocessed soy is something I’m cautious about recommending (it messes with your estrogen levels….a serving of soy baby formula has the same amount of estrogen as 4 birth control pills). Additionally, I’m not against whey, per say, but I do think some people are sensitive to it—especially those who have other food allergies and/or intolerances—only you can figure out if this applies to you!  Also, although less research has been done on the ill effects of whey compared to soy, it is usually processed with heat and chemicals, which is a con in my book.

I completely agree with Brendan Brazier (and highly recommend his books) regarding his opinion of protein isolates. Isolates are acidic. This is bad because stress, toxins, junk food, etc. are already nudging our bodies to be acidic (or to work harder to remain alkaline).  We need to do and eat as many alkaline things as we can that make staying alkaline easier on our systems (pH 7.35 is ideal).

Key points:

More processing and heating = more acidic

Isolating protein means the carbs and fat have been removed. High temperatures and chemicals have generally been used to do this, and the result is a lower (acid-forming) pH.

My conclusion?

Raw, unpasteurized (or flash pasteurized) proteins are best—they are most alkaline and least processed.

Additionally, plant proteins are more likely to contain chlorophyll, which is highly alkalizing. Known for this are hemp protein and yellow pea protein.

Now, we could totally get into how you should consume protein, but no one asked me that question so I’ll spare you that!

18 thoughts on “Protein Sources and Supplementing Safely—Maximize Usability and Minimize Negative Impact on Your Body”

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  3. Andrea M Roy (Sassano)

    Hey Lisa- thanks so much for the posting… I actually did a consult with a friend of mine that is a personal trainer and we decided to try two different protein powders… one is whey based and the other is from rice, pea, hemp, and chia. I am going to evaluate both- but your summary is incredibly helpful. Not only that- but I was reading the section of Nancy Clark's Sports Nutrition Handbook last night on proteins. Her standpoint is that we should be able to get all needed protein dietarily. Now based on the calculations I have found- myself weighing in at 125 pounds would need about (approx) 100 g per day. I have a moderate weight program (4x a week) and run 5 days a week. I tracked my macronutrient intake for two weeks and was shocked at how insufficient my protein intake actually was… which led me to protein powders!

    Now I am looking into Nutrient timing and ordered some references on that topic. Thanks once again for your knowledge! Wish you lived closer!!


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  5. Hi Andrea,
    Sounds like a fab plan—so much is strategy…and then so much more is trial and error! I didn't realize you were such a fitness buff!
    It's prob a good thing we don't live closer to each other—I can be quite annoying talking about this stuff all the time! It's just so hard for me to let it go…but I guess there are worse things to be obsessed with 🙂

    BTW, I'm having flashbacks to first grade…


  6. Lisa-

    I'm interested in trying the Sun Warrior Protein Powder, where can I find it? What would be the easiest way to add it to your diet? In a greens smoothie?



  7. Hi Miranda,
    The only place I've found it is online. It's pretty expensive—ranging from $42-$48, but it does last a long time (assuming you use a scoop or less per day). I only buy it when it's on sale (closer to $42). I'll give your sis a sample to give to you! That way you can see if you like it before you buy. I'll also let you know the next time I see it on sale.
    It really can go in any smoothie, and because it's so mild and smooth isn't doesn't make them yucky! A greens smoothie would be great—I tend to put it into anything and it hasn't ruined anything yet!


  8. Thanks! I would really appreciate that! 🙂

    I'm very interested in the SunWarrior powder, I did look online and it says it's hypoallergenic. Since we deal with food allergies, I'm very interested. This could be an awesome addition to our diet!

    Does the label say anything about being manufactured in a plant that also manufactures Dairy, Eggs, Peanuts, Tree Nuts or Sesame? Or made on shared equiptment? Unfortunately, there are a lot of great organic/vegan products we can't use because of same facility or shared equiptment issues.

    Thanks for checking!

  9. Too funny!! Well- about five years ago I had a little awakening. I was REALLY overweight, smoking, drinking, and spending a majority of time on the couch. I was really unhappy and decided I was smarter than this and took action. I worked for Wyeth (which now is Pfizer) and manufacture drugs everyday. The healthcare industry is my home and here I was not embracing it!

    So I bought a recumbant bike and took to exploring dieting… I quit smoking and started exercising everyday. That has been my passion since… about two years ago I took up strength training and have been running competively for a year now.

    I have a lot of resources here (up North in Plattsburgh) and we spend a lot of time talking about it too! I found your blog (since you posted it on FB) and have been addicted! I love reading it in the morning and I have been getting more daring with my Smoothie combos too!

    Anyway- keep up the great posts and keep in touch! I plan on doing a three way protein powder trial with the Pure Encapsulations ProBasics, PureLean, and the Sunwarrior this winter (I tend to increase my strength/weight training in the cold months).

    Talk to you later!

  10. Miranda,
    Here's the response I got…

    “I'm am not sure of the other products made in the factory. But I do know for a fact that before each batch of protein that we make, the equipment is very well cleaned and sterilized. There is no traces of Dairy, Eggs, Peanuts, Tree Nuts or Sesame seeds.
    A person with those food allergies should have no problem taking the protein.”

    Is that adequate reassurance? I know it's not worth taking risks with this kind of thing!

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