The Double Peanut Butter Chocolate Cups I made last week were so good, I kept thinking I should come up with a variation. Truthfully, the first attempt was horrible. So I trashed it and tried again. The second attempt led me to these pb&j cups, and later I came up with a neopolitan version…
The pb&j cups are amazing!
I was going for a peanut butter and jelly theme, and I wanted to come up with two versions. One would be low in sugar, and the other would use regular sugary jam.
I found Superfruit Powder for the low sugar option. The only other thing I’ve made with this powder is chia jam—I think I made it first with just acai powder about a year ago. But ever since then, I’ve been using the superfruit powder—it tastes really good, but the color is a little less vibrant than the acai (which is why I added red food coloring to this recipe–but you definitely don’t have to do that, or you could get creative and use beet juice or something. ha).
PB&J Cups
Bottom Layer:
2 Tbsp coconut oil, melted
4 Tbsp peanut butter
1/2 tsp vanilla stevia or 2 tsp maple syrup (to taste)
Stir ingredients until smooth. In mini muffin cups, add 1 Tbsp of the mixture to each. Place in the freezer on a flat surface.
Top Layer:
2 Tbsp coconut oil, melted
4 Tbsp peanut butter or other nut butter (you can even use tahini!)
2 Tbsp superfruit powder (or other berry powder)
1.5 tsp vanilla stevia (start with 1 tsp, and add more to taste) or 2-3 tsp maple syrup
a few drops of organic “safe” red food coloring
Stir ingredients until smooth. Add more food coloring till desired color is reached. Take the bottom layer cups out of the freezer. Add 1 Tbsp of the top later mixture to each cup. Return to freezer for 15 minutes or so. Then move to fridge (or put them straight in the fridge if you’re not in a hurry to try one!).
Note: You can also do the jam option! In the top layer mixture, instead of powder, add real jam and don’t add peanut butter or any sweetener. Just keep in mind it will not freeze solid (which is actually kind of a yummy amazing spin on these!)

I’m pretty tough, but my stitches hurt more than I thought they would. I’m wanting to go in the sauna, but thinking I should hold off. I’d like to go on a walk, but think I’ll skip that today too — it was hard enough to get myself to Rochester this morning and get through my wellness coaching (although I think I hid it well!)—you know all that talking, weighing people, and taking blood pressures is really tough. HA. Actually it’s not tough, I love it, and I had some great conversations today (as always!). I’m glad I went—it gave me an excuse to stop at Finger Lakes Coffee Roasters in Farmington, and I heard some interesting stuff on the radio on the way there. It was one of those days when I just wanted to keep driving forever ….or at least to Buffalo!
But I’m also glad I can work at home all day tomorrow.
My Thought for Today: Moving is my Drug of Choice.
This may sound silly, but I’m reflecting on the issue that I’ve been extremely active lately (not usually intensely, but 2-3 hours a day of activity and moving) and I went to doing nothing all at once…so it’s making me slightly anxious and aimless feeling because I know that being active and my sauna (and obviously food choices) are my version of Happy Pills. I feel sluggish already, but maybe that’s also partly because I’m not comfortable with stitches in my stomach (breathing deeply feels icky). At any rate, hopefully I’ll be back at my 6.5 mile walk tomorrow, the sauna on Thursday (maybe)…and yoga/gym next week.
When I don’t feel great, I am reminded of how awesome it is to feel good.
I learned about a new (to me) tea today from a friend, and I can’t wait to try it (it’s on its way in the mail).
I can’t wait to try it based on the ingredients—it’s basically every good natural energy booster (without relying on caffeine) put into one tea, and I hear it tastes pretty good. Anyway, I’ll let you know how it is. And this reminds me that I want to talk about energizing foods soon too.
Also on my list to post about this week and next: aloe for acid reflux, cholesterol lowering without drugs (or Cheerios), how to prep/eat nuts, infrared sauna… did I forget something I promised I would post about? These days, if I’m busy I’m posting recipes, and if I have more time, I’m writing based on requests… I never intend to neglect a request, but I’m sure it happens occasionally…so please let me know if I do!
How is your week?
How does being inactive affect your emotions?
Are you a PB&J fan?
I actually don’t like PB&J. But those cups look fantastic. For me it’s a texture deal. And I don’t do well when I can’t be active. Hence my super slow recovery right now.
I love sporttea… especially in the summer. I have been wanting to try Twister, so it’s good to hear you like it. I would LOVE to try these, even though I am not a big peanut butter AND jelly fan… these sound good.
I am not good at being inactive, I get antsy and cranky. 🙁 hope you are feeling better soon – Basil and I send our love!
I hope you begin to feel better soon! I’m SUCH a crab when I don’t exercise…it’s definitely my drug of choice!
Yea for your PJ&J cups!
Okay…I missed the whole stitches thing. I’m such a bad friend! I hope you feel better aghhh!
My girlfriend just got told she has high cholesterol…she’s thin, works out EVERY day, overall is very (obsessed) with eating healthy (like texts me daily about what to eat, etc when she is at work), but she has a sales job and eats out A LOT. So she texts me and asks ” do Cheerios lower cholesterol?” Ummm no. But when you write that post I will send it to her!
And I am so excited about our project! I have so many thoughts, will email y ou back when I can gather all of them :_)
Mmm they are so pretty! I love how you created the jelly flavor- you would have a great career ahead of you making nutrition bars or the like!
I’m so sorry your stiches are bothering you! No fun! I’m sending lots of positive thoughts your way! I LOVE Peanut butter and jelly! Those cups look delicious!
oh yay! I am in love with these cups! I also recently found a superfood blend that includes guarana, maca, suma, acai and cacao. amazing! will try those cups with that! I have never been a PB & J fan but I definitely have been eating more nut butters and definitely peanut flour since blogging!
Too bad we don’t carry that tornado powder at the store where I Work. We do carry that brand of just about everything else though! I’ll try it with the goji powder.
i do hope you can get outside today, lisa, even if you have to bump the pace down a notch (or two). i am with you – i need activity and fresh air. so, i am sorry the stitches kept your usual routine in check. take care!
i’d love to hear what you think of that tea! i have never even HEARD of twister powder! glad your pb cups worked this time around!
i hear you on how satisfying it is to chat with people, and for you, do your wellness coaching. i had a really good day at the storeS yesterday, and a lot of that was thanks to the conversations and sharing product knowledge.
glad you have a work-at-home day lined up today!
I think it would be awesome with goji powder (if you like gojis!)…I would probably have used it instead of this if I had it!
That superfood blend sounds great! This is definitely a more complex flavor than regular old pb&j because of the “exotic” berries used….so I don’t know that you have to love pb&j to like these… If you try them, let me know how it goes!
When I was a kid, I would be a strict PB sandwich kind of gal. The jelly just freaking me out – I was scared of a LOT of things as a child lol. But as I grow older (and have the ability to source really awesome local jam/jelly), I can’t imagine PB without the jelly! These cups look like the perfect snack Lisa =)
Hope you feel better soon. Have you ever tried to make jelly without the sugar? Last year, I made all kinds of jams without sugar, I love them!
I LOVE pb&j and haven’t had that flavor combo in quite a while! I’ll have to see if I can find that twista powder at my whole foods this week!
Sorry that your stitches are hurting you and that you feel icky. 🙁 That’s a bummer, but I’m sure you’ll feel much better by the weekend!
I can’t wait for your post on cholesterol lowering without drugs. My mom has been on medicine for her high cholesterol for the longest time and I was actually just talking to her about it last night. I would love any advice on how to lower her levels so that maybe she could stop taking the medicine one day!
YAY, thank you for posting this recipe! Ever since seeing it on twitter, I’ve been dying to see the end result. Yum!
Also – SO with you on activity as a drug of choice, TOTALLY agree. when I’m not active (whether from being sick or even from taking a rest day), I get really restless and I downright miss being my usual active self. I hope you heal up soon so you can get back to your “drug” hehe 🙂
i like the idea of the pb cup berry flavor being more acai or goji than sickly sweet. great job as usual, lisa!
it is really easy to get addicted to being active! it really does make the body so much more happy. being inactive makes me a bit of a biotch. hence i tend to be more unpleasant to be around on class days because i work 9-5 then have class 5-7:30. just a lot of sitting. but i try to get activity in where i can.
I have been eating sooo many PB&J’s this past week. I love them. I just made vegan PB cups last night that are amazing, but THESE ones with the jelly flavor look SO MUCH better!! YUM!
When I am inactive I feel sluggish and lazy..mentally that can be tough for me. I like to try and get moving at least a little bit to prevent my mind from taking over.
Yes, being active is a HUGE mood booster! That’s actually why I decided to train for a half marathon while being unemployed. Having a specific plan and goal to keep me motivated has helped my mental state so much these past few months!!
I can’t keep up with all the delicious desserts your making! I’ve never heard of Twister powder, but its seems really interesting.
I had a large beauty mark removed a couple weeks ago and it felt much better after a couple days. Granted I only had one taken off.
I still can’t decide what I’m making for Easter……
Stevia is harmful for you , please search online about it 🙂 . Buckwheat honey is very high in antioxidants due to its rich dark colour and its very sweet, almost like dark sugar and mollasess. The buckwheat plant doesnt need pesticides to be maintained so really most farmers dont bother on spending the extra money on pesticides so the un organic buckwheat honey has barely any contaminatns! U guys should defently try it .