Ginger-Berry-Basil Summer Drink (in the Winter)

Hmmmm…What did I eat today?

Who cares! I think you’ll be much more interested in what I drank…

When I was in Florida recently with my former college roomies, we ate at Wolfgang Puck’s at Downtown Disney.

I didn’t order this drink, but my friend Catie did, and she graciously swapped drinks with me when I didn’t like the one I ordered.

Basil Strawberry Mojito
You'll see...mine is prettier.

Then I had two more (and a big fat spinach salad for dinner).

My mom is going to be happy now that I’ve finally made this and posted pics that I can stop telling her how good it is (or maybe I won’t stop until she tries it too).

The thing is, I would have never ordered this combo in a drink, I don’t really like rum, and I dislike traditional mojitos…

Pre-muddled: strawberries, basil, ginger slices

This, Ginger-Berry-Basil drink is just awesome.

I didn’t copy the restaurant version exactly—that would be so not my style.

What you need:

about 10 basil leaves
about 4-5 strawberries
a thumb size chunk of ginger
squeeze of lemon juice
ginger ale
sparkling water (I used mineral water) + liquid stevia

Get a 12 ounce wide mouth mason jar…or something else if you must. Put the strawberries (cut in chunks), basil, and ginger in the jar with a squeeze of lemon juice. Muddle It. I don’t have much to muddle things with, so I just used a measuring spoon that had a rounded end. Next add vodka (or rum if you prefer), unless you’re drinking this at 2pm like I was. Put in a few drops of stevia (to taste). Stir with your Glass Dharma straw. Add several ice cubes, pour sparkling mineral water over it, and stir again.

The straw helps to avoid swallowing big chunks (although I got a few pieces through, and that was ok with me). I also ate some of the strawberry chunks when the drink was gone, and they were pretty awesome too.

At Wolfgang's they used ginger ale and rum...I subbed ginger slices and Gerolsteiner (and would use vodka if I was really making a cocktail)

Would you like this? What is your favorite summer drink?


43 thoughts on “Ginger-Berry-Basil Summer Drink (in the Winter)”

  1. Kristina @ spabettie

    I'm with you – when I want a cocktail I would use vodka – I'm not a rum fan!

    I love basil, though, and this looks amazing!

  2. Ginger, berry and basil are three things I’d never think to put together. I guess that makes some of the best recipes sometimes 🙂 I’d love to try this, but then again, I’m a big cocktail girl. I love having mai tais during the summer!

  3. Wow, I would have never thought to put ginger, strawberry, and basil together, but that actually sounds really good! My favorite summer drink? Hmm, maybe lemonade. I use to love it when I was a kid so I guess old habits die hard. 🙂

  4. i LOOVVE cocktails with muddled fruit, that looks delish (with vodka 🙂 )

    my drink of choice tends to be wine though, year round. if you ever have any questions about Australian vino, let's just say i've sampled a few.

  5. great drink invention, lisa!
    i don't really have a favourite summer drink…i have to say diet coke (oh, i'm so embarrassed!)…i'd rather eat fresh fruit than drink it – there's nothing like fresh, local strawberries in june!

  6. I totally agree! Eating fresh local fruit wins–I have no idea where my

    strawberries even came from at this time of year, probably california…I'll

    sacrifice them for a drink, but not my local ones 🙂

  7. Mmmmmm, yup, big fan of the Australian vino…although I'd have to work on

    my knowledge base before I answered any questions about it, so I'll default

    to you on that 🙂

  8. ginger slices and a mason jar! awesomeness.

    i love gin and seltzers (tonic is too sugary for my silly body)…and gin in tea, even in the summer. I also love any cocktail with ginger liquor and crystalized ginger in it — a few bars here in Portland maine have them…soooo delicious!

  9. This sounds really good! I tried cucumber basil water for the first time last year and I was surprised at how good it is. Basil is magical.

    When I worked at the movie theater and was lonely or bored out of my mind working the concession stand, I would make myself a little drink in a cone cup of fruit punch and Sprite because it reminded me of being at a party.

  10. That's so funny—I worked in a movie theater too, and we would always drink

    “Hawaiian Up” …Hawaiian punch and 7-Up.

    I love the idea of cucumber basil water—I'm definitely going to add basil

    to my water 🙂

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