Remember when I talked about how eating too much tuna is not good for you? Get it from a can, and it’s even worse (plus, the can is most likely lined with BPA containing plastic). Note: Chick pea surprise is a great sub for tuna, but it would also be best to not get the chick peas out of a can.
Joe has a semi-recent habit of making his own sandwich tuna—he buys the “cleanest” (best quality, least contaminated) tuna he can find in filets, and then he cooks it on the stove, seasons and cools it to room temp, and then flakes it for a sandwich. He has commented a couple times that tuna-eaters would probably call that wasteful of a good piece of tuna…but he wants a tuna sandwich and he’s not willing to compromise on the quality by buying it in a can. He has been using mayo, but we found this Veganaise made with olive oil and flax that he’s going to try next time.

The moral of the story? We’re trying to eat things in as “real” of a state as possible. Tuna, pizza, fajitas, even burgers…they’re not bad for you, just make them yourself instead of getting them out of a can or a box (or a drive thru!). Hopefully that’s the road school lunches are going down too. Maybe it costs more, but healthcare in the long run will cost a lot less if we reduce our disease states through eating real food (and managing our stress, but that’s another story). The US spends the lowest percentage of income on food compared to other economically-similar countries. We value bargains a lot more than quality–at the expense of our health.
That sandwich looks fantastic, but really this made me hungry for Chick Pea Surprise
That is really interesting, the fact that we spend less, as a nation on food than other countries. I hope that school lunches will make big improvements soon! So, what is the latest advice on “clean fish”? I love tuna steak, but have not eaten fish since I was pregnant with Jonas and am afraid to feed it to him too…
p.s.- Joe, that sandwich looked yummy!
Glad you posted this. I indended to make the chick pea surprise when you 1st posted it and forgot all about it. Gonna make it today for myself and Daniele!
Tuna is always wild caught, so you don't have to worry about that part…but the stuff in cans comes from big (icky) tuna fish that are old and have had lots of time to accumulate mercury. Sushi grade yellowfin tuna would be the best for tuna steak (it's smaller and younger, with less contamination…and way expensive), and if you were going to make it into tuna fish sandwiches you could use the frozen yellowfin filets.
I really am not sure if I would feed any of it to kids—obv, we probably all ate it from cans as kids and we think we're ok, but mercury does not easily leave the body (maybe if you could get Jonas to eat lots of cilantro and parsley—they detoxify heavy metals). I'm just not sure on this one!
Let me know if you guys like it! It must be a good day for chick pea surprise—I think I'm going to make it too.
I tasted the tuna—and it was really good, but I'm with you…chick pea surprise all the way!
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