A couple weekends ago, I decided to make granola, so I adapted a recipe from Kimberly Snyder—-and it’s so awesome I want to share it with everyone I know (and yet, eat it all myself!). I followed it exactly except I used Golden Hunza raisins instead of Thompson raisins.
Blend first (blender or food processor):
1 frozen packet of Acai (if you can’t find this, you could substitute ½ of an apple…but try to find the Acai because it’s awesome!)
1 cup raisins (any type—I used Hunza)
Juice of one lemon
¾ cup maple syrup
¼ cup sunflower seeds
1 Tbs. vanilla extract
1 ½ tsp. ground cinnamon
1 tsp. Himalayan Crystal or Celtic sea salt
Mix/Stir together:
1 cup Goji Berries
2 cups pecans
2 cups almonds
1 cup buckwheat groats or other seeds
1 cup sunflower seeds
1 cup pumpkin seeds
*I soaked the seeds and nuts first, but this is optional.
1. In a blender or food processor, blend the wet mixture until smooth (it takes a while!).
2. Roughly chop the nuts by hand or in the food processor, then mix everything from the dry mixture in a large bowl.
3. Add the wet mixture to the dry mixture, and combine till well coated.
4. Spread the granola on cookie sheets and bake at 250 for up to an hour (or just keep checking—you can choose how dry/chewy you want your granola!). The other option is to spread the granola on dehyrator trays and dehydrate at 115 degrees overnight. Flip and keep dehydrating for another 8-10 hours, or until the granola is crunchy.
5. Break into pieces and store in an airtight container in the fridge. The granola will harden in the fridge! (I always keep it in the fridge after it’s made so it lasts longer, but you don’t have to!).
To make it, you would ideally have a dehydrator, but I think you could also effectively make it in the oven on the lowest setting. Just be careful not to let the temp get over 116 degrees, or you’ll kill all the enzymes.
Here are some pics:

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